Archive for April, 2012


April 30, 2012







I would say Sunday was ‘another’ super mother fucking BOTBAR day, but it would not accurately reveal a deeper and realer truth. Since August 15th, 1986, every cock sucking cunt lapping mother fucking jerked off day is basically a mother fucking botbar day peeps. That as they say, Miss Whalehicks, is that, dinners with the Priceline Negotiator of the real future, notwithstanding. LITTLE FUCKING SILICON BABIES ARE ON MY SCREEN AGAIN. Fortunately for fucking ass me, they are not in it as they are many times, and cannot be wiped out with my finger. How I envy you all, livers in total darkness and ignorant bliss, the gods how I envy all the fuck of you. As with all my blogs from now on, we will not be beating around the bush for one miserable fucking second about EXPLORATRONS. If you read these words here, but did not check out this recent time travel situation with the great GOOGLE WOMO peeps, well, why then bother to read these words at all, paper squares? Even after posting all I have posted, NOTHING FUCKING WORKS ANYMORE, NOT WITH ME, ONLY WITH THE FUCKING CUNT EVIL ASS EMPIRE, NEVER WITH MY RIGHTEOUS EMPIRE, N—E—V—E—R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those turds, the Philly Flyers Hoickey Team beat my DEVILS. Every cock sucking thing with me since the seventies, this git bag spiritually dead cock knocking no good dick head prick, has fucked me on. He took over all the beauty contests because he knows I enjoyed watching them and no longer will, as I want nothing to do with this evil fucking rotten ass bastard. He has taken over the GONG-HIGONG-GONG, NBC Network with all his fucking evil ass stupid shit that peeps just love for reasons that amaze, astound, and mystify me in ways not describable ever. He fucked with Donna and my nickname for her in the start of the 80’s, calling that ugly black tub of his, PRINCESS. His casino was the only one in 1986 in Atlantic City who ever called me over to the commission booth to have me tell them exactly what I do when I play roulette, despite never winning any large sums of money, normally two bucks was my hit abnd I was out. He knew somehow, not to get on that helicopter that day in late 89 or early 90, when it crashed with his team aboard it. He was instrumental in blackmailing somebody to do a dead that led to her distant cousins death within 2 or 3 years. The list goers on and on. I had endless car problems of a very spurious nature whenever he wanted the evil-trilogy to work in his favor and get me totally fried and fucked, this went on from 1986 and is ongoing still nearly 26 mother fucking years in the cock sucking dick eating future. When he opened up his Plaza in ACNJ, he totally had my car wrecked on my way down, and it was never the same, a real Dave Roth Zatman Music Store non drummers deal, if I do have to mother fucking say so my cunt eating self, folks!!!!!!! Now a mathematician reading this can believe I am a totally deluded grandiose psychotic in need of serious mental health care, and they would not be wrong. The only problem that I have with this diagnosis, of my complete GENERAL BREAKDOWN, SINCE AUGUST OF 1986, is that, with or without the great ‘future’ internet and YOUTUBE WEBSITE, the dirt ball behind my hell is indeed, one DJBT. I suppose I have lacking evidence to prove most of this, right down to the fact that I also believe that he paid a nice sum of loot to DJDS to create the HATE-PAGE about me, also on the internet, GOOGLE up, MARK WAYNE MOHR OF HAMMONTON, NEW JERSEY. Oh, read all the comments. Am I the only one who also knows that this college shit head set me up at another recording studio, called Maxfield of Cherry Hill, so really, 1980 or not, just what is this thing about being TRAPPED in the FIELD, DONNIE BOY? I wish you would get fucking trapped in your sick twisted controlling nightmare, you rotten old ugly bastard. Getting back now however, to pure fucking ass mathematics and science and statistical fucking analysis, REALLY FOLKS, CAN EVERY SINGLE BIT OF THIS, ALL BE IN MY HEAD WITH THIS PILE OF SICK DISEASE, WHO PASSES HIMSELF OFF AS A HUMAN BEING? Let me take this fucking shit even further than that YO. I’ll tell you one more note from back in Jersey from good old god dam roger, yeah, great name bud, that I never printed or told about. It’s fucking high time, if for no other treason than to avenge Dawn’s blood, as she was murdered cleverly by political forces in the state of New Jersey, once she completed the task she was given to do to and against me in 2008, but things don’t fucking cunt stop there, not for a fucking ass long shot folks. You didn’t really think I was going to mess with that fucking stupid ass shit last year, didja college clicker? You couldn’t pay me fifty quadrillion dollars in fucking gold to do anything connected with you or your fucked up people or nutjerk-network, ass wipe. If you EVER, EVER, E—–V—–E—–R mess with or open up your mouth about, any Egg Harbor shit, or her secrets, I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU. Take this blog to your pals at the FEDS. I don’t fucking care what you do, you’ve been told, Michelle, to quote my old coworker, now give me a moment to hurl and upchuck folks, YUK YUK, now for the Listerine gargle, and now we’re back, and “in regular time” without being in any FIELDS. Where were all of you in 1979 when I needed you, H-2??????????????????? SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEITIT.


Yes GINA, I TOLD YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE PHILLIES WILL LOSE AND LOSE AND LOSE AND LOSE, THE FLYERS WILL WIN AND WIN AND WIN AND WIN, AND THE DOJ JONES CROOKED STOCK MARKET WILL GO UP AND UP AND UP AND UP, RIGHT THROUGH INTERGALACTIC FUCKING SPACE AND BEYOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As long as these dick head EXPLORATRONS endlessly have me to pick on and play with and persecute, basically said, I AM ONE FUCKING DEAD PERSON, DAVID ROTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are all ready dead, huh Barnabas, or Saint Hypnotized. The shit seems to fucking work either way BREEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And either way, it is ugly, and it fucking ass stinks to high hell and back at light speed cubed.






For those not yet getting it, the internet is a tool, and like all tools, it is owned by the owners of the world, the WOMO, the dudes like Trump and those richer than him. They don’t care about the money you know, they really don’t, not when it all comes down to the full truths revealed at the end of the game. They want total control over the lives of me, and all of you out here as well, and they want you all to be nothing like me, but to remain ignorant sheep, or too timid to complain and speak out their hatred of injustices perpetrated on their slaves or us, by these wicked fucking masters, or them. No, I told all of you that the market would go back to record fucking highs and cross over and go right up to the stars, I gave some dates to be a funny man along with some wild prices, but in the end, I was dam close to being totally right, while all you dummies out here were scared of a crash and selling off like fools. I know how this fucking game is played because I am in with these players. Not in with them on this realm, we coexist on the Astral Plane, and I know this cult called the Briggbase Minority of the GMC (Great Millionth-Council). The reason I am so connected here and have so many run ins with this group that all agreed to come here and do this entertainment world shit with no awake or conscious memory of it while here, is because out there in the real energy realms, or the subatomic true reality or ASTRAL-PLANE, I am totally battling these ass holes, and am as connected with them and their evil cult of traveling trouble makers, as one could ever get. Fire is a powerful tool, and McGuire has machines and secret knowledge on that rotten street of his, as did his fucked up daddy before him, and so forth. He has all the state of New Jersey right in his miserable evil fucking pocket. They stole my website cleverly, they wrongfully refused to refund my 2009 state income tax money that was due me when I moved down here to Florida, and filed in the early spring of twenty-Marola-ten, and I could literally go on and on and on, making the list read like the length of Moby dick, War and Peace, and Morianity up to this point, all spliced fucking together. Don’t think I am exaggerating here with this, not for a second peeps. Well, you all wanna’ be cute as piss squared? OK, Mister Hoseking, in any of your family identities, dogs on the roof and all over the radio station, future Mayor Levy JR. Games, games, and more games, this is what these EXPLORATRONS live to do, play their sick endless twisted games. Fine. So let me guess a few names and guests that are somehow all caught up with all of this hellish nightmare shit with me for so long now. Let’s take an honest fort Pierce stab at a few things before I retire for the night and wake up to begin another wonderful and lovely new work week, brand new, only without any skates or keys, or forty-one lost years of general break down or nervous breakdowns.




So what’s the scoop, Clark Kent? What’s up doc? silwee wabbit, Whaaaaaaaaaaaaa, I mean really folks, not just the Warner Brothers, but all of us, we all are pawns in the hands of advanced dreamers who know how to activate the ultimate time machines and mind control over all of humanity. There are no space aliens that are real, or time travelers, it is all a great parlor trick of EXPLORATRONIC ACTIVITY, this is gospel truth, take it, don’t take it, SAWN YOU, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On Pearl Harbor Day of 1996, 69 magical number days after I wrote the song called, “SARAH” from my apartment in Williamstown, NJUSAESMWG, called the “Highview”, where the great and  lovely Paulaxploratron, paid me a visit witnessed by maintenance man Sam, only I to this day have only the memory of her ringing my bell, and then she was just gone and I lost twenty minutes of time, a real similar story of UFO encounters by so-called abductees. Yes, she came over about one month later around June 12th give or take. This all happened right after young punk Nick, gave my hubcap a smash up job outside of a psychic shop just a mile down the road from the HADDONWOOD SWIM CLUB of Deptford. This pattern in time is a wee bit too perfect to be just a bizarre random series of happenstance coincidences, in my book at least, and this blog, IS MY BOOK, YO!  I am sick of this fucking key that hacks itself off. Let me retype. It was fucking 69 days since May 12th and December 7th in 1996, and then in 2008 when I bought my computer at the Staples Store, it was 69 days again that I was off the grid and not blogging. These looping digits are indeed quite fucking magical. Yes the great December the 7th in 1996 was the day that I woke up with a powerful bang at 5 in the morning, out of this, NOT ODF HACKER SCUM; but OF THIS powerful dreaming interaction, where SARAH KRASSLE said to me and I’ll quote the All Mighty Goddess, “Let’s play a game boy, guess the name of the guests”. We were out on Tennessee Avenue on a bright sunny warm day, and  Mary Tyler Moore was standing on a balcony over looking the street, and was staying in a room at the Trinidad hotel, where Sarah Callio admitted to me shortly thereafter in February of 1997, that she indeed did swim at this hotel pool frequently as a young girl as she never swam in the ocean. I have not forgotten my super-soaker days and theories, or the three connect-points in some wild tri-gate warped FIELD, one being at the RPL Studios, one at the Karge Hotel owned by Estelle Andersen Bassler next door to Robert McGuire’s Pittsburgh Hotel and Erin bar, and the third point being in the Cooley Hall of Haddon-(FIELD), New Jersey, all three points are in New Jersey, and the asterisk chemtrail was made up of three crisscrossing lines that had six points, the STAR OF KING DAVID, my 92nd great grand father in this family lineage, and on top of that, me as well, directly. Yes, I am my 91st great grandson. Here is Psalm 152, no music will be put to this at any time, you can hear Psalm 151 on my YT Channel. Title, “Deal with this Another Time”.



The hands of time as do the stars, race along, and for what? To bring me endless misery, endless agony?

Darkness surrounds me at every turn, no matter how the clock reads noon and the skies be clear of puff.

I wait for thing that I am supposed to do. I long for the time that my god says well done faithful servant, come back into my great city and to my great party, with exquisite colorful brilliant lights all around everywhere, and happiness abounds, laughter, no sign of disaster. I long for you and wish to be no more attached to this world of bleakness and enemies at every turn, hungry for my soul, thirsty for my blood. Oh Jehovah my lovely one true god, I will never let you out of my sight, we belong together as one and I will promise in return to never be a shellfish. I will be your great fish, great and worthy of your infinite all powerful divine love. I will do what you ask me, then please, take me back home to be with only you, the only one I will ever love.





When the spirit leads me, I will type in Psalm #153. For right now, the topic continues regarding this fantastic encounter where the All mighty told me she wanted to play this incredible game. Mary Tyler Moore was standing on a balcony that never existed in this world. There never were any balconies facing the street here, only the pool. Right after I blogged in 2006, that one of the girls in Sarah Callio’s gang told me if I told my mom about what happened in room #323, that she would pick me up and throw me off the balcony to my death. This giant teen could have made good her threat, she was well over six feet and well muscled. I was under four and a half feet, skinny, flabby, and weaker than most four year old’s, at age 12 and a half. This is shy both my mother and I took one very large secret to our graves without ever telling the other about it. I never told about the gang r the threat or the rape in the room, she died ignorant of that; as she only knew that Tom Reale had molested me sexually, in late June and early July of 1970 on Cornwall Avenue, in Ventnor, NJUSAESMWG. But she kept a doozie secret from me, and gave me that wild hypothetical daughter every time I up set her in the nineties. She also told me that she didn;t care that she would not be a grandmother. Nobody says shit like that to an only son, not a mother alive. She knew she all ready had a lovely granddaughter, oh well, now at least I know she had one as well. Let’s go out and purchase a Hyundai car, like DUH!!!!!!!!






April 29, 2012






SBT-DATFILE: 042912.656.5555555555



















Folks, I am still under the air guns, but the weekend is far less than it was for me back on Friday, AKA STUDIO-DAY. In any case, I must be so mother loving important, at least to the OTAMM-MILITUFORCE, known as some unknown collection of ES, or EXPLORATRONIC SUPERMIND, see many of my older blogs from 2008, and give or take a year perhaps. Still, only THEY could have pulled off so much incredible stuff, and DID SO, as recently, they reentered into an earlier time and made all sorts of freaking changes. If they can go back to early times of this 21st century, it was no big job for them to take over my inner self in 1983 and get me to write such lyrics as Ralph and Sandy cry the blues, because their queen of Hell must lose, the valve of space and time are going to blow their fuse. Yeah sure, we hear lyrics and sentences like this every day, don’t we folks, WHAAAAAAA?







Well, ‘EXPLORATRON JOE’, as in my gorgeous coworker Joann,  telling me to “do a Joe” back at the RPL Sound Recording Studio in the autumn of 1980 or there about, with the vending machine when it didn’t seem to properly be working one night there; managed to do more than get me to write some real incredible outlandish lyrics in the early nineteen-eighties. But for right now, how about if we just stick with this one topic? Holy Kalio, Jim Burr said that if I ever got married, I’d drive me wife crazy. He is underestimating his hyperspace value by quantum leaps and bounds, super Jenny Johnson. Still, whoever designed the Tennessee Avenue Hotel called TRINIDAD in the early sixties, in Atlantic City, New Jersey, USAESMWG; were also the uninvited cohabitants of EXPL-JOE. I mean really, with a name like Sheegee Kruppa, give it a rest, at Ron’s or any other place, and I’m thinking of a pot smoking prick with a magical attic at this moment, peeps. Still, with SK initials, anything is possible, as the Christians like to phrase it, YO. If we move this from the Highlands of Scotland, great great many great grannies, and Mary, all the way into the late 20th century to the highlands of Abseacon, New Jersey; we just cannot seem to ‘ever escape’ the great initials of Scylla, but really, who wants to, with or without musical concerts performed by Her at the great Monolazarium Square, in Sahasra Dal Kanwal, on the Astral Plane of the subatomic realms? Still, Exploratron Joe, proved to really be a lot more than the brother of a mighty wonderful dish washing liquid gone wild with all other jersey housewives, the gods help you Louis Laines, (Chicky), but really folks, YO; driving me beyond both Yonkers and Bonkers throughout my entire young adult life, with this incredible bizarre recurring dream of my attempting to locate this way out and non-existent ‘school’, in Egg Harbor City, in New Jersey. If anyone mathematically or scientifically minded, and is reading this story; can tell me this is not a million or more super cosmic dots just waiting to be line connected by some Law & Order team, cosmically; then I feel so totally sorry for your closed minded extremely limited lack of obvious awareness. That freaking expression on the dish detergent’s face, every time I would say something about this, when I had not yet put it all totally together, as we would drive down the Julia Horse Pike and into Egg Harbor, so she could visit her Distant Cousin, the lovely Leticia Tilley, and her family; just yards down the way from the magical hyperspace grocery store of vanilla and chocolate cupcakes, called Incollingo’s, yes that smirk she gave me proved how horrible my daughter’s distant cousins really were. This goes and speaks for itself, the way she treated me worse than a dog when I gave up over 16 months of my life for this rotten family and Mizz dish detergent, the great QUEEN OF KINGS. Still, they all thought it was funny, HA-HA-HA, right down to the AT&T commercial, huh Miss Blake, and Mister Arthur Bancroft? Make all the noise and sounds you like EXPLORATRONS, screw you!!!!!




Oh yes sir, the mysterious school that I tried to find for years, and for reasons only known by the EXPLORATRONS involved in all of this, never could; but a detention center that keeps juvenile offenders, TRAPPED, now we get into some serious 1983 music of mine, written for no good reason whatsoever, by these things inside me influencing me to write all that nutty ass music; yeah, sure, OK, right, whatever Congressman. I need to thank my great LORDESS for two things, so it seems. First for untrapping me out of DOGTOWN, after I bumped off my brother, some bump, and is why we use the expression in the Lombardo/Callio world perhaps, with or without any great Fascitar Waking Freezes, and then second, for admitting through the back door that all of Morianity is indeed the truth, the entire truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me Her, precisely 12 years after I wrote the song “SARAH” which means in Aramaic tongue a long time ago and far away, LORDESS, that SHE is in fact, the RULER OF THE EMPIRE, and from the tallest building in HER GREAT CITY, without any help from any additional Masons or Carpenters. I’ll bet dollars to donuts cubed, that the other airplane a long time ago that struck this great building, reducing it a few floors from its original great height, was all ‘meant to be’ or we could certainly put it another way, (EXPLORATRONIC). What are the odds that the new number of floors matches the sum total letters in Scylla’s new Earth form name, 102, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still, this is nothing, dot connectors. The very same street in Egg Harbor where cousin Leticia Tilley lives on, with her great family known by the entire city and overall area for their somewhat wild partying lifestyle; with or without any pizza deliveries and dorky looking delivery boys; should you take it to its other end on the other side of town, just turn left at the IRISH PUB sign that Robert McGuire had posted up after all of this began in 2008, and there it is on the right side across from the ball field, Harborfields Detention Center. Change the DC to HS, and put it in Suffolk County, New York, and there is my kids’ high school. Then folks want to know why, and this is but a tiny fraction of all the stuff in my life; I am on disability, and suffered a major GENERAL BREAKDOWN, mentally, physically, emotionally; spiritually; and even ritualistically. Could any of you handle all of this baggage, to quote my old nineties girl friend, Helen Zebriski of Lindenwold, New Jersey? Wow, is everybody in Lindenwold like this? In fact, Matte Weightblocker and friends, of the ACBP, I suppose my real question to all of you and lovely very distant cousin Bobby Ma gee, (McG), do you always go around terrorizing folks on beaches and public streets who are totally freaking innocent, or is it just me.? Oh don’t bother to answer that one, YO, we all have the answer all ready, I’m quite positive, gee-willy. If my old friend Tonia is out here, I’ll let you print the second part of the willy word. I no longer am at HFOC either, Good riddance. I told big red or Grants GGGG grand-kid within her earshot distance, a week B4 she got rid of me, that the cock would crow three times and sure enough, as with Jesus and Peter quite a while back into time, it did. I just showed her what was all ready going to come to pass. WOW, hey, I’ll never say it as good as you did it, a long time back. Talk about ONE VOICE in a wilderness, huh Baptist John??????????????????????? Well, there are a lot more than 95 good reasons for my ending this blog, but I only need one, and that being, I feel like it, BRAHHHHHH. Bye-Bye.








GOOD OLD EXPLORATRONS, the answer to the mysteries of the world since forever, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



April 29, 2012




SBT DATFILE: 042712.884












There are indeed some things to tell and say tonight, folks, so have your feet propped up and a nice can of beer on a nearby coaster on an end table, as this will be wild more than long.


Laugh at me all you want when I say this, it is your funeral some day, and mine today, your offspring tomorrow. I’ll come out in the open and not beat around the bush, peeps. EXPLORATRONS, went back through time to early this millennium, and created other websites, before I ever started my blogs on the internet. Should you try to GOOGLE the word “exploratron”, many things will pop up, none of which have anything to do with me, Morianity or Mountainpen. Still, thanks to GOOGLE becoming so advanced, they merely have made me vanish into the semi fog with this neat little trick. To find me, one must search two names or terms together, this will get around the recent time travel. Now you would need to merely click as follows: “Exploratron Mountainpen”. Separate these two words, and put bothy of them in quotations, then GOOGLE SEARCH IT. Still, it complicates it, and THAT, Sir Rock-Trek, WAS the motive and the equation. Does this all fit into what has been going on all throughout both Morianity as well as my own private personal life? You bet your cornfields it does, sweet Annie Assbet.




The real Space-Age will be reality, when NASA can launch space craft, and there is no mention whatsoever in the media, until then, it is the Baby Space-Age. This is not my quote, it was taken by a famous cousin to a summer camp counselor of mine in Northeast, Maryland, back in 1968. If you think or dwell on it, you will see the validity of the statement. In like manner folks, the so called Information-Age is the time that we supposedly live in and have since late in the nineteen-nineties when the internet began to slowly grow and expand. The world at your fingertips, along with all of the knowledge and information known to humankind since forever right up through right now, and all right there in all of our living rooms on small machines called PC’s. Well, I do not argue intensely with this idea or concept, but I do feel the strong urge to add a few words to this presently accepted terminology. Are we, with all that we not only know as a collective humanity while awake and conscious, but with this mind bending relatively new ability to be instantaneously accessible with all of this terrific   information; via internet; really any closer to getting at the total truths, than we were in the pre-wheel, or even the pre-fire days; to the most important unanswered age-old eternal questions? Morianity has indeed told these truths, but who or what is Morianity, and why should it be given any freaking credibility? Well, nothing at all, is the correct answer, humanly speaking, hence, it is not given any, ‘zip, nada, zilch;, and old Wonder Bread commercials. Patty Jane can take it from here on that subject, and he had a few real good extras to add into this list, a while back; cool man. So with zero credibility, the truth will stay buried, until and unless, the powers behind truth, WANT these revelations to come into being, with or without off setting pendulums swinging, or Lightning goddesses of 1983. Am I totally off the mark here, Copyright Office? But with or without any credibility; no law as of yet aniwho, is preventing me from posting onto the internet, these powerful and awesome truths, one by one, reiterating them all from time to time, thus putting new spins on them as my life moves on and along into interactions that cause them to cross paths with each other differently and continuously, so, I indeed will keep up the fight for truth. There is no time for Supermen or women, American ways, or even justice, because fighting to expose the TRUTH is always a FULL TIME JOB, and as all US President’s will tell us, a thankless one for the most part.



Powerful things will be told about what EXPLORATRONS are doing in my life, and for a while, I’ll keep it centered there, later on, taking it into a broader and more encompassing depth and scope of larger world realities. I have always known what I know right now and I mean consciously while totally awake. What I was not aware of however, was that I did not properly assimilate this knowledge at all times in my life, and if you were to draw a line that would depict a curve that would reveal therefore, my actual enlightenment to this truth package of a sort, it would be slanting up and up for the past 20-40 years, yet little really new knowledge, of an ‘other worldly nature’ so to speak, was ever really ongoing or increasing on my personal life all that much, if at all.



We will get back to the information/knowledge subject shortly. Right now, here is the continuation report, so to speak, of my daily persecutions, and daily caused disasters with the WOMO-MILITUFORCE. This entire fancy word, along with an Astral-Plane doppelganger counterpart, or the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, or one third of this mighty mind boggling group or club, known on all Astral circles, as the LAMBRIGGER CULT, is all wrapped up in the Donna Fargo Funny faces and country tunes, and many other things, in one very powerful and unfathomable word, and you all most likely by now do indeed surely know it. It is EXPLORATRON. Until very recently, this existed only on my blogs in a particular 5th dimensional series of near-atomic signature vibratory realities. Recently however, these very EXPLORATRONS, went back through time made alterations, and of course, peeps reading this that may have thought they made up this word or used it back in either oh-3, or oh-5, or oh-7, or ‘whatever’ Congressman; are all caught up in their own illusion and life and would tell me I’m a nut case. Unfortunately, I have witnessed these activities a lot longer than Mister Hawking has been in that chair, no offense meant. It annoys me that these hot shot degreed peeps are a century behind me, insisting that these things can only be represented on chalk boards along with Einstein and his famous E=MC SQ, and this is all a huge lie, or at least a big ass misconception. It most certainly can be taken into a research level in the world of all of our daily lives, but to do this, you need to understand some powerful truths, printed in the BOM, “BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN”. I have been messing around with hyperspace since the nineteen-seventies, totally aware of it and fully lucid to it. You need no “time machine” or “space craft”, or whatever. You need not physically ever see the near areas of any wormholes, and I could go on and on, Serena Sutherland, you lovely gorgeous blond. Now there are indeed a dozen peeps on this planet who know that MORIANITY is not a fake, a publicity stunt, the ravings of a totally deluded madman, or anything similar to any of these scenarios. But a dozen next to many billions of humanoid beings, well, that is a very miniscule ratio, still; beggars learn to take what they can get, very young into their careers, and the mountainpen is no freaking ass exception here. Rules are rules, and nobody breaks rules in cosmos or in the Lawtronics, or the circuitry of the seventh dimensional system. There is no anti-gravity despite scientists insisting on using this term, or anti anything. Antimatter is not breaking any laws, but is called that because the polarieies of the proton and the electron in antimatter, relative to us living in a matter universe, are in a reverse charge. It is like a bank sitting on top of a movable architectural mobile structure. It is one thing to go to the bank and swing it around on the opposite site so that the front door now faces the rear parking lot, but it is entirely another matter to waltz in to it with a weapon, and demand money that does not belong to you. The example is similar with gravitation. What science thinks of as beating this system someday or in an earlier time by so-called aliens or our own selves from tomorrow with some really way old cool technology, is all bull shit. Anti-gravity is accomplished in no different a way than an airplane flies through the skies. We learn quite simply, to interact more efficiently WITH these laws of cosmos (Lawtronics), be it so we can fly an airplane, or lift up the Pyramids of Gaza as if by pure Merlin Potter magic. 






Now here is a short run down of yesterday, Friday, and today, Saturday. Yesterday, I had a major sky attack. The aerial harassment was off the scales, choppers over me, nasty chemtrails making me very sick today as a result, planes of small types, Piper’s and Cessna’s, it was the biggest air siege in a very long time, and started the second that I left my residence, to drive over to Port Saint Lucie, to the Avalon recording Studio, to post up two versions of my song form 1996, “SARAH”. The rock-surf version of it was done by “Flags & Stripes of the 60th Dimension”, Shorty MacInvondi; and the country version of it was done by the great wonderful Dennis Parker, of Nashville, Tennessee. I posted these onto my YOUTUBE CHANNEL, AS IS, off my cassette tape that managed to be only one degraded copy off the master music done in the middle nineties, this was a tape that by mere chance, managed to get into my personal item bag while I was hurrying to sneak some stuff out of the house where I was kidnapped back in New Jersey, amazing huh, kidnapped, yet owned by an agent in the FBI, Steve Caruso, Only in the life of Mountainpen, right Jimmy Patterson? You try coming this close to totally unfathomable and I’ll buy you a steak every night for a month, kind sir. The third posting; this was on the flip side of this cassette tape. This is music that I played on my keyboard almost note for note, but on a different keyboard, back at the Meeker home in Gibbsboro in 1992. I then later did another re transposition. Some of the music was written in 1975 and 1991 and the name of this work is cool as it has a wild story to it. Originally, it was going to be taken over to Avalon about a year or more ago, to be named, Music From Harvest Sike Ward. I changed it after a knifing in the back by a couple of folks at the Harvest, who I told my idea, and they wrote a rap song and called it a similar title. I’m not as lucky as they are. They have access to home studios with illegally downloaded top end pro-tools programs, and can do anything they want any time they want. Yes, we are not all so blessed, or then, would Jesus call it this? In any event, the title now on this YOUTUBE project, posted yesterday, Friday early in the evening, is even better, so these two lovely pals of mine ended up doing me an exploratronic favor in the end. I know what is getting said here, and that is all that freaking counts, folks. Oh, yeah, and that other one dozen out of 7 or 8 billion. The new title posted there now folks is, “General Breakdown at the Musicians Sike Ward”. Enjoy, it is real whack, like me, huh Donna Jason Summer?????????????? Yes, information or knowledge (411) is power indeed, but David Smith set me straight in the autumn of 1970 when he gave me a powerful eyeball piercing gaze one day at school, and this teacher then [proceeded to tell me after I made that famous quotation statement to him, he added in “WITH FEELING”, yes sir, you were right all along, Mister Smith. Knowledge with feeling, IS POWER. Lots and lots of freaking power. One without the other, well, it bites, it chews, it sucks, and it’s totally worthless. That’s my little thrown in two cents, aniwho. Take it for whatever it might be worth to you folks. Only once was my advice followed, and the parkway/driveway irony struck hard. It would not have mattered one bit if my kid had gone back and finished high school, I mean really, would it? SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEITIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A lot more stuff will be told, but I am hungry, and my did-din is ready to be feasted upon, Betty Mommy Dearest Davis!!!!!!!!













April 27, 2012


April 25, 2012




SBT-DATFILE: 042512.165






HMMM, HMMM © 2006-2012 MWM/MWM/BOM/MF-2/





I will shed some illumination on stuff that needs it real bad right now, no matter what “THEY” do to me for doing it, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


When I lived in Mullica township in New Jersey from Halloween Day 10/31, of 2000 through early August of 2008 when I got TAKEN by THAT-FAMILY into THE TWILIGHT ZONE of vanishment and banishment, Poor Richard like it or not with the word; things were not great in Jenny’s Park, but the great PLAGE woman did not make things IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME, until I COPYRIGHTED on Halloween Day, exactly 5 years after moving in there, MY MUSICAL PROJECT, that included the waltz that I wrote for my Sarah-Stacey Krassle in 1910, and recorded it onto a little Radio Shack keyboard in the spring time of 1996 from the Highview Apartments in WILL-I-AM-ST-OWN, NJ. When I sent this down to Washington, DC, a real NO-NO thing for me to do, if I do not want death persecution from this free country, scheeee-heeee-heeeeee, Amy Cicone. Yummy. Aniwho; I AM NOT ALLOWED TO MOVE OR BREATH, and especially I AM NOT ALLOWED TO DO ANYTHING PERTAINING TO THE MAGICAL COSMIC LANGUAGE OF MUSIC folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is when Jenny attacked me and made me get a lawyer to fight her suddenly telling me that I could not store my stuff in one of the bedrooms, an illegal activity on her part, along with not letting me EVER have any guests over, at any time, I should try and sue this bitch to this day, as this is why I was anxious to get away and out of there at all costs, and ended up an easy target for this wild hatched plot of Stockholm Kidnapping, and I say all of this under a voluntarily sworn oath, and WILL SWEAR TO ALL THIS IN A FUCKING CUNT COURT OF LAW ANY DAY OF THE FUCKING CUNT WEEK PEEPS, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then when I COPYRIGHTED my next MUSICAL PROJECT, called, “Karaoke Lunch-break at the Sorian-18 Guardhouse, and was not permitted to include the magical 18 number in the title for powerful reasons that we need not be all too  concerned over right at this exact moment in time Senator Watergate, but directly following my sending this project down to WASHINGTON-‘600’, or in Roman numeration DC, POW and WOW, the STATE OF CROOJKED NEW JERSEY passed a new law for tenants and inspections, RIGHT SMACK DAB OUT OF NAZI GERMANY. Owners were exempt, but poor peeps, or renters, same thine throughout the history of humankind on this lovely fucking dick eating Planet Earth, suddenly now an inspection happened, and I weas forced to use the services of Ann King, to help me clean the place up. My place was cleaner and more in order than the majority of ‘really lived in places’, and I know, I have done my share of house hunting, and have seen the best and the worst. I KNOW A MOTHER FUCKING SET UP CON JOB WHEN IT IS PRESENTED AND THROWN INTO MY FACE, PEEPS. The entire thing that led to destroying my life was because I dared to send a new karaoke rendition of what else, but REAL-GOOD-GIRL, down to the COPYRIGHT OFFICE, on Halloween Day of 2007. Both times, they launched an immediate counter attack, to quote the late President, Ronald Asshole Reagan. NEW WEIRD ODOR all right. But I doubt anyone out here knows the absolute story behind all of this, well, maybe the Rastafarian’s and the Rosicrucian’s, but other than that, forget it Chaallee. Yes, David, you hated Alistair Crowley as much as I hated another sex offender, JOHN CROWLEY, of Lindenwold, New Jersey, he is on the list of offenders on the net right up there with Ed Himacane. David appeared out of nowhere before I was later sent to Bechtel Power to pull guard duty there, at the start of 1986 shortly past New Years Day, or it could have been at the tail end of 1985, my memory is spotty, and for good reason 001. I WAS HYPNOTISED, and not of my own free will. Wow, do I wish you were for real and not just a phase-four character, Patty. LK, you said you would make a way for me to speak with you if I did not listen tyo your advice on being re-hypnotized, a decade later, should I try and access a fan club site? I am taking you at your word. Maybe 003 can further advise you that I need to tell you what happened years later. Unfortunately, all of this is part of a NO-NO because of the profession involved. WOW, just tell me how I am supposed to ever win, oh yeah, I’m NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, I forgot BRRRRRRRRR.


This entire thing is not fair. Every mother fucking I had in this life has been taken away from me, and people all hate me and act like this was all my fault,m when I did nothing to deserve this mother fucking bullshit, NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!  Not one person alive can convince me that I have not cracked the biggest mystery on Planet Earth, and that being, just precisely what is happening to all of us, and that is dreaming, hyperspace, and Exploratronic activity. These three words tell the entire fucking tale. Laugh all you want, I will even throw in a set of stairs.


MUSIC. This is as big a word as EXPLORATRON. THAT, Sir Rock Trek, is the only part of the missing equation, in my book. I won’t mother fucking lie and say on this blog that I have the smallest clue as of yet, as to really why this is so. After-all, if “alien extraterrestrials” planned all this, EXPLORATRONS, then why make the possibility of this entire deal coming forth  into public scrutiny, such major and absolute cock sucking taboo? Still, Aunt Barbara from 1938, “THIS IS SO, IT CAN BE TRUE”, and it is all true, but beyond that, YO; it needs to get resolved. Just who do you think folks, is stopping it from getting resolved, WOW, you got it my friends, “EXPLORATRONS”. Still, WHY, and also, why this music shit? After-all, they did not know this wild shit, THEY PLANNED IT ALL, and long before the scummer time of 1969, Pat Loversummer Robertson, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!









In the following several blogs, I will say totally unbloggable shit, I have had it, if this will not stop, then fine, IT ALL COMES THE FUCK OUT, ALL OF IT. LET ME GIVE YOU SOME STARTER CRUMBS SO YOU KNOW HOW BIG THIS WILL GET.

In 1996 I met John King, Paula’s daughter, at his parking lot or one of several that he owned in Atlantic City. An amazing and weird thing happened with us at our one and only encounter, it is all up on prior blogs, archive it. Shortly after this encounter, I was at the beach, and a seagull came swooping down and grabbed my hair brush on my towel, and would not let me have it back. I tried hard to get it back, as my hair is long and curly and messy after a swim in the ocean, and I needed it to make myself more presentable for leaving the beach, now I just carry a baseball hat. In any case, I have heard of trained dolphins, but a friend of mine from the great and infamous HARVEST FOOD OUTREACH CENTER (HVOC), of Fort Pierce, Florida, has done some research for me, and reached a wild conclusion. A 1996 project, very black ops and secret quite naturally, for training numerous wildlife to act as LAB DOGS and retrieve stuff. Seagulls ranked on a scale from 1-20 with 1 being tops, number 14. Still, TRAINABLE. Then I came to learn that there were several experiments done with various, not just gulls, beasts, and the results were studied over several years, but that many of these results were used to grab personal items just as this so that DNA comparisons could be done. It was around summer time in the year 2001 when the results were going into a privately contracted laboratory, but because of the 911 incident, things were put on hold. My point here is not real AE complex YO. I won’t say a lot more, only that nothing has been proven substantially, but I do know that shortly after all of this, a strange relative of the Atlantic City Beach Patrol then Chief, Robert Levy, later to become Mayor of this city while my life was being obliterated by governmental forces, and this girl told me that when that hairbrush was taken from me, as I admit to telling her about it and that we did get to talking after a lengthy period of her flirtation and me just standing there wading in shallow ocean water; and she told me that she had been sent to tell me that I tested positive for what was being searched for. Gee, Hans Brinker and his
lovely girlfriend, I mean really, “CAN IT BE”. How many clues does a detective need? I know my friend Anita Lu would pick somebody up by now on a lot less than all of this, but let us not forget how crazy this all made a lot of folks get around these times, not just Jenny.  I came to learn that the private lab caught fire around the time of all of this. I wonder where Mister McGuire was that night, LU? But this is one item. The following blogs will also get real specific about peeps who have told me things in the past 30 years that totally support my seemingly being the only Earthling, that is currently onto the powerful truths regarding exploratrons. There is a reason, and not just because I am a Huntington. Another earlier Lenny is all mixed up with this one, along with a fairly famous New Jersey realtor who owned the Real Great House of 1986 Cherry Hill, NJUSAESMWG, AKA Raspberry Valley in book pseudonym. But exploratrons are not on my mind all by themselves because I have a real NEED TO KNOW problem about why I’ve been so vehemently prevented from having anything to do with music, something I enjoy with all my heart, and don’t care if I ever see a fucking dime out of it. I never did. I just never wanted to lose a fortune. I do not think that people should go to college for example just to get a job and then have to pay a weekly salary to the company for applying their skills. I do not see any difference with that and the musical story of my entire life since 1975 with that minster scum bag Lou Sauce, the white Wahtucie. IC Spell-Checker will be its useless self with spelling the name of that tribe of tall folks in Africa. In any event, this is all peelings and chip shavings off of the Titanic sinking iceberg, wait until I really tell honest true stuff, under full penalty or fucking perjury. I will gladly go to court at any time on any of this, go ahead and see if this is a Poker Game anyone. You are entirely free to call my bluff at any mother fucking time, any of you, as I have had a mouth full of this dog shit. Training a seagull, how sub-woofer can we get State Department? Still, I know you paid Eric’s agency off. I’d like the vacation he’ll be taking later on, WO. Linda was bad enough, but no excuse for his behavior exists. I only told what I knew to be factual, and you all paid him to fuck me over and over and over. Well, big heroes, drum roll for them Richie Carpenter; I won’t be crying tonight, not for none of you sick twisted git bag bastards. You can all burn in Dogtown for many minnina kalpa. There’s no freaking lawn mower anywhere around there folks, wolf-wolf-wolf and yuk.


I told you Jennifer Wash, that that city is no good, and neither is THIS WONDERFUL FAMILY, now if you are still following the head Morian, you know I wasn’t lying to you. I don’t lie Jen, I’m not good enough at it, I’d get all caught up and twisted and look like a fool. Now I have been lied to and twisted up by other sick fucking minds, and won’t sit here denying that for one second.


If you’re reading any of this Letty, and that dude ever splits up, I’ll take you to PR. I try and keep my promises. Your cousin Dawn made my life a living hell, GIRL, nut I always thought you were one hot number, ‘HAY GIRL’. I’m in the phone book. If you come down here, let me know first, it would start a riot otherwise. Folks are used to you up there, down here peeps would go nuts.


Well it’s sign off time, folks. BYE-BYE, but so much more will be told, and THAT you can trust like a Prudential freaking ROCK, or a Star Trek one with the gorgeous android. Wow have men been born 50 years too early, reading these words. SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIT!!!!!!!!!!!!




April 25, 2012





SBT-DATFILE: 042412.779







Another day of heavy artillery fire, and three straight, again, as with last week, is occurring. These motherfucking scum bag WOMOTAMM EXPLORATRONS are literally POURING IT THE SHIT ON ME, hot magma mixed with cold wet liquid turd and snake vomit.


It began at one this after scum bag noon, with a tremendous bowel strike or diareah and cramp attack, sending me a half hour into the toilet. Then again, at six it started with doors everywhere, jerk offs hollering, and it came from not just one but several areas and sources. These snot chewing peeps are the reason I cannot get rid of my roaches no matter how clean my apartment is kept or how many raid cans I keep emptying, too busy for bloody shoes or mace cans. Also, Morty Mortino the Angel of Death, is extremely annoying recently, buzzing in both left and right ears over and over, and then disappears for a while, only to come back and fuck with me all over again, as he just now again did on my right ass fucking cunt side. This siege is really getting to me. I have a rating system, rarely is the scale at OFF-FIDDAM, ior three quarters, same thing. I bring it up and down in quarters, going to one, one point two five, all the way to three. There is no higher than three. A sustained three can place this world into serious freaking jeopardy. Remember my AEB, CCPO, ACPO, and WORLD. Ron Wirtz Senior, if still living, and most likely is, KNOWS THIS IS VERY FUCKING DANGEROUSLY REAL!!! My exact system for raising or lowering these quarters, is based on combinations of things done to and around me by EXPLORATRONS, all things negative, or not negative, and only I know the system. When I used to go public with it, THEY fucked with me a lot more, and this is not a fucking game folks. Speaking of games, I AM QUITE SURE THEIR DIRT BALL DOW JONES IS AT OR ABOUT TO HIT ALL TIME RECORD HIGHS, DESPITE GASOLINE OVER FOUR DOLLARS PER GALLON, and also I’d be willing to bet that there is a PHILADELPHIA FLYERS ICE HOCKEY GAME being cunt lapping played tonight. THINGS ARE VERY VERY VERY FUCKING BAD FOR ME RIGHT NOW, and this world is in imminent danger of being totally wiped out and obliterated, and completely devastated and utterly destroyed and pulverized. This is really getting on my last Dawn-Marie King nerve. Oh well, at least she didn’t try and fuck me last night. The Atlantic Ocean did appear to me in HER lovely giant teenage girl form, and she was extremely ‘friendly’ and nice with me, as SHE usually is.


A thumb sucking bratty child with diapers on can see what is going on, and has been. Like with the Holy bible, Morianity, which is not holy, merely the story of my interactions personally as MWM, on this ball of used up spinning puke. There is no intentional shiny bling or gonging or crashing cymbals. I tell the truth, when shit happens to me, it happens, and then when I occasionally learn that it has a rational explanation and that ki was not being targeted by vicious nasty EXPLORATRONS, then I retract previous shit, and I gladly and openly admit to it, just as was the case in a very recent ass blog.


Moving this crap right along folks, I have been suffering with this parallel-event nightmare ever since returning from wherever I went, when I fell asleep on the night of the 15th of August in 1986, at my residence in Cherry Hill, in New Jersey, USAESMWG. Obviously, EXPLORATRONS, advanced and collective, decided for whatever reasons, to move me into a non-localized or even a quite-distant location in hyperspace, or a parallel universe where the atomic combinations are more widely varying than those normally interacted with, by me, before this time. We all move a little bit, every time we go from any altered state in consciousness, such as from being awake to being asleep, or being asleep to being awake. We alter as we move through time, normally, based on the speed our planet is moving through the expansion around us or outer space, and we would alter more if we changed the speed in which we move through time, in any greater way than the normal way that we do just by living on the Earth and moving with the Earth, or moving in SPACE-TIME, to quote my father’s great Princeton, New Jersey park pal, Mister Albert Einstein, now don’t go dying on me, Stacey Mullicamail. Anyone can archive this powerful incredible blog and go back and learn why I use names and say things, that might not make all that much sense if you don’t know. In any event, let me move things along again LADS, LASSIES, LABRADORS, and LABBERS.




















Message to 001: I got your message.

Message to 002: I was not awake during the time of the show, but I never see my pal anymore advertising for you know what. I was wondering if I will be seeing more of him at the Bank of Akoslem or peeking in my windows at Ricktown Manor?

Message to 003: Why did you contact Linda Horn and send me mixed signals? I only want to do what makes you happy, ‘girl’.





Moving on one final time, this blog is not going to contain powerful hitting information, or tell a bunch of taboo things, or get into secrets. Still, it is going to tell that I have things up my sleeves, and until this ends one way or the other, it can go easy or hard for all of us, as I am not taking prisoners, nor do I intend to be taken as one.








This as you know is and always has been my problem. In case you might be slightly interested, it is all of yours as well. Not space aliens, who THEY can dream themselves to be. Not mean people around us, who THEY are at many various times. Not machines failing or messing up, as THEY become these machines and enjoy playing their games, not diseases like cancer and heart and all manner of other sicknesses, as THEY can dream themselves to become germs and viruses and tumors, and then enjoy invading our bodies, injuring and killing us. ‘I could go on’, Sabrina Sutherland Access Nation Magic Lantern. My point has been made, so if you all wish and desire to remain in darkness, when you have this great chance for illumination and revelation to all other questions plaguing humankind for thousands of years, then go ahead and be stupid cubed, sawn-U.




Soon, it is blatantly obvious to an one celled creature that Spell Checker always refuses to properly spell for me, I’ll be back telling huge things, for now, I’ll finish out with a little more message to 001 and general information about just what did go down in 1986, it is beyond astounding, and many of you only think you know it or GET IT. You don’t so read and learn, and enjoy. You won’t get this on your cable.


Nineteeneightysix, a harmless number on the surface, let us delve and dig a bit deeper however, shall we??????????????????????????

WOW” ********** Gee willagars, golly gash darn, and Library of Congress, can it be true, it must be so, Aunt Barbara, Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!Years in bothy the past as well as the future, this year stands boldly out in the middle, and we will not really get specific iobn this blog, this is just another Morianity new topic OPENER, and message for 001, pertaining to telling all the ugly story of this time, and to the best of my spotted memory, how lots of unexplainable stuff in 2012 all fits into this like a perfectly smooth comfortable glove over a lovely woman’s hand.



We start where a lot of things should start, at the start, early in the first sixth of the year, while I was employed at Wells Fargo where I now have a checking account since they bought out the Wachovia Bank recently. This is a very old American Security company, if you are a fan of the DUKE and Marion, AKA Mister Wayne, certainly not me, you all ready have seen the shoot outs and the stage coach robberies, and know about my security company. They had me working at a place in New Jersey called Bechtel Power Company, in Paulsboro, New Jersey, you heard me you crashing symbolic cymbals, PAULS BORO. Throw in the missing A to get PAULA’S BORO, and we get more than an additional letter, A or O, Carrie Collins. Wow does this get good right away or what folks, WHAAAAAAAA?





Only serious DARK SHADOWS fans might remember that lovely blond back in 1840, I know I do, she was so beautiful that I fell for her the minute I saw her in the show in 1970. But as for her remark about weird and weirdo, and additional vowels, let us get back now to not the additional “O”, but the additional “A” “lovely” “one”. Things tend to get smaller and disappear so easily in life, unless one is very carefully looking for all the super sleuth clues, am I right?

In any event, the additional A, Carrie my love. Yes boyhood crushes can be strong, and this lovely girl on DARK SHADOWS was around my age, perhaps a year or two younger at the most. In any event, A is a missing letter from PAULSBORO, and this is a major missing clue to the year of 1986. SARAH, along with her other identities do not hurt for letter the ‘A’ in their names, and in addition, something happened one night while at my security post at Bechtel Power in Paulsboro without the additional-A, and this is gigantic. You would say one of two things, I was visited by an extraterrestrial, or I am nuts and crazy. Neither would be true, nor was I asleep, despite ‘confessing’ to napping there in-between my key rounds upon numerous occasion. We’re not all in your mighty league, Lenny Briscoe Beethoven. This is how things begin in 1986, and yes, MORTY MORTINO is back, this time uninvited as usual at 7:55 PM on my left side, it was my right fucking side less than an hour ago earlier into this blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUH-HYUNDAI-TIME folks, WHAAAAAAAA. How things later from here, all lead up to the beginning of my roulette playing in Atlantic City, my going to New York City with David Roth that night to see the musical group perform by the name of, ‘NEW SHOES’ and meeting my daughter by pure chance, and then the soon to follow song being written called, “REAL GOOD GIRL”, followed by the “FIVE MONTH DREAM” THAT WAS SO POWERFUL, IT EVEN GAVE THE STAR TREK FOLKS, THE IDEA TO DO THE RUSSICAN EPISODE, WITH THE PROBE THAT TAKES OVER THE MIND OF CAPTAIN PICK A CARD, NOT GAWNUMLY. This thing that happened on the 15th, just less than two weeks following my trip into the city that never sleeps, after 841-12th, Frankie “PEE-CARD” CRASH-CRASH, Stephanie Taylor, but yes, there is so much more, that I could write a book longer than a thousand ‘HADDONWOOD’ books, as was mentioned on a recent past blog, and yes, I FUCKED UP, and MARK MOHR’S SARAH SONG is not the number given, I boxed it by accident. My EXPLORATRON neighbors are shouting in the hallway again at 8:07. Roach city, yes, life is fun for the kiddies, and the 495 box cats, huh GAGA? Still, 97 and 102, where are you when I need you now, Tony Zenun? SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIT.


Well, when the entire story about 1986 comes out, very  compressed of course, but this will be your message, 001, so later on, just know it will be up here. LIKE DUH!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes folks, I have some real total jerk off neighbors in this place. SOSO-WEIN???????????????????????????


Nighty night, one chance John McDowell from 1961, sir.







April 24, 2012




SBT DATFILE: 042312.936.5555555555555





99.99999999% DONT GET IT, BUT I KNOW A FEW DO”


© MWM/MWM/MF-2/BOM/ 2006-2012





















Only a few of you know what is REALLY going on, I could not be faking all of this, EINSTEIN could not do it, NOBODY COULD DO IT, only GOD can do this much, and you either think I am GOD, which I assure you all, I am not, or you see and believe, and 99 point whatever additional nines of percent, just hit the ‘NEXT-BLOG’  button, and move on. This is what YOU HAVE DONE FOR BILLIONS OF YEARS and don’t know it consciously. You refuse to tune in and GET IT. I am not speaking to the NEXT-BLOG tuners, but to those very very very very freaking few who DO KNOW I AM REAL, and so is MORIANITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!









No sweat, Mickey Patterson Smileyface Mona Lifeguard Lisa old gal, because I AM NOT going to be stopped or thwarted. I AM going to tell my true story, of coming up now on 574 deciannums now in this present persona, and carrying this adorable wonderful and quite lovely, HUNTINGTON CURSE on my freaking back, bleeding down to my poor red shoes.



NOW IS THE HOUR OF POWER, and we will start by printing PSALM #151, my song for my everlasting truest endless love, Jehovah, owner and ruler of the multiverse and beyond. This is the only PSALM that I have, and plan right now, to set to music. It is on the ‘YOUTUBE’, just  search under KING NEBNOOSHOO, then click the video called, “Deal With This Another Time”. Enjoy. And by the way, only the song is the psalm, the opening is a little humor between me and the great empire ruler, AKA SKY.








Those back stabbers, and stabbers up front, it’s not all that different for me. The skies, and the flies, and the neighbors next door, ‘saw’ just the same to see.

And every single lousy rotten day, no matter how hard I’ve tried, yes sort of as Clapton said, the things that I’ve done have all just died.

Oh let me deal with this another time, let me deal with this another time. The world is dark and now has lost its rhyme, the world is dark and now has lost its rhyme. And all I thought I knew has cracked in two, as now it’s so I know that I’ve lost you.

I’ve lost you, said I’ve lost you, and all I thought I knew has cracked in two.

I’ve lost you, I said I’ve lost you, and all I thought I knew has cracked in two.

Oh let me deal with this another time, the world is dark and now has lost its rhyme.

Let me deal, I said let me deal with this another time.

Sarah Krassle my beautiful love, just let me sing how much I love you.

The stars, and the trees, and the songs of the wind,

They will sing how you love me too.

And if you ever go away my love,

I do not know what I will do.

‘Cause all of the stars in the sky cannot shine without you.

Oh let me deal with this another time, let me deal with this another time. The world is dark and now has lost its rhyme, the world is dark and now has lost its rhyme. Oh you’ll just have to tell me what to do, so I can somehow just stop loving you.

Loving you, stop loving you, you’ll just have to tell me what to do. Loving you, stop loving you, you’ll just have to tell me what to do, oh let me deal with this another time. The world is dark and now has lost its rhyme. Let me deal, I say let me deal with this another time.



Now, as for PSALM #152, I have written this all ready, and will print it on a later blog, as will I print others that may follow, as the ‘spirit leads’ but remember, this is never to be added to the great Holy Words, as this is just between the great SSJKK and me, and for the record with MORIANITY.








Now the next item on the agenda with this current blog, is what else, but some more text regarding not my fave subject, but the ONLY subject, as Donna Fargo the great, would say it all in her great 1973 song lyrics, FUNNY FACE. As for me now that I’ve become totally aware and onto this nightmare, it is always about a lot more than merely Kevin Trudeau and money, but yes, you guessed it some few out here in the great WEB, SKYWEB, SATWEB, TIMEWEB, who knows, little sir breath echos of the Library of Congress????




   EXPLORATRONS    “and more”

e-x-p-l-o-r-a-t-r-o-n-s, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Before we do get into this tonight folks, let me first tell you that I asked the GAWNUM system two questions several hours back, and here are two powerful answers, along with some of the matching LISTS in my match book, WO, DAWNIE, easy girl, HAY GIRL, Letty, tell her I burn easily, ask any Patterson Beach House Lifeguards, as  they’ll tell you sweetie, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUH.












MARK MOHR’S ‘SARAH’ SONG, BG, THOMAS REALE, CONNECTICUT, SARAH CALLIO, TONI BRAXTON, and the mighty date we as a nation will not soon be forgetting, SEPTEMBER ELEVEN TWO THOUSAND ONE. How wild and magical is all of this, MEOWWWWWWWWWWWWW??


























The LISTS in my matchbook are as follows, for PCN-198:




CAPITOL CITY OF PROVINCE OLYMPIA, WALL STREET, UNCLE HEINZ, and SEPTEMBER TWENTY NINE. Again, not a real major popular PCN, but what it says on stuff from my personal list of important stuff, is again, QUITE MAJOR!!!!!!!!


Now we will discuss another unmissable thing folks, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Notice the length of my blogs. Every single mother fucking ass time, I do a real lengthy one, like the one that I did yesterday, Sunday, I GET SLAMMED, REAMED, PUMMELED, NAILED, SCREWED, and the only tools missing are drilled and sawed, but let us talk about balance. Changing balance is often done in ‘CARPENTRY’ or ‘MASON’ work, with drills and saws. Thank the ‘godatrons’ that I was not literally sawed, I have been drilled and poked and prodded, but that is not a now-event, so we can always do a Jim Rockford on that one, and I am positive that his fans know what I mean, from that really cool 70’s show, “Rockford Files”, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get a sense of humor, Microsoft Spell Checker, AHA-AHA, M-MCN. Let Maggie sleep in Rod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!She obviously looks better asleep, I loved’em older too as a kid, and STILL DO!

Folks, no matter which way you cut and slice the bullshit, and how much aftershave lotion is applied to try making it not smell all that badly, it still comes out in the end that every freaking time I do a real long blog, THEY NAIL ME later on, always within 12-24 freaking ass hours, YO. Now, if this is all in my whittle pathetic imagination, the odds for it being would be mathematically staggering my peeps, say around several hundred billion to one against it being just a random occurrence, BRO. So next time, I am under heavy artillery fire, be it broken hubcaps, rubber repairs dog food eater, or any other EXPLORATRONIC MAJOR ASS ACTIVITY, I will print some ten digit numbers that will shake up the universes, because these peeps have no Earthly reason to call me on the telephone and make electrical clicking sounds, totally unmistakable with no chance of it not being from the same sound source, and I have no intention of erasing any more of it off the voice-mail system. As of right now I can print just over a dozen numbers, with area codes, in states north to south and east to west across this great land, oh great Woody Guthrie sir, and by the way, HUNTINGTON HERITAGE OR NOM, this is my land too, buddy, and I am proud to be an American who hopefully one day will be part of a great movement to restore the OLD WORLD SYSTEM, Gore you phony fake. Learn the IAC system and quit trying to rip everybody off, and scare their dam pants down. It excites Dawn King too much, and pal, nobody is really dead. It’s just a powerful 6th dimensional fucking illusion, and I need my freaking ass sleep at night, ol’ bud!!!!!!!! TINKS, no “S” Melanie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, I am so dumb, it all goes past me, BREEEEEEEEE.




Let me wrap shit up now folks, my dinner is ready, and it is a quarter past midnight on Tuesday morning here on the Eastern Time Zone and Coast of the good old, non BULLSHIT (BS) USA, rock on my brother, well, you always did. Hay Ed, if you’re out of jail you shouldn’t be reading this, but your pal was in your city, and my kid’s Earthly city too. Did you hear about Governor Exploratron at his concert the other day? Wow, what a wild weird world, mad too, huh ‘MERM’, Ethel Mermen for you kiddies out here, WHAAAAAA.



So I will sign off and bit a fond farewell to friends, and my warning to fiends and foes. I do not think you want me to get Doctor Jack to pursue this matter either. And by the way, I ask so little, you turds. YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY can’t you leave me the fucking shit alone, YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY? 









April 23, 2012




2 DIVIDED BY 3 EQUALS POINT 6666666666666









The door slamming GUEST scum bag is back today, and came back last night. I have always had a problem with door slammers, rarely escaping this persecution for longer than a year or two or maybe three, during my 57.4 years on this wicked planet as MWM or me currently. Today, it began around five past one, and many times they are sure to do it at exactly one-eleven in either the AM or the PM, what are the odds of this intentional harassment, folks, just to make me see ones on a clock, huh dirt bag Jane F? Another two patterns also emerge, not just the always around one or in the first fifteen minutes past it, but notice the lovely initials of the words ‘door slammer’. Certain initials around my life are totally freaking inescapable. Oh well, I’ve been indirectly told that this is the case, not being able to get away from my life that is. Clarence Harris and I had this discussion on 1998 or 1999, I honestly do not remember which year, depressing shit is best left forgotten, if possible. Besides the DS initials and the times that it never seems to miss when bad, is a third thing as well. It happens every single rotten time that I am doing something connected with THAT FAMILY. They hear me on the phone with Ann King, or they hear me play very quietly, some music, but whatever it is, it literally MAKES THEM CRAZY, and then they violate my civil rights, which I fully intend to prove and send the evidence to Jackson, Sharpton, and the ACLU. I am 10PCB and proud of it, and I’ll have someone on this faster than Jack McCoy and his flying spit. It is note worthy to mention that I never see him any longer advertising for TD Ameritrade. I bank at TD myself and was trying to become a day trader with the dude who bought this computer and later via monthly payments, I now own it after paying him off. We are no longer friends and neither of us work any more for the fake phony charitable organization called HARVEST FOOD OUTREACH CENTER of fort Pierce, Florida. This Indian-Giver gave me a table to put my audio system on, and then took it back, no longer wanted to be friends, no more going out once in a while to eat and talk, it seems it is all my fault that I had computer problems and was not a guru, and that it takes fifty grand to open up a day trading account at Sam Waterston’s place or any place, I was told it is federal law, this minimum for day trading, whether it is true or not, I can substantiate, how can I ever know the truth or if I am being bull shitted by my Wall Street enemies who have the power to govern, own, and control my entire life, my old buddy, Alex Jones, co-hater of the new age America? How can I live much longer and stay at all sane, under all of this hell and persecution that they put me through either, my friend? HOW MANY TIMES, old buddy, pun intended, since this wonderful family is so caught up in the total obliteration of one, MARK WAYNE MOHR OF HAMMONTON, NEW JERSEY. Yes, you and me against the world Alex, and anyone else that you might have the clout to help in this fight against this unthinkable and unspeakable brutality, & the epitome of mans inhumanity of man.





I will be continuing a family tradition in the twenty-first century. I am going to begin the 151st Psalm without any music to it, all though, there is music to it on the YOUTUBE, click in the search for “KING NEBNOOSHOO” and then view the video called, “DEAL WITH THIS ANOTHER TIME”. Only posted psalms will be in English tongue rhyme, and posted there musically, there will not be a video on most or any of them, low budget operations force me to barely survive and get by, fighting WOMOTAMM is a full time and occasionally expensive job, lots of overtime, poor benefits, and it is a nightmare job. I try and keep the faith, but I am going to reveal a powerful secret piece of information that will embarrass the Free Press, yeah free, that’s funnier than Mo playing the role of Bob. So is was the BOOK OF BEACH when I need it up here in the dam future? Thanx Russel Thaxton, you did one heck of a job, fire-boy. Before I do any Psalm work, let me say that more than the Press will have their time of embarrassment for their persecution of me, as well as even crueler activities over the course of about 42 years now to this very era now, T-T-T-T-TOM!


I will print ten digit area code included telephone numbers who have called me, the PRESS being one of them, and I have their taped, voice-mail messages saved as well as dubbed to cassette tape permanent recordings, of them calling my residence repeatedly, and making lightning code sounds over the phone at me. This started the last few months that I lived in New Jersey before my coming down here to good old stinking sunny paradise Florida in middle December of 2009. I will show the entire world how real this all is, and most likely get a contract put out on my life, so I will be needing your help big time soon, my pals over at the MIAMI FIELD OFFICE OF THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION. You know peeps, you had a great wonderful boss once a while back, make him proud, YO. Hoover knew my dad and had him do some secret water dives, I have the photos to this day, a few things survived my trip down here with the clothes on my back, I did manage to sneak a few bags of my personal paraphernalia out of the house that last afternoon, while renting the Agent Steve Caruso home at 841 Sinatra-12th Avenue, in Hammonton, non-Hoboken, New Governorsnore Jersey, rock on Bruce old pal. You know Guv Naps, it really blows my mind how so many of my wonderful pals in Washington think they can endlessly get away with this Nazi type horror show being perpetrated on and against me all these years. Nobody is going to get away with anything. Things WILL GET PROVED, kind sir. I will politely promise all of you this, just look at the many items on the news. You think you can use our money to run around and have affairs out of marriage and steal, and live high off the hog, hay I would say go for it, BUT NOT ON MY MONEY, YOU CROOKS!!! I need to know who paid off the entire free press in my case, as my pal Alex knows only too well, only one family could do this, and Mister Robert McGuire, this huge secret of yours and the ‘other Governor, or his ex; is not gonna stay in forever. It will all come out. I am not afraid of any of you mother fuckers. Ask the CCPO son, Ron Junior, as I am quite sure his dad passed on the knowledge to him of my “AEB”. I will use it soon, if this does not stop, and if you won’t stop interfering in my life, so I can fucking catch a fucking ass break. SHAME SHAME on all of you bastards, SHIRLEY GLANDS, I can’t dance either, so let me find where Mike Jackson is hiding out overseas and give the tabloids the story of the millennium. What a thriller that’ll be, YO.


In ending this blog, Haddonwood Swim Club will someday be an entire book. I could almost see it in a similar vein of my daughter, only it will not be musical, but the real deal. Most likely it will just be a book however. Still, the very nature of the place and the entire story with this place, “WOW”, the word does come to mind, and she had the good sense to use a release date that the PCN showed a great match for its title back late in oh-9. In any event, yet me re-tell a nightmare story that was observed by the owner of Konrad Beer Distribution. They had a place across the street, and a high end security system real state of the art. I was contacted shortly after working up at the Tulleytown Landfill in Pennsylvania, leading to the intentional auto accident that crippled me in more ways than physically for quite some time, and many other things all happened, and so I got the message to back off this thing, only now, what the fuck do I have to lose. The Chief of security had retired, and sent me photographs of the entire aerial assault over me on many days while I was at Haddonwood and outside at their outdoor swimming pool. These photos showed what I was going to post next on the MB website that is now in the hands of the Atlantic County Prosecutor Office in New Jersey, confiscated via complex political strategies. The EXPLORATRONS ARE AT WORK AS I SPEAK, THE DIRT BALLS ARE SLAMMING AND SHOUTING OUTSIDE MY DOOR AT THE TOP OF THEIR SICKO LUNGS ACTING LIKE MOTHER FUCKING TOTAL CRAZIES, AND I AM ABOUT TO CALL 911 AS DEBBIE THE MANAGER TOLD ME TO DO. This is a real super BOTBAR times two day, and I will be calling 911, as they are acting violently and slamming to the point where I’ll end up in here with a heart attack, this is illegal activity. Let me post up and get ready to call 911, the GIFLIES of Haddonwood can wait for later, but you can see what this power activates around me. I am posting this up and getting out of here for the day, so they will lose.


END BLOG, YOU SICK SCUM WILL ALL DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


April 22, 2012













Well, here are some updates folks since last postings were made. First, today, the WOMO-ENEMY of ES (EXPLORATRONS) awoke me with a very bad sore throat, as always, right out of the blue, and all else feels totally fine, more sky poison or some other form of bio-hazardous attack on me that began on June the 4th in freaking 1983. Nightmares last night were off the chart horrendous, and to boot, the AT&T landline telephone was hacked yet again, this happens on a very regular basis, every three weeks or so, somewhere around or just less than twenty times annually. This new type of phone utility siege with OTAMM-EXPLORATRON, while I lived in Florida for nearly two and a half years since middle December in 2009, after running away from the wildest family on Planet Earth, has strange new as well as old mixed persecutions. The old disconnect from the entire system still happens as well as the off hook sound there after, but now in addition since living here in Fort Pierce, freaking Florida, YO; I get a loud howling screeching type of sound that is totally illegal, as if at that moment, I was speaking and holding the receiver to my head, I would be deafened, and this WILL eventually result in a major lawsuit against this monopoly giant, as it is logically just a matter of time, huh Donna? No man is an island, but as Letty might say, “Hay girl”, I wish I could be one under this Huntington Curse!!!!!!! I will never forget the great Leticia Tilley of Egg Harbor, New Jersey, the twin distant cousin to the awesome Mariah Carey. But awesome in so many ways, hay girl. Wow, you and your cousin are both mothers, I mean this in the nice way, but you know that!!!!!! Letty, if it wasn’t for Cousin Dawn-Marie, I would have taken you to the Island of PR and married you, wow, listen to me; and after I came within an inch of getting sent to Rikers Island in August ’86. I know it was your cousin who green-lined me a year ago, as I am no Alex Jones the great, I get no views from anyone. This is all erased off and re-posted since YOUTUBE hacks non mainstream folks so frequently, and my good pal Alex knows this all too well.












Now on with the show, folks. We can begin with the nightmares, or EXPLORATRONIC ACTIVITIES of last night with me. I was in yet another home and parallel universe, an antimatter one in reference to this one where I am now seemingly awake in physical form and body, typing this document with a keyboard.

Mr. Bob McDowell, great friend of mine from 1970-1972 in Haddonfield, New Jersey, just yards west of the Hopkins Lane Lilly’s Lilliputian Livery, down at no Callio-Coolio—-Cooley Hall. You know, a child can look up the history of all these punky folks and see what has been going on, Oh Lovely Lizzy Cum Bags. I know you have a great system for playing the stock market, but I might have mixed up the cum-bags with the towns of Babylon and Williamstown, and the year date of 1968 with the 1994 year date, both summer time eras, that is no mix up. Still, I have not done any serious checking, but yes, if it was around my kid’s 25th birthday, oh please no, I cannot deal with this, not now, and not later. Still, he gave me that system for the Dow Jones and insisted that one of his friends had a younger brother, and told a detailed story that I never printed, as back then, I was a believer in the EP or the ‘EXPLORATRON PHENOMENON’, but did not take dreams seriously to print them on my blogs, especially the ones that had real potential problems attached to them, and no no normal person would ever think of printing. Let me now take my less than 20/20 vision and move on while I still have any eyesight ‘left’ to march on with, ‘right’?  Moving on therefore, I was back with Dawn-Marie King, and Chicky her husband from Guatemala, was there, along with several other folks that I did not know at all from this universe and time era, while staying with this nightmare family in oh-8 and oh-9, Misses ‘Tennessee School Play Perfectly Timed Marola’. Oh Lovely Lisa, brother of the great Atlantic County Prosecutor in New Jersey, take pity on the one who you dared to call on your cellular-telephone that day at the end of oh-8-May, a “FAMILY DESTROYER” AND A “HOME WRECKER”. Forgive them, SSJKK, they only think they know what the shit they’re talking about, where were they when all those horrific stair chase tags were ongoing in real time, 594594594594594594594594???







In this powerful nightmare last night, I had unbloggable things happen to me. It was my kid’s 14th birthday, and in this parallel universe, Dawn and I were the same age we would be here, of course Dawn passed beyond this veil; of queers and tears and real Toms, on New Years Day of OH-MAROLA-ELEVEN, but here, she was very much alive and scarey. Both Dawn and Chicky were running around the house throwing lit match boxes at each other, and more and more small fires were starting in various rooms in the house, while I was running all around trying to douse them with a large coffee pot filled with water. I actually remember thinking, “WO, at least no stairs, or we’d all be doing that as well, only me there as well with this large coffee pot. Then things all suddenly ‘dream-shifted’ to parking a vehicle outside of a large building in a big city somewhere, and all of us getting out of a van type of a vehicle, and walking into a not too well lit building and heading in and to the right, then eventually left and up an elevator, a very large special one, yet not used for freight. When we got up about eight floors or maybe more, the doo opened and we all exited and walked into a place looking like a Turkish Spa.

We ended up in a room with many naked peeps all taking jacuzzi baths in large tubs with powerful jets spewing water. Dawn insisted that everybody be completely naked, and I remember stripping down to my shorts, and was wearing under my pants, a bright red pair of bathing trunks, and she kept insisting that it come off, as she was going to one by one fuck every guy in the room and in one of the sauna pools. My kid was behind me and I told her that I was not going to participate in this and that I was going to get her out of there, but she gave me a powerful shove instead, and I went head first into one of the larger of many of these pools in this weird huge room of horror. Each time I tried to climb out, my daughter would splash me hard with her hand, and asked me if she wanted her to get Mickey the lifeguard in there so I’d cooperate with her and her distant cousin Dawnie, an exact quote. I suddenly remembered the magical chant words originally taught me in 1988 in this waking world parallel universe to that one, and I hollered them out, “Zuudlow, Zuudlow please’ power, power, need”, over and over while Mariah just stared at me smirking in the way that only she can do, you would have to see it to know this exact look, y6ou would have to be family or a close friend, then you do know what I am talking about. I kept saying these so-called magical words, and she just kept giving me that wild smirk. Suddenly the lights flickered incredibly, and out of nowhere, I suddenly found myself in another room filled with many strange objects not at all recognized by me. I began grabbing them and holding them closer to me for a better look, and suddenly upon taking one of them into my hand; I found myself instantly pulled as if I was a long string, for what seemed a number of miles, and then, poof, I am walking down a sidewalk with two attractive older women behind me, and one of them began to fall and I turned, and she was falling into the street and would have been struck by a full sized tractor and trailer truck if I had not instantly reached her and grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her back away from her impending doom. She told me she was going to give me a big kiss and wanted to marry me, and I ran but she could run faster than I could, and was an over six foot tall full figured and very powerfully solid built woman, and I ran towards a parked white van and somehow ended up on its roof, and she took one leap and was up there along with me, so I jumped off down the other side and made it across a busy city street, and cars then suddenly came along and totally blocked her ability to follow me for a few seconds, so I darted into another building in this wild city, and then ran into two very strange dudes who were also friends of the family, one was Lisa’s friend, the other was Dawn’s friend. They were males, one was real thin and the other was obese as hell, the heavier one had very thick wild hair, the thin dude had long stringy hair like Shemp on the 3-Stooges show, only less of it, and a little longer. The thin man was about 21 years old and was close to six feet tall, and the other heavy man was perhaps a little bit over six feet tall. Some terrible thing had happened and these men were acting extremely weird. The bigger man was a little older, about 28 or so, and wore a pair of very thin glasses, the type that you can hardly see that a person is wearing glasses at all. The eye lenses were also very small in width. Somehow I gleaned that the bigger dude had been injured, his head was all bloody, and he was blaming this other smaller dude who I just somehow knew was not the one who had injured this man. Still, he kept screaming at him and was throwing water at him, and he was soaking wet, and then he went off and yelled, “OK, you want me wet, I’ll be wet”, and he grabbed a case of bottled water in this room that contained numerous food products, one being many cases of bottled water, and he opened it up and one by one, just popped off the caps and poured water all over his head and down under his shirt, it was a bright blue shirt. Then the bigger dude yelled that he was really going to mess him up and he grabbed him and I could hear bones snapping and popping when she got him into a wrestlers position. I ran out of there for my life, and into the street. The women were gone, but my daughter was there, and she was in a very beautiful bright orange bikini, her hair was all long abnd curly, and and she said and I’ll quote, “I-W-A-L-U, three times, these five letters, from the famous Whitney Houston song, only in that universe, I came to learn before the interaction was completely over, that there never was any Whitney Houston. Then I realized, while still in this DREAMING-INTERACTION, this is how I confused this 1990 song in my waking world, as I remember a totally different set of circumstances once existing, and still do, here. In the universe I lived at before that incredible 5-month experience in 1986 where I spent time in Atlantic City on Ohio Avenue in a parallel universe, before I woke up into HERE, wherever this is; the letters EMF stood for Electromotive-Force, here they stand for Electromagnetic-Field. There, only distance could stop these fields, here, we have built shielding systems, making many inventions here possible that would not be there. Also, Whitney Houston lived for 48 years here, over there, if this entity ever was part of ‘Phase-3’, it was not in my lifetime, it could have been at an earlier or later time of course, or even, not at all, but either way, there never was a song IWALU, and instead, my daughter’s first big hit song was this. This is YYYYYYYY I confused this is 2008 on my blogs from that time period, as they will show and reflect if ever archived. Remember that PHASE THREE existence is Physical Plane waking world life, as PHASE TWO is the subatomic or the spirit world or ASTRAL-PLANE, and PHASE ONE is the great VOID, the zero dimensional truth. We can come back to this later if so desired, let me move on now with some other stuff that needs to be freaking addressed in this blog, here today.





The persecution over the phone led to the nightmare. The same EXPLORATRONS that became the phone and then adversely effected it, then forced me into interactions with them, on their plane or parallel reality. Only an entire group of organized connectiveness that contains a singular agenda and purpose, can pull off all of this. This is why I know this family, and the girl that I knew in the sixties as Paula king, and her gang, Sarah Callio, cousin to Sarah Karge, Nina Soifer, and a few others whose names were never known, all very tall and extremely lovely luscious teenaged girls back then when I was about 2-5 years younger than these peeps, averaged, as well as their indoctrinated gang member, my Cousin Sandy, who went onto have three children that I know about, a set of twin, and then another daughter, Jeri. I only remember the name of one of the twins, Stacey-Alice. Don’t tell me how much of this is imagined or that this is all just mere happenstance coincidence, because I WILL, most definitely, spit right into your freaking eye, and I don’t care if you’re bigger than ‘KING’ KONG!!!!!!!!!! Now we move onto a huge powerful secret about Sarah and her friend Paula, if that meets with the great approval of the GREEK GODS John, and Photeous, of 10-SC Avenue in Atlantic City, New Jersey, USAESMWG, in the nineteen-sixties, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Twice, on the great Tennessee Avenue, I was walking westbound towards Pacific Avenue, and Sarah spoke a sentence, and in both cases, one girlfriend was there, once in addition to a car packed with folks who had just driven down Tennessee Avenue, and once right below the on-ramp where the sidewalk of this city street meets the famous Atlantic City boardwalk. This girlfriend of Sarah’s is the daughter of John King. There is no REAL John King, even though many folks in southern New Jersey would be willing to give me a gargantuan argument. I do not mean he was not there or real in that sense, but this man was taken over by an EXPLORATRON, as was his daughter.  There is a chance the reverse is true with his daughter, as SHE may have taken over my daughter’s mother. In any case, my only proof of powerful paranormal supernatural activity on this Atlantic City street, and to this very day, was on a website I owned for about two years, in early oh-M-6 through early oh-M-8. It was called, and can only be accessed now and later, by using something later invented and used in most futures in hyperspace, called DDT (Distance Delay Technology), having nothing at all whatsoever to do with the pesticide or the killing of jealous son babies on the greatest television law show of all time, “L&O”. Two sentences were spoken in this universe, and one in a parallel one years after the original two in 1969 were spoken, by a mystical girl born on the 18th day of July in 1896, lovely Amanda Shadows Harris, and not the daughter of Helen Harris, from Psyche Myrathus Griffin Pipe, all though, really, Power-ball fans, WHAT R THE DAM ODDS HERE, CUM-ON???????????  Somebody or really, SOME EXPLORATRON hates these words being blogged now at 4:32 PM, as a low plane is outside my window as I speak-type right now. Let me give you these three sentences now.



  2. I’M DARKER THAN YOU ARE, first week in July, 1969






  4. REAL FUCKING FUNNY SARAH-KRASSLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    YOU SEE FOLKS, IF THESE PRICKS HAD NOTHING TO FUCKING HIDE OR WORRY ABOUT, JUST AS ALEX JONES KNOWS ALL THIS only TOO MOTHER FUCKING WELL; THEY WOULD NOT FEEL THE NEED TO FUCK WITH ME CONTINUOUSLY. So the rest of the blog will have to be typed on a shorter margin, and when I use my ENTER KEY for changing a paragraph, I’ll need to backspace the numbers off. MICROSUCKS, or MICROHACK, take your mother fucking pick. I think my old buddy Alex would pick the latter. I REALLY ENJOYED YOUR VIDEO LAST NIGHT, HOPE YOU BECOME PRESIDENT SOME DAY.


Well, so that is the way to do it, they do not tell you shit in the computer manuals. You have to backspace and then hit the enter and backspace again, or something like that, but it did stop the indentation program. I clicked off of the rectangle box but that does not stop it. Machines and rock stars, wow can I live happily without them, oh-oh, don’t want this blog to have my first lie on it, or 2nd if we include 7-12-70 and the night on that bus, wow, THAT BUS, that boy, that night, BUT WITCH NIGHT, AS ’10:30′ SEEMS TO BE A REOCCURRING TIME WITH MY LIFE, RIGHT??????????

Sorry Sarah Krassle, it was my fault that time, I thought it was May and June of 2008 all over again, folks really do need to archive these fantastic blogs at the website URL address: DUH, you really do Lads, Lassies, Labbers, and Lab Dogs, WHAAAAAAAAAA!! Shall we get back to the three sentences now that were said to me once directly in the digitally inverted year 96/69, and then the first two times when she was directly with PAULA, the KING EXPLORATRON no less; and said things that were meant for me as well to hear, I know this, because she got my eye, it was perfect eye contact, and I know she loved me as much as I loved and still do LOVE HER, the mighty LORDESS & EMPIRE RULER, JEHOVESS.










First, is the unmissable, undeniable, and totally unmistakable clue about the PRIVATE-COSMICODED NUMBER or (PCN) 990 being one of the values to one of these three sentences. This is also the value to this transdimensional truth about the song, “I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU”, sung in this waking world by the late great Whitney Houston, (IWALU). But this is not the real point that I want to drive home on my blogging collection of more than 6-YEARS now folks. There are very powerful meanings to every one of these three sentences said by the All Mighty RULER of this EMPIRE, SARAH-STACEY KRASSLE. First, 27 years separates the two first sentences from 1969, from the third one that PAULA told me would be “SENT TO ME” two months before it happened, that’s PAULA UWICH of Glendora, New Jersey, USAESMWG, still a lady named PAULA, who with all the powers that she had, it took me until very recently to realize that SHE IS AN EXPLORATRON, and yes I hear you, ‘WILL-I-AM-ST-OWN’ FIRE COMPANY, OF FORT PIERCE, at just past five of the clock, screaming by outside my window here at 601 Avenue B. All my old blogs of 2006-2009, the first half or so of my blogging career, can all be archived at the website at the above given URL, and you will find all of this. You also will find some irrefutable truth that some strange stuff does go on with my music, if you access my hate site, why take my word for it, I did not leave any of those comments on that site of DJ Donna Summer’s. Just GOOGLE up the name above on the COPYRIGHT, at the opening of the blogs, it will be there for some time to come. “I DON”T KNOW” why this all happened to me, but as real good girls might say in 1986, “IT DID”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot be imagining other people’s comments, gee willagars, just how much credit do any of you want to give me credit for here folks? 1969+27=1996. Hay, it does, and that is that, we don’t need another ‘RGG’ emphasis, the point should be made. On a later blog, will be all kinds of mind blowing dissections of the great SCYLLA and her 4 things meant for me, maybe five if we include Her agreement with old Philly nurse John McDowell from the early 1960’s. Again, it is all up there on old blogs to be archived. I might be able to alter a date on a word office program document, but not a date of more antiquity on a web blog site, NOT OWNED BY ME. Forget admitting to me that I am right about HER coming back to me in this present lifetime, with the ‘skyscraper statement’, that would only have a meaning for ‘THAT-BOY’, and absolutely nobody else. We will instead stick right now, with the other three sentences.





It is beyond what I would dare blog, the realer meaning of both statements, “YOUR FRIENDS ARE IN THE SHOP”, and also “I’M DARKER THAN YOU ARE”. It is MY sincere hope that I can now create secret screen name 003, Sarah, MY lovely one. This way, you can find a way of letting me know how to say things, just to you, and V-V. Maybe this is not what you want, you know me, I am no arm twister, and I know you are stronger. Anyway, the few things within blogger range will be said now regarding both these very magical sentences, that may seem like just a short strung together words to those that they would indeed have no meaning for. I know differently, huh Ross the Boss, and yes, B4 SG not standing for STARGATE folks. Oh Kenny, where DID they all go, or ‘belong’ Father McKenzie???????????????????????? SHEEEEEEEEEEEIT.


Memorial Day, and in 1969, and yes, on Tennessee Avenue, and yes, timed perfectly (PHT) by the great traveler MAROLA MORONI or ‘whatever’ CRA; but yes, because of her insistence on my doing that school play on a holiday, the 30th day in May in 1969, I was in Atlantic City later than I normally would be, leaving later as a result, and running into Sarah on HER STREET, right across this street from ROBERT MCGUIRE and his All Mighty super wonderful fabulous and Trumped Marvelous Pittsburgh Hotel. When we eventually do the final 1996 sentence, spoken to me by the most beautiful teenage in the universe, LORDESS, or SARAH, awakening me with a bang the size of a million non nicked hubcap cannons, with her words that will live in my personal infamy, “Let’s play a game boy, Guess the name of the guests”, be prepared to have an empty stomach, be sitting down, and hold on real freaking tight, the MAYANS might be coming, right along side of the Hopey Tribesmen, who predicted (KNEW ABOUT) the TIMETRAILS, calling them “COBWEBS IN THE SKY”. HOLY MOTHER FUCKING SHIT FOOD my peeps. Yes, I heard this for the first time myself last night on the Comcast Cable H-2 Channel, WOW, she says it way better than I do, but you don’t know that until you go up on the YOUTUBE, and click the search box, and type in KING NEBNOOSHOO, and then play the video called, “DEAL WITH THIS ANOTHER TIME”. Yes, Spell Checker did not show me the correct spelling, so I did the best that I could with spelling it in the way it seems to be pronounced, HOPEY TRIBES. No cut on you Nicky with the shit food, sorry, hay you made her mad. As for the sentences spoken by Sarah on 10-SC Avenue to her friend EXPL-PAULA; starting with HER 2nd one in July of 1969, two and a half weeks before man first landed on the moon, this is PCN-990, and the contraction of “I’M” was used, so it is not I AM, not in this one case, still, OYR, but in this 990 code, is also IWALU when all spelled out, and so are these following things within bloggable range, as there are others that are not: EIGHTY-SIX, THREE OPEN REEL TAPES, GODS GAMES, GREENLAWN, WHITE BOYS, HARBORFIELDS DETENTION CENTER, INTRICATE, BIRD ANGEL, RS FIFTEEN HUNDRED US, the others go beyond what my daughter would probably want me to blog. We will go now to the very first Memorial Day of 1969 sentence that SARAH said on 10-SC Avenue, PCN-541. This is for the most part way beyond safely bloggable peeps. Every time I ask the GAWNUM cards either of two questions that I might cleverly try and type in, I get the same PCN every single time, and that is PCN-541, stemming from Root Gawnum number 54, my 1976 address in Clementon, New Jersey, where SPR came to be 22 years in the future from there, and this address being, CARRIAGE LAMP APARTMENTS, later changed for reasons not of this world or to my knowledge, when New York is nearly a three digit mileage from this place, the NEW YORK APARTMENTS, and this is also all up on many of my older blogs, BRAHHHHHH. There are only a few match lists (cannons) in my books, most people have more dog food than this laying around, but jokes aside, YUK, the only matches I have to this number besides HER SENTENCE in 1969, the very first words humanly spoken within my personal earshot in this current lifetime of mine, are as follows: WILLIAM CLINTON, ‘WATER’, GRACE MESSENGER, and ROBERT CHEATLEY. Say what you want about the I-Ching, this big black cat from 1980, blows that out of the ‘541’, I mean water. I mean for another example not related, but so strong it is redeeeekulous, Kate, taker PCN-572. Both “LOVE IS FOR CARPENTERS SONG” as well as “NINETEEN EIGHTY” are this number. Random odds for this is 81 squared, or 6561, right about where the American economy collapsed into right to the very point value on the Dow Jones industrial Averages Markets. Grace Messenger was Brad’s mom back in 1969. He knew nothing of Sarah, but he sure knew about Bitethroat Roseann Delaney. Yes I was so GLAD she never got a hold of me, it was real real close one night, or did she, and I am hypnotized to forget that; after all, could she have also been one of PAULA KING’S great wonderful fantastic and marvelously awesome doppelgangers?








Every single time since 2006 when I killed a lot of time at my security job in my vehicle, at Cifaloglio, doing so many GAWNUM EQUATIONS, that I ask two questions, and you are only supposed to ask a question once, according to Gassy Gawky, but here is one that would make the mighty Steven King go half nuts at sea squared. These are the two separate questions, and a dozen times, whenever wither are asked, I get the ROOT GAWNUM of first card draw pic number 5, and the second number 4, producing the PCN-541. These questions are as follows: What is the true and honest connection between myself and the one whom I believe to be my daughter? The other one is: Who or what, is what I refer to as OTAMM? It always is PCN-541. Now if MY friends are in the shop, earlier blogs tell the story about the words in reverse of HOUSE-IN without using THE, and how a child can see that when we pronounce this, it is quite similar to Saddam Hussein. The IN is the very same, and HOUSE is not that different from HUSSE. My Aunt Geraldine snow was the mother of my Cousin Sandra Mason, who became friends with Sarah Callio and her girl gang down on 10-SC Avenue, in 1967. She was insistent and would not take NO for an answer about her daughter Sandy coming with us to the TRINIDAD HOTEL on our vacation. The entire Hussein clan over in the middle East, all were fairly tight with each other in the middle and late sixties, everyone was scared to death of what the ‘mighty and scarey’ Soviet Union was going to do against the western world. LSS, King Hussein, Saddam’s brother knew the Shah of Iran quite well, and all of them actually were covertly employed as American Central Intelligence Agency Ope4ratives at one point in these frightening cold war times, Gary Star Trek 7, when Armageddon was a lot more around the corner than any twenty twelve crap ever was; and you guessed it peeps, the Shah of Iran was a very close friend of my wonderful Aunt Geraldine Snow Mason. He was fascinated with this entire Huntington family, unlike the dopes today that only care about song thief like Brit and her little friend, and when bodies stop and TV sets are inside their heads over in Ewing, New Jersey, or out west in 1970 and 1980, YO, so just shoot me, gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lots more will be said later, how am I doing 001? Tell 003 not to be too mad at me if you ever cross paths, I am just blogging the freaking truth, and they all know it, and peeps usually hate the entire truth, because deep down, we seem to love getting away with doing bad things, I wonder Y, Adam, Schiff and other Adam’s of the pwanet, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Well, blogs do have to stop somewhere, and this one will be doing just that lovely LU, right here, right now, WHAAAAAAAAAA.


BYE-BYE folks. Lot more is coming unless I catch a break and folks stop messing with me, and that is not likely to happen, that airplane is still circling around my apartment, but maintaining a little distance, for its own sake and safety, be warned butt wipe. 





WE ARE BACK. I made a mistake, I thought I had unplugged myself from the internet, the WOMO knew everything I was saying as I was typing. I had not unplugged. Now I cannot get onto the internet. I will complain to COMCAST CABLE if this keeps up, I have rights, and this is bull shit and HACKING.


Let me try once again, I have witnesses now, lots of them, not just the FBI, but others, YO.




I’ll call the FBI, and the COMCAST soon. It is half past six, I have been trying for a while, and do not think this problem is going to go away, This seems to be some kind of a monster fucking hack.





IT WAS ALL MY FAULT, AND I AM MAN ENOUGH TO ADMIT WHEN I AM THE ONE IN THE WRONG. I did have my cable unplugged, not at the modem but at the computer. What a jerk off ass hole I am, hay 16161616161616161616161616, YOU ARE RIGHT, I am a big stupid ass dip shit, the only difference between us, is that when I am wrong, I cannot wait to get out there and ADMIT I AM WRONG. If peeps ever want to prove me wrong, and CAN DO SO, I am waiting right here.









April 20, 2012






SBT DATFILE: 041912.998.798



NEW DATFILE: CHSJ-0404-042012.004.955








A BIG DADDY TIN EAR MORON, KNOWS WHEN A BLOG IS BEGINNING, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!







I was talking in a past blog, SJ-CH-0402, about 1986, American Express, roulette playing in Atlantic City casinos, and quite a bit more, all stuff that leads into automobile accidents that were not accidents, Hammonton, advanced virtual reality technology or (AVRT), pronounced as avert, and an accepted word to boot, to which I admit, and confess, 001, that I do not know the word’s definition, so my dictionary will be used later, oh wait a minute, I cannot believe I am such a stupid freaking bloody shoe wearing mace can carrying childless moron right now, of course I know the word, as in someone averting a major catastrophe, DUH, I am losing it folks, along with everything else so it seems. Getting back to cases now, a book was written by me in 1994, called, “The Permission Barrier”, and was sent down to Washington, DC on Halloween day, October the 31st in 1994, mailed from National Park, New Jersey in New Jersey, if my memories are serving me at all accurately.


LSS, this book was only a rough dictation onto a small portable Radio Shack forty dollar cassette tape machine, but it did a good job making twenty-four C-90 tapes, containing my book, TPB. In it, I slipped, not needing Life Alert or anything,  I mean a slip of the tongue and also a Freudian lip slip, and said the name Sarah Krassee. When Sarah Krassle identified HERSELF to me in what you all a vivid powerful ‘DREAMING-INTERACTION’, back in December of 1969, she even spelled her name. As with the Lord Jesus, and some of my songs, and other stuff in this world as well, because it is impossible to believe that all this could have happened to me, you all out here viewing it say, ‘nawwwh’, can’t be, and move in. Trouble is, it is oh yeah butt wipe. Now in the same exact manner as with this, when I was just fifteen years old, and after this amazing experience occurred in that Oaklyn, New Jersey,  NJUSAESMWG apartment that night, I awoke with a bang, found a gone-missing chain that a real honest GODDESS had come in the night and removed, with or without Melanie’s keys or other things examined a while back when I was trying to rationalize what had happened which is KT Dairy Queen ridiculous to try doing; and also folks, an extremely clear observation in and with that famous present 20-20+ hindsight; but my point B4I totally lose it, is that because I searched and searched and could never ever find thae name of KRASSLE in the human world anywhere, a stupid idea since SHE is All Mighty Goddess and not a mere human mortal, Hyundai time; along with Hammonton forest fires and Hanging in there Huntington’s but yes, moving the point along peeps, because I could not find KRASSLE, I assumed that I remembered this powerful “DREAM” wrong, when in fact and truth, I did no such freaking thing. HER NAME IS SARAH KRASSLE, or LORDESS of the mighty ASTRAL-PLANE KRASSLE FAMILY. The last name of all of them, is translated into the English language of 1969 times and still now in 2012, as KRASSLE, and similar names now are in existence, but I know nobody that spells it as SHE spelled it for me in that powerful interaction so long ago. Lordess or Sarah Krassle is part of a huge Olympian family on the Astral Plane. All the gods and goddesses we hear about in myths and on television documentaries, they all have this secret last name, not secret there, but nobody on this waking world Earth seems to know this name, their great name,m my blogs can say it from now to eternity, but I am just a nobody, who listens to me? Still, this IS the last name of all these cousins of gods. SSJKK is the absolute most powerful and greatest one of all, under a secret law created by the ever existing ASTRAL WORLD AUTHORITIES, or the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL; and this is called the SCYLLA INHERITANCE LAW, SCYLLA MEANS “FIRST DAUGHTER”, all throughout the great capitol province of Olympia. Other surrounding provinces may have varying wordage differences in sort of the way we have folks in the waking world that my be able to speak many languages, yet have what we define as accents, as they pronounce things slightly off because it is not always their native tongue. When I could not find the name of KRASSLE anywhere, back as a young teenager, after a year or so, I figured I heard this wonderful lovely giant goddess wrong, and began calling her Krassee, after shortly upon my awakening from this wild experience, maybe a few months later in early 1970, I began seeing a repeated commercial for vision and eye care, and it showed a family in both an optometrist office and later on being fitted in an eyeglass store for glasses. The young girl in this commercial spoke a sentence,m and I only remember to this day, the part of that sentence where she said, “All of us Krassee’s want to take care of our eyes”, this is either a perfect or near perfect quote, but the name is smack dab on the money. So I began for years abnd years, thinking of this special girl as Sarah Krassee. In my book from 1994, “TPB”, I slipped, and instead of saying whatever fake name I should have said, I said right on the tape, and it should be in the Library of Congress to this very day, while speaking of Jim Pratt, the evil character from the great Colony-256 far out into deep space, in this book, SHE was about to perform a great concert, just as SHE does do at Monolazarium Square in HER great city, called, Sahasra Dal Kanwal, owned in majority under the SI Laws, only I slipped and called HER by name in the book, only the name I was now calling her as a result of never finding the name KRASSLE any place in the exact way that she had spelled it for me in that power house dreaming interaction back in December of 1969, so I pronounced it Sarah Krassee. Hay, except for her very fave number of ‘7’, the alphabet value in these names at the 5th letter out of the total 7, this difference would not exist. The one E changed to be 7 letters further down the alphabet would change KRASS-EE to KRASS-LE. So the magic of 7 worked on my mind to compensate my being to dumb to realize, gee, I am not going to be able to just look her up in some phone book or something, all though for many many long years, I tried so hard to find this magical girl, through many a long dark stretch of numerous winters, when my mother would go out on her dates, as my parents were divorced, and my dad was only interested in treasure salvage, but then, if he had not been doing this he might have been there, and I would not have been alone trying to pursue finding this mystical magical goddess of the dream world.












Now this is only a tenth of a percent about the story of how this search for this great goddess went on, and then suddenly around the time I turned legal age or eighteen, it was becoming slowly a memory of silly childhood fantasy. This would be a proper way of operating and if anything an overdue incident, but not in this special case, because folks, and 001, this is no fantasy goddess, it is the great all mighty GOD that your world has been worshiping for thousands of years now. It took me until the end of the 2nd millennium to realize that, and then nearly another decade B4I was really starting to see the all encompassing total truths to all of this seemingly impossible and irrational stuff. It seemed irrational when Jesus walked on water, or was laser retraced with LTDDT, from World Labs, and it seems irrational that (walking on water) is a powerful intentional clue to it all, as it was at WATER and WALKER STREETS, where this powerful thing happened to me that concerns how I first learned about the World Laboratory up in the future.






NOW MY WONDERFUL MORIANS, here is where it gets a little tricky, and PHASE-4, confessions and all.


It is all on the blogs that I know led to the great TV show that 001 is connected with. I know I told how I was too old to, but did it anyway, laying in bed, creating this wonderful super girl goddess, SARAH, not that she was not first in Atlantic City in waking life, and not that SHE did not come to me in a powerful dream, take a chain out of my apartment closet strong box and then in waking life it really was gone the next day, and not that the giant asterisk chemtrail was not in the skies all over the county the following day, that is all real life waking world history, that happened, no question about it. I am saying that I would roll up some blankets and in the darkness, pretend I had HER with me, and then drift off to sleep in a fantasy, and this created a lot of what is now happening. Well, this may have been spoken as an old confession on old blogs, but there is a higher truth, and that truth is called PHASE-4. Let me try and explain this. Phase and Type are not the same things now so please do not get them confused, or do what Dawn King would tell me not to do in vulgar lingo. I will now explain the phases.




The great VOID, or zero dimension, that is a collective of existence that is beyond your mind to grasp, and mine, as mind is an unknown energy source or type that comes out of this void by way of a special trick that can actually reduce the void to a sub void and then burst out by literally cocking a spring-coil that would be more powerful than a vigintillion universes to the vigintillion power of googalplex universes, and just as a child loads a dart gun by pressing the dart into the gun that is a big spring that then clicks a gear that can only then release by the button or trigger of this gun. At least in my day these toys were at all the local toy stores, remember I am coming up on 60 folks, I do not think with this new PC, most of you even know what the fuck I’m talking about, but them that is also standard procedure most of the time I’ve been told, AHA AHA McNulty. So as with this dart gun, this force of less than nothing suddenly opening back up to nothing, would create an unlimited reaction of escape, dreaming out of this void and existing as an aware universe, or a powerful god as carbon entities later come to be, and in their mental infancy, see so many misconceptions and false ideas. In any case, phase-1 is this void. Phase-2 is where this void dreams out away and into, and that would be the next possible largest thing than its previous void state, the SUBATOMIC realm, or ASTRAL-PLANE. This is where entities later on, not in time later but in interaction later, don’t try and get it, you won’t, but they then dream further down into this life, a series of dreams into this 5th dimensional hyperspace of virtually countless space-time 4th dimensional parallel universes. This awake life in tangible physical caporial life, in this here and now, is PHASE-3. Phase 4 is an entirely different situation, as it comes as a result of two things. First it has to do with Phase-2 entities or Astral residents/entities attemting to enter this dream down here, or waking normal life, in ways not accepted by a set of built in regulatory systems, in the 7th dimension above the MIND REALM itself on the 6th, and this set of rules from this 7th-D is known by Astral entities while there, as LAWTRONICS. Lawtronics prevents vampires for example from existing in this waking world as PHASE-3 beings like us, but instead, it alters them into PHASE-4 entities, meaning simply, that a phase-4 entity is simply the energetic counterpart of the imagination and fantasy of Astral Plane beings. So when the great James Patterson gets a brainstorm new idea next month or the one after that, and writes another book, well, these ideas that he ‘thinks’ are his own ideas, are really, PHASE-4-ENTITIES who tried to break the LAWTRONICS in the D-7 circuitry, and ended up as a result of getting into this waking world as a fictional character or even an entire television show or whatever. All of this is energy of the Phase-4-Entities, all the music, all the movies, all the books, all the ideas, all of it, it wanted to exist here, Sherlock Holmes, Jack McCoy, all of them, they are actually real, and wanted to come here, but instead, the LAWTRON WORLD altered them from going Phase 3, and into PHASE-4, where we can enjoy them, but they cannot effect us, well, not as much as they want to, but yes, of course, you all guessed it, there is more to this story for other times, as we all know how shows have effected peeps and made them do way out things, even commit murder. So relating all of this back now to my being in the dark in bed with wrapped up blankets, thinking I am creating the great Sarah Krassle, remember, that all fantasy, is real energy on the Astral World that was only able to make it down onto the waking world as PHASE-4, or the imaginings and ideas and so forth, of an all; ready awake PHASE-3-ENTITY, such as you or me. I did not create this future from those past fantasies. Phase-4 energy came here and used me, and for reasons that are only starting now in 2012 to make any kind of possible rational sense. This is why that Speedship I designed right at these times, all fits into this, along with my later learned abilities to swim with Lap-Lane Joan at Haddonwood Swim club, without swimming. It also is why the hypnosis done at Mark Wolf’s clinic in early 1996, made me remember Sunram and Atlantic city, and then after that, poured out all the repressed shit about SARAH, and the forgotten childhood past, that was not meant to be forgotten, but then your entire family seemed to know this would drive me crazy, Mister Butcher of five minute quiet on Haddon Avenue. I’m only joking unless your family has similar secrets as mine does, but I know that horrible thing you did to me that you need to be confessing about if you are not all ready dead and it’s too late for you. But all of this does not come close to how it interconnects with 1986, 15-17 years in the future from the asterisk chemtrail days of stolen motor cycle chains and burned BOBS. Roulette in 1986, began teaching me the biggest secrets of the universe than ever, way greater than any of this shit spoken of so far. I have magical secret information that if I  ever really confessed totlally to, sir 001, I would be taken in the dead of night to A-51 or wherever you end up, buzz, buzz, buzz, DJDS, and it would really get hot for me, so I am limited to pillow talk as well as the entire story to 1986 roulette, even rediscovered wonderful daughters, who I fully understand are scared to death of all of this horrendous stuff. I don’t blame you one bit, lovely Labber of any time, and if I were talking about another lovely labber who dances the disco more than the tango, I would be forced to say I suppose; lovely Labber of any time or place, right Mister CAMDEN COUNTY PROSECUTOR 1989, SIR RONALD WIRTZ. Hay, you tried, you did your best. But I do not appreciate what Doctor Housel’s cousin pulled, I definitely remember the law changing overnight in my sleep, as Ed was all;owed to have a computer and just not an internet connection, originally, and then pow, it changed overnight and they took his machine and since I could not keep up the dues and it was not a free website, that was the end of my great first website, the MORIANITY FOUNDATION. They still have this laptop and on it is my on a CD-ROM-DISC. I paid 150 dollars for this job, ACPO, and was never informed that Mi9ster Lynch was not allowed to do this for me. Also, not only did he never tell me he was on the sex offender registry, EDWARD LYNCH of Georgia Avenue in Atlantic City, but the Parole Officer who I spoke with told me Ed could have a computer and do this website for me, then poof, one day I wake up and the entire laws have changed. This is what I speak about folks when I talk about the real Harry Potter magic,  this EXPLORATRONIC activity that can in no other way explain any of this, right down to the vanilla and chocolate cupcakes from the great Leticia Tilley Egg Harbor, New Jersey Incollingo Grocery Store, on the Julia White Horse Pike, near the train station!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow do twins run in this powerful family, right Cuzz Sandy Mace???????????????


555555555555555555555555555555 to compensate for again being on fucking page eleven of eleven, yes, 55555555555555555555555, my beautiful McLovely number five, speaking of Sandy Mason, daughter of my wonderful long lost uncle Stuart Huntington Mason, who was the son of Grace Isabelle Huntington, who was the 5th grand daughter of founding father, Samuel Huntington, Governor of Connecticut until his death in 1790 and signer of the great wonderful awesome document known the world over, the Declaration of Independence. Hopefully my kid will be proud of her great heritage someday, after the Harner Syndrome dissipates one day, perhaps. SHEEEEEEEEEEEEIT!!!!!!!!