Archive for July, 2010

safe journal, chapter 0009

July 31, 2010

THE EPITOME OF HARASSMENT, INTERNET VERSION WORLD LABORATORIES 2297, SEND-BACK-TEXT DATFILE: C0009-073110.650—BLOG CCHPTER #0009, PRIOR BLOG WAS #8, TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR WITH THAT WILD (SEVEN) NONSENSE AGAIN, YO (SAFE JOURNAL) CHAPTER NUMBER “0009” Subtitled: “The Endless Incredibility Factor” Beginning Transmission: It is a Saturday morning here in downtown Fort Pierce, Florida, the bank clocks showing the same temperature, 95 degrees, and going up 2 near 105 with another heat index right around 110 degrees, just as with yesterday, the day B4 that, and the day again B4 that, and so on and so forth. I am at the library doing a blog, and could not do any blogging since my last posted chapter 8 that mistakenly read, “BRUCE PENNOCK STRIKES AGAIN AND SO DOES CHAPTER SEVEN”. If he were 2 stroke again, maybe we would B back in his rear yard and it would B 1972 all over again, and we would B playing Field Hockey together. Where has Stacey Lattisaw gone, Peter, Paul, and not Mariloo????????????????????? Siege at the start of this week that occurred back on Monday and Tuesday were off the scales nightfuckingmarish, YO. The aireal siege from the mother fucking dirthole bastard MILITUFORCE was indescribable and totally awesome and unfuckingfathomable. I would have been all over this library, but 4 the same reason that I could not even have a watch this week, and many other little common necessities, I was all ready illegally driving the 3 blocks or so, long blocks, 2 my job and home, and could not risk any other totally non absolutely otherwise life altering errands or rides. My tags had come in the prior Friday, but the paycheck was not until this Thursday that would permit my giving the miserable state of fucking Florida their 400 dollar fee so that they would permit me the luxury of driving the roads that my taxes R paying 4. Also, the many klutz outs were in combination with making me temporarily misplace and lose objects, and it was on numerous occasions, right along with numerous clock-ones attacks from the not FOND-OF bitch JANESHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of these klutz outs was when my watch dropped out of my fucking butter fingered hand and right onto a hard tile floor in my kitchen while trying 2 grab it and place it onto my wrist, and it landed crystal side down on this hard surface and broke into a million fucking pieces. So all week, I had no access 2 time, I am used 2 this, I always wear a watch, if it breaks, I go straight 2 a cheap place and get me another cheap but reasonably accurate watch. I shall not go on with numerous little stuff that totally sucked my prick at warp speed; as it would B a waste of my time. The last thing this blog story of my hellish life left off with was my situation at work. Just as with what my enemy always does and can B totally pre-expected, the rules can change and shift on a dime, the man was told not 2 say crude things of a sexual nature 2 me, and he is behaving now just like a perfect gentlemen. But when one thing changes and alters drastically in a sudden cannon shot burst so 2 speak, other things in like matter ‘pop right up’ 2 take the place of the old annoyances now removed, and all in order 2 maintain some type of ‘HUNTINGTON CURSE’ perfect balance HELL-SCALE 4 poor whittle ME, MOUNTAINPEN, or MARK WAYNE FREAKING MOHR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is every bit as fucking real my fiends and friends out here as the scientifically proven fact that if one electron is removed from a room, somewhere in the entire expansion of 60 trillion light years around, one proton is also removed in order 2 maintain a perfectly balanced electrical charge in the matter and energy of the grand scheme of the higher reality. Now science merely is as of yet unaware that this higher reality lies directly above the 5th dimensional hyperspace, and is the dimension of the MIND SIGNAL, also the 6th Dimension. Guess who just decided 2 give me a ROYAL FUCKING SCREWING FOLKKS, none other than JANE SLEAZEBALL DIRT DIEASE NOTFONDA ONEBIT!!!!!!! The computer screen says eleven fucking ass eleven, and I was made somehow 2 look right at it, so here is my immediate Ronald Reagan response and counter-fucking strike attack, HA-Ha-Ha, 55555555555555555555 plus 55555555555555555 times 55555555555555 divided by 555555555555555555555555555555555555 is equal 2 the lower than whale shit value numeric amount that your computation device would indeed display should U wish 2 perform this true calculation peeps, and these peeps R way lower than any star sky comparative whale shit, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Back now 2 hyperspace, and the realm above it that sends energies or (thoughts) by our way of perceiving this energy being transmitted and connecting into our being-ness, this mighty and beyond awesome SIXTH DIMENSION: This clock attack shit is part of the bigger example that when time permits me some day and I have my own schedule and my own computer and internet, AT MY HOME, as I did B4 the Vasco Da Gama descendants wrecked everything 4 me, then I can get into many greater elucidations pertaining 2 all of this subject being now merely gently touched upon, BRO!!!!!!!! Everything that I have believed is coming from the Astral Plane as far as games, needs 2B reexamined, as it still is true, only it has an attachment 2 it that I’ll now label as the Einstein Syndrome. Just as back in the early middle 20th century when this great man and mind lived and walked this Earth, this I-C pronunciation abbreviation, that I will now use when I feel like it, hay it’s my freaking blogs, right?, aniwho, he tried desperately hard 2 take all of the known cosmic forces and place them into a folding pattern so 2 speak, IE, he wanted 2 make it all fit together and then make real nice and perfect sense, at the end of his great life after the long talks with my father in the Princeton Park, he had come 2 realize that not only R indeed the enemies of his future planned son equal 2 McGuire/Callio along and in league with the Millionth-Council, but also that he was shorting himself out of the one necessary and desperately needed ingredient and formula in order 2 really make this cosmic force all come together like a perfectly wrapped and so pretty Christmas gift from Santa Claus Sarah Callio Kelvin. Without adding more dimensions so that these forces would all fit nice and smug and neatly into a perfect order, it would not really work. In any event, it was just after this that my father was hanging around Vero Beach, Florida, with his good pal the great Melvin Fisher, owner of the Treasure Salvers Corporation, here on what now has become as a result of all of this, as the TREASURE COAST, YO, isn’t life fascinating there, my peeps?????????? Also, what poor Albert also failed 2 realize and C back then, was that Vero Beach was gonna B used as a power-house stronghold by the WOMO-TAWF, and the entire MILI-2-FORCE!!!!!!!!!!!! This stronghold is controlled by a benign appearing charitable organization here in fort Pierce, a few whittle beach towns down 2 the south from Vero Beach, where they have a separate operation up there as well, and I speak of the Outreach Center on 25th Street, just yards away from where I now reside, all connected up through the mighty MAR-JOE and HILLC, and the beautiful special, ‘social worker’ by the name of the non pharmaceutical company, of APRIL LEE!!!!!!!! Wow does the Mountainpen have a gigantic imagination, sheeeeeeeiiit, if I could write fiction this fucking great peeps, HELLYWEIRD would look me up and hire me overnight, they know it AIN’T FICTION, and that I am NOT some fantastic FICTION WRITER, dudes and duddesses, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More wild stuff is going on at this wonderful place than anyone out here in the land of internet and blog readers would or even COULD have the power or the ability 2 really understand or believe, should I even make an attempt 2 really and fully tell it all someday, YO!!!!!!!!!! It is all about the money, they would hire me and I would make many billions of dollars writing “FICTION” 4 many various Hollywood studios, only the trouble is that I have no talent whatsoever in writing fiction stories, I have tried it 4 fun, I can only tell what is really going freaking on around me, period, Mister Fred Sanford!!!!!!!! I will tell U that literally overnight, all pussy action stopped last week there, and no one bothered me whatsoever. Giant girls still prevail all over there and this entire regional area as well, but that is par 4 the freaking course peeps, When pussy command goes away, my enemies or the MILITUFORCE, that really R one and the same, or said a bit less parochially perhaps, the Earthly and Physical Plane counterpart of the mighty Astral Plane Authority known and termed by many both here as well as there, the (AWA), or the “MILLIONTH-COUNCIL”, out of which, one third is totally evil and wicked, living on a place known Astrally, as the BRIGGBASE. Remember, there is no real location, it is all an interaction reality where space and time as we perceive these elements and ideas mortally while alive and living on this Earth, R just automatically built right into the interaction, or said a bit better, become the byproduct of the created interaction, the total reverse of how the mortal world appears 2 work through the conscious awake mind illusions bringing it all 2 us just as a television program is brought 2 us by the broadcasting networking systems, no difference at all, not really, just stop and dwell on these concepts 4 a short while there peeps, YO!!!!!!!!!! Last night I suffered a super fucking major dirty nasty health attack by the WOMO-(MILLIONTH-COUNCIL) BRIGGBASE FILTH. The cramping pains began just past nine last evening, and all night it was pain and shit attacks and toilet fucking visitations. It still is not totally OK; and yes, these filthy fucking scumbag mother eaters struck me extremely hard. Monday, the chopper almost took my roof right off, any lower over my home on 26th fucking Street, and it would have been a scrape and a crash and a huge fire, and then peeps would B FORCED 2 LISTEN 2 ME AND MY WILD CLAIMS AND TRUE TALES AND STORIES OF HELL AND WOE AND TURMOIL, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have learned things that R so wild, and if I talk, I will get my peeps and informants or “SUBS” in trouble, so I must B extremely careful here, huh WAYV-FM PAULA, Jersey radio, poor Regis, leave that poor dude alone ya’ bastards, he is a hell of a wonderful guy and has a lot of better things 2 do with his life than threaten U, big PAULA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHEEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIITT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Slide it Dawn King, U GO GIRL, CU in jail, along with your family someday, every last oneofem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well I surely cannot talk, not with all of my post summertime 1986 license plates around me starting with fucking “JB—-”. After-all, I had come this close “\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\” 2 learning of the comforts of RIKERS ISLAND, back early on the first week in August. I still thank the hockey mom 4 not trying 2 look me up and press charges. Hockey-dads and Dick Wolf, how many CLUES did I need 4 the sun 2 explode in my face, along with Coded General Order CG-18, and Jimmy Tellall??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well I guess then it would no longer shine, and we would all B lost in time, not just Mi and Me, watch that magical lingo down there my MYAN friends of the Central American Highlands, a magical dude named Henningsen may just b poking around still 2 try and get another magical motor-cycle chain, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But was ‘Callio’ along with this branch of the family the big culprit in my nightmare hell as I originally thought this 2B in 1996 and 1997???? NO WAY, NO SIR, NO MAHM!!!!!!!!! Don’t cry if I send U the flowers, and tell Joe Barrios not 2 freaking run around so fast, his clothes may tear up, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So now, the gospel radio that used 2 blare out sermons and SAR-praises, while I did my 25 hours at the 25th Street Outreach Center under the AARP Jobs Program, has completely been replaced with the secular musical stations, and I guess I need not really go on with this 2 much. Am I picking up any believers yet, or R all of U beyond total MONKEYS? Forget love and truth and fairytales, this is freaking ass REALITY, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Billy, Paul, and Sally really did all screw me, and answers R not blowing around in the wind; cut me a break Margie Leo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We can get back 2 Jim Rockford and his loose teeth later on, YO, 4 right freaking now peeps, let us move into a different area all together, and this being how after the 1986 death siege perpetrated on me by this sick and evil diseased MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, I was never able 2 ever win at the game of ROULETTE, ever again, in the Atlantic city casinos,. The days of my life being wonderful that one year, HAD ALL ENDED FOIREVER, GUESS IT WAS MY SUN THAT NEVER WAS MEANT 2 SHINE, huh MI???????????????? R any of freaking U wondering if the next lines typed here on this blog website UR tuning into and digesting, gonna B about this very subject, and tell how naturally, SKY and wonderful so called “ULTIMATE ROULETTE” system, crashed and burned 100% last Monday night during the incredible aireal attack, just like the ones that they gave me in 1986 that led 2 my eventual destruction and the end of my gambling and roulette career, there was indeed A WICKED MAJOR PUITPOSE 2 ALL OF THIS PERSECUTION. I know it and so does this rotten evil government, they all know it, and they will not lift a damn finger 2 help me or look into it, or even think about assisting me in getting it stopped. No, just leave me out there with Ross the Boss in that horrific Texas hailstorm of cosmic nightmares, where I cannot run, I cannot hide, and I sure as ‘pucking’ hell cannot ever make it fucking STOP, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, what a wild imagination old King Nebnooshoo has, peeps, like YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes I must B so fucking careful now in what I say, as this stronghold place is my job and my food on the table, and they R monitoring these blogs, there is not a lot of freedom in this world, and most peeps know this fact only 2 well. Just as Jack McCoy said 2 the foreign driver, “U cannot lie 2 the police or the Grand Jury in this country”. Well, I told U that a major event was around the corner, and Y would it not B right there in 600 LAND????????????????? Way back as a boy with the SUNRAM magical ship, months B4 the one-hit-wonder did the song about Captain Da Gama, ‘RIDE CAPTAIN RIDE’, Y, is this getting good yet or great yet, or what, BRAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Watch out 4 the huge messages in OHW’s. There is OHMS LAW and now I give this world or whoever may remotely B interested in learning this today or whenever, OHW’s LAW. It is very difficult if not just plain impossible 2 write a song, B a total nobody, and get it on the top 100 major music charts. IE, forget it. U may, and U may also win the mega jackpot lottery, same freaking odds, peeps!!!!!!!!!!!! After doing the impossible, Y would anyone just STOP and say, OK, one hit, that’s nice, BYE-BYE, YYYYY????????????? U do not do that, it is just not logical Mister Spok. This is where U must seriously wonder if a one hit wonder song is not there as a major cosmic message, and this principle is based on something that was spoken 2 me by one of the mightiest and greatest philosophers that this world was ever lucky enough 2 have produced. Yes being as WAYV careful as is possible yet telling some things that just must B in fact told today on this blog peeps, let me proceed now 2 try and just do my very best. Don’t miscarry on me at 1802 Robin Hill Paula!!!!!!!!!!! My dreams R “way so not funny”, quoting the younger generation here, the SPACE SHUTTLECRAFT CHALLENGER EXPLOSION, the 2008 PHILLIES WORLD CHAMPIONS, THE CHINA EARTHQUAKE in 2008, THE 495-594 GAWKY PENNSYLVANIA LOTTERY NUMBER IN 1980, the MEDICAL OFFICE HOME OF MY KIDNAPPING AND DA GAMA DRIVER AND HIS 23RD GRAND-DAUGHTER, and on and on we could go here my peeps, YO. Funny how RIVER becomes DRIVER simply by adding the letter “D” 2 the word, and vice versa if subtracting. Still, Tim the dreamer at work had 2 major dreams about me now and was told both times, 2B sure and tell ME ABOUT THEM, in colorful and living details!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still, another dude there has informed me that the owners of this location may B monitoring my life, and have told peeps 2 do and 2 say certain things, these so-called ‘dreams of this half alive pathetic soul’ being perhaps one example here. Still, they had 2 first know about my banquet interaction and the magical thin and very tall goblets with the sections and various colored liquids contained in each of these separate sections. One was red indeed, one was clear as water would b, I remember that now, and whether Tim really had the dream, or was told by ‘them’ 2 say this thing 2 me, either way, how could they know about MY DREAM first, I never told a soul, or did I? I told the entire world through these blogs, did I not??????????? Let us all get totally real. I have obviously been personally involved with the Da Gama’s ever since the middle nineteen-sixties. Y else would THEY have all gone 2 so much trouble 2 do so many wilds things 2 me 4 so many freaking years? The mystery-girl that stayed with Estelle Andersen Bassler on Tennessee Avenue in the future entertainment capitol of the world, known also Sir Princebombs, as Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG was just the start of many other things destined 2 follow, YO!!!!!!!! I have witnessed this powerful thing that some one or some thing is protecting and will kill if necessary 2 protect, that indeed IS INSIDE THE TRUNKS OF THE VEHICLES THAT THESE DIRT BAGS RIDE AROUND IN, ALL OF THEM. When that man in 1996 back on August 2nd thought my mom was trying 2 gain access 2 his trunk, which of course she was not, he jumped out and hollered at her, “I’M GONNA KILL YOUR SON, I’M GONNA KILL YOUR SON, AND I’LL KILL U2 IF U DON’T GET AWAY FROM THIS TRUCK”. Mom and I phoned the police, this truck had been stalking us 4 many miles through many towns, and all I was trying 2 do was get my new song at the time, SARAH, recorded at some music studio. DOES ANYONE C NOW Y THIS ALL HAPPENED, BECAUSE I SURE HAVE THE FUCKING THING TOTALLY FIURED OUT, YO????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These machines can cause memories 2 become distant, removed, and shuffled in time order. They can cause major shit attacks of grown healthy people, I watched it strike other normal adults over the years since August of 1986, and it is totally real, none of this is a bit made up, but try and tell any of this 2 fucking cops and prosecutors and government peeps of any capacity. IU even knew Congressman Andrews as a young teenager playing in Albert Pileggi’s music band, he is the singer of 2 of my copyrighted fucking country songs in 1980 4 the sake of fucking Jesus Crucified Ass Christ, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some power is tangible, and some is not so visible or ‘material’, my lovely arm breaker Emy-Amy, say hi 2 your lovely ‘Wall Street Journal’ reading Mom. I heard your song the other day girl. If we arm wrestled today with those guns of Navarone U have now, I would have every bone in my arm shattered, YO. Without any American pies thrown in my face by Larry, Curly, mo, or MI, funny, funny, YO, let me march this right along here folks. Emy, don’t feel bad, she rummaged around in a pile of things in my car, it seems rock stars R all trash pickers, Billy, all of them, it blows me away. But that is not Y things blow me away, it is because the 6th dimension is so annoying with me, and there just is no stopping any of this, not ever, no one can grasp this EVER thing, how I envy all of U, U do not C the incredible pain and agony of endlessness in your human lives. This is all getting very old and very boring very incredibly fast and getting me absolutely nowhere Mister Scottiewarps!!!!! Aniwho, I got my tag yesterday, it is on my car, and I have all my legal documentation and am driving a 100% legal car here in Florida after more than 7 months of technically not. April Leefarms did the laundry with me also after the first mission was accomplished. My pay was short, and I must contact the AARP when I get home from my job on Monday afternoon. Also, John Judy no longer communicates with me. I guess someone reached out and touched someone in the famous AT & T & D, the last D of course 4 Da Gama. But my research now has taken me far into the life of New Jersey wealthy child-molester Thomas J. Reale, and his girl friend of 1970, Vicky Callio. Remember his property where I stayed during my serial nightmare where the cut-man Da Gama had me all sawed up, was all done while I was sleeping physically, in HIS HOME, on Cornwall Avenue, in Ventnor, the town neighboring Atlantic city directly 2 the south, bordered only by 2 streets joining into one, and not with any water. When I started poking around into the Callio family in 1997, I came 2 learn that she was part of the ATLANTIC CITY MUNICIPAL UTILITIES AUTHORITY, right where the White Horse Pike of Julie ends in Atlantic City located at 401- not Krassle Retirement plans but wow what symbolism, on Virginia Avenue, like wow again, no Santa Sarah Claus Callio, Virginia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Their website is and U really do need 2 look it up and poke around, U just might learn some in-between the lines stuff, YO. Dots never stop connecting, and never have nor ever will, in all of this; it truly is building the great McLaughlin mystery, huh SARAH????? I AM getting closer and closer 2 understanding this ALL MIGHTY INCREDIBLE LOVELY TEENAGED GODDESS!!!!!!!! Then on Pearl Harbor Day of 2002, 6 years after the I-Ching experience at 112 Harvard Avenue in Somerdale, New Jersey, USAESMWG, she comes 2 me on the boardwalk outside where the Atlantic Palace Condo is located just a block or so south of 10-SC Avenue, and told me that her name is also SARAH WILLIAMS, and years later when I did not catch onto this yet, the famous, Williamsburg, Virginia place sure did with their multiple non ending television commercials with the I AM all throughout it, OYR SSJK, I am so sorry I am 2 slow 4U at times, UR so great and I am so small. I know that, this point will never B debated anywhere on MORIANITY, that U can B very sure of, both U and Kimba the WHITE lion of Mini-Great Viqueen Jewelly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I misspelled the word VIQUEEN on a blog a while back, with an M, sorry, but wow, more symbolism if U carefully play with rearranging the balance of the sentence, YO!!!!!!!!! Let me get into the powerful black cat that also is a famous Astral Plane professor at a very famous Astral Plane Mystery School that many Varaigi Masters know about yet will never discuss it with their Earthly following here in this so called waking life. It is called the ‘TECKBAY MYSTERY SCHOOL OF PROVINCE OLYMPIA’. This cat came 2 me in 1980 in the most wild and powerful dreaming interaction I can remember outside of the one shortly B4 this, with the great SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KRASSLE, singing 2 me, my very favorite out of millions of her great unfathomable songs, called, “LOVE IS 4 CARPENTERS”. Her name sounds very bizarre 2 Christians when I do not explain that U have no clue about an ancient language that the Hebrews once used, called Aramaic. SAR in this old language means LORD. Then 2 make the female from the male, their language was quite similar 2 present and modern day French, in that it is extremely gender sensitive. AH changes male 2 female, hence a god or a godah, a LORD or a SAR, becomes a SAR/AH, LORDESS. On the Astral Plane, the English way of pronouncing the word “STAY”, is no different at all than pronouncing the word “NEE”. Many divinity schools call the LORD, Jehovah NEECY, spelled most likely a bit differently; this still is its proper pronunciation. This is how we find our self arriving at the “All Mighty LORDESS SARAH-STACEY”. The KRASSLE family owns the entire CITY OF DAVID, or the GREAT CITY. It is the CAPITOL OF THE ENTIRE PHASE-2 REALITY OR THE ‘ASTRAL PLANE’, the ‘SPIRIT WORLD”, same diff. The Province of Olympia is the capitol province of more than a nonillion total provinces, each one averaging the size of about 8% of our human world MILKY WAY GALAXY. The city has a name, as does this GOD that U all just call GOD, SHE has many names in fact, many millions of names. The name of this capitol city is discussed in the great ECKANKAR religion, Google them up and C it all 4 yourself. The name of this city is SAHASRA DAL KANWAL. Google that up as well. Now we need 2 get back a while 2 the discussion of Tom Reale, as well as Gawky the great cat who appeared 2 me in a 1980 dreaming interaction and showed me 3 powerful numbers, and in fact, if I had done what this cat said, I could have made thousands of dollars that night in the freaking Pennsylvania Lottery, YO. How much anyone reading these words remembers about my blogs that discussed Gawky Gaukauk and his powerful numerological math system showing how the cosmos can B queried with total accuracy, once the skill is absolutely mastered, and believe me, it is quite a skill. It is based first and on a total beginner level by telling U that there R a total of 81 root numbers, 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98, and 99. What creates these numbers has 2 do with the alphabet that U were born using or first came 2 use, based on your part of the world and the language that the area there is using. First U get a sum total of how many letters is in the word or words that UR attempting 2 turn into one of these 81 root digits from 11-99. When U count them, U keep adding this total number digit until only one digit is left, it always is between a 1 and a 9. This is called getting an up-number, in 20th century numerology, a standard practice. So taking the word of (BLOGGER) 4 an example, the first digit is a 7, as 7 letters R in the word blogger. But if U take the sentence that goes (I AM A BLOGGER), then we get the number of 11. So we add the digits up, the 1 and the 1, and the first digit of this root is a 2. C how easy this is. Now the second part takes just a bit of work. Every letter has a value, the first letter of “A” is 1 in value, “B” is 2 in value, all the way 2 the ending of the alphabet, where the letter “Z” is value 26. Keeping this quick and easy 4 right now, we will go back 2 just the word “BLOGGER” B=2. L=12. O=15. Both of the G letters =7. E=5. R=18. Now we add this up 4 the sum total, 2+12+15+7+7+5+18. Our total is now a 66. Now we add until only one digit is left, so we add these 2 sixes up and get 6+6 and this is a 12, but we still have more than one digit, so again we add the 1 and the 2, and finally, we R left with the one single digit of 3. This 3 is the second root digit 4 the word “BLOGGER”. Our first digit is 7, and our second digit is 3, so the root is the number 73. By the way I fucked up huge hyper time, “LOVE IS FOR CARPENTERS DREAM” was not the same PCN as “New York City’ or ‘good girl bum’, or ‘pretty curls’, we R all only human, I scrambled up the combination accidentally, we can get back 2 my prior blog fuck up peeps, so sahwee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 arrive at the 3rd and final digit of a PCN or a (PRIVATE-COSMICODED-NUMBER), the smaller digit is always subtracted from the larger digit in the 2 root digits and then this becomes digit number 3, in the case of the word “BLOGGER”, the 73 becomes 7-3=4, and the PCN=734. But the magic only came totally home this year and down here in Florida 4 me, when I realized Y GAWKY made the lottery number that next day contain a 4, a 5, and a 9, as these 3 of the 9 digits in our base-ten decimal system of mathematics, R very mysterious, in that all three of them will always produce same results, not only R all three of them 4 letters long in the English Alphabet system, but when U add up the up-number letter value totals on 4, 5, and 9, it always is the same amount, hence all 3 of these digits have the very same PCN. So do the digits 1 and 6, and this may in fact have a lot 2 do with the fact that SSJK is eternally and always just 16 years old out in a higher reality. Well, indeed, the persecution last week crushed MC’s roulette system, as I knew it would. The only system I know works, takes a lot of will power, because it must B worked in an exact way, and many times a player goes and wastes an hour and the wheel never ranges out 2 a follow-8 or an opposite-8 on a combined tri-parameter on all roulette numbers from 1-36. U operate this like any fucking good stock broker would, with a stop loss of 5 units, not counting the house vig, so if entering at 8 and going back to a 3 occurs, U must stop out, game over. But when the games that R on a real roll 2 keep moving in a follow or opposite average on all 3 parameters do in fact pop into play, U can use trailing stops, and play it into 100 units profit. The experts know this and know it will work, but they lose little 2 no sleep over it, nobody wants 2 use a system like this, it is 2 boring and even I just would not use it, and I have great patience, it will work, and THESE DIRT HOLE CASINO MOB BOSSES KNOW IT WORKS, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just as in 1986, this was not your fault, beautiful curly haired MI, I knew the system would crash and burn as soon as they poured on the hell siege, this is Y things ended 4 me in 1986. Do not think I ever forgot U or that night, U lovely teen queen U!!!!!!!!!!! As 4 Tom Reale, I should have figured that old like I should have figured out Sarah Williams on December 7th of oh-two. A few weeks ago it hit me, where was I when I had this powerful series of dreaming interactions where this piercing eyed dude was cutting my lungs out and turning them into bright red wash cloths, but Tom’s house on Cornwall Avenue. When I started my search 2 locate this elusive ALL POWERFUL GODDESS in the middle nineties, when I would go swimming in Atlantic City near the Resorts Hotel and Casino, all they did was play that stupid, ‘FEEL REAL’ song at me loud and clear, every single time they would C me coming or going. They heard David Roth and me over their bugged telephone system, how he told me about this old song and how Tom made me feel REAL/E in the summer of 1970 when he fucking molested me twice!!!!!!!!!!! All things make sense; all things can B figured out. The only problem is that certain things R fucking fixed in a nasty way. The Gawnum Equations told me I’d have terribly low compatibility with the most days in June and July, and I did 2 put it fucking extremely politely and mildly at C-Squared, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing happens that is out of my reach if I am really looking. But so much is so totally unbloggable peeps. 4 one example, the dude that bet me the money is not just on the internet, I work with him, I know it, and that is all I can say. I believe his peeps made a loan 2 somebody and he then went onto loan this money, and details R way not bloggable. This may B some back door way of collecting the money owed him, all though I think the debt was in fact later paid. In any event, Y he would assume that I do not have that song copyrighted, blows me away, it is not rocket science 2 fill out a copyright form, enclose a check, and mail it off 2 Washington, DC. This is all I can talk about. Planet Earth never was a very nice place 2 live on. People R hurt early on, many, in fact most of us, as children, and then we spend the remainder of our grown up lives making up 4 it by hurting others back, and the chain never breaks, and merely endlessly repeats and gets progressively worse. If I had any magic answers 4 humankind, I would gladly share it and do my damn best 2 help this messed up world. Now it looks kind of hopeless. Things R about 2 really turn ugly and bad very soon, and 4 quite a very long duration. I am only hoping I will not B forced 2 live through the ‘century of suffering’ all that much longer. 4, 9, 5, is it the devils big lie, or is it the great highway of the island, or do dead men dare 2 ever tell that whittle secret Elmer Fwudd? DIE, said Gawky as he meowed this word 2 me in the early middle autumn in the year of 1980. Am I really an uncle on bended knee here United States Copyright Office of 1983 or is all of this all just a bunch of Light Switch Affection????????? Don’t carry me all away Ernie Merker, I went out with the tide 60 terra years ago, 120, 180, 240, and I will go on doing it again and again in another 60, 120, and so forth, YO, ain’t hell grand, Lieutenant Commander Jordy of Hell Trek??? END OF THIS DISEASED AND PUCKED UP TRANSMISSION, way more a coming!


July 23, 2010



WORLD LABS SBT-DATFILE: C0007-072310.600


Beginning Transmission:

This was the most mother fucking terrible and horrible fucking week at my work site, EVER, in the 7+ weeks that I now have been fucking employed there. It all began, WHENB ELSE, after Tuesday early evening’s blog posting here at this library. I went into work on the following day, Wednesday, and U would not believe in a million mother fucking years, all the horrendous bull shit, I have been forced 2 contend with ever since my arrival there at that time, and right up 2 the very present clock out time of tofreakingday, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is no way I’ll B able 2 take much more of this hell on top of hell, my life back in White City, and not with Jewelly, MINI or MAXI, praise the fucking LORD, was heaven on Earth next 2 this 7 weeks of intolerable bull fucking shit at C squared, BRAHHH!!!!!!!!! Finally, today, I had 2 report a sexual harassment situation 2 the top bosses, and only the fucking gods know where this is all gonna end up with me, as unlike others in the world, my HUNTINGTON CURSE, makes things totally different, I’m under absolutely different rules than all others. It began on Wednesday, and it ended with the same dude today, only much more is involved. I thought this man was on my side, but this other dude coworker also with the AARP job program, the very one I am on, is a major enemy playe3r, in all of this, and has made my life there totally miserable beginning this week, all though this is now his 2nd week. He was getting his feet wet the first week, U know, testing out the waters 2C just how he was gonna fuck with me and make me totally miserable.

It began on Wednesday when he came up 2 me and said that all the other workers
R complaining how my clothes R not laundered. I admit I hand wash them. April, my social worker keeps promising me 2 do the laundry with me, when she takes Wendy next door out 2 the mat just down the street, and never does. She totally ruined my entire weekend last weekend, and then the problem escalated this week. Even the lady boss at the front greeting area said I must get the clothes cleaner, this is April’s job, and she dies it 4 Wendy, and not 4 me. Now with complaints, it is all finally gonna fall back on her. At the place B4 this at the RV, I did my laundry with DEEDEE my maintenance dude, it is not that I cannot do it myself, but machines mess with me if I am by myself with no witnesses around, and nothing is dependable 2 work 4 me, I know this, I have gone through this fucking dog shit 4 about 4 decades now give or fucking take, YO!!!!!!!!!!!! This same dude from Trinidad Island, where else, has been trying 2 get me interested in many of the young filthy girls at work that R all looking 4 husbands, and all he does is gossip around with them while he works. I try and stay 2 myself, and mind my own mother fucking business. I do not bother a soul and try my best 2 do my fucking job. All he does is whisper around with them, he is a married man, and I doubt that his 2nd fucking wife would appreciate the way this filth bag operates. Then he comes over 2 me and asks me if I would B interested in them, and puts it quite crudely may I add. After he pulled the dirty clothes thing, I started thinking that perhaps he thinks that I need a woman because my appearance is shabby, and along these lines. But the peeps at this work place yesterday went 2 the trouble of giving me a nice outfit, after-all this is the business they R in as they R a charitable organization. Today, he was right back at it, when I came in wearing these new and given me terrific looking brand new clothes. I did everything I could 2 make myself ugly and plain in other ways, instead of wearing my hair long and wild which drives pussies totally like nuts, I had it tied up and a hat on pulled tightly so hardly any hair was even showing, and I wore my jersey outside completely, making me in my opinion look shorter and fatter than I am. Despite looking like hell, more sluts than ever were aggressive with me today. Giant filthy girls were everywhere, and it was total hell. The break room is not a place 4 me either no matter how much I may need the 10 minutes 2 sit down and relax. Sluts come in and act slutty either with me or other dudes working there, it is so revolting and filthy, it is a glorified fucking whorehouse, and that is all the place is. I told this 2 all of the big bosses TODAY. Florida is a filthy horrible place 2 live, and sex is the only thing on these sick evil peeps minds, I am not used 2 anywhere near this kind of shitty fucking behavior back from being in fucking New Jersey. As I said, I reported this, and if things continue, a law suit will B filed 4 sexual harassment on the job. As I told the bosses, it is OK 4 peeps 2 say that my not perfectly cleaned clothes is inappropriate 4 this workplace, well, how about being continuously sexually harassed with lewd vicious conversation by so many of these sick diseased filthy people, where is fairness in all of this????????????

There is much more 2 tell. It pours rain a lot lately, it is 100 degrees every day with high humidity, it felt 110 today. This goes on and on with no let up, pouring rain, 100 plus degrees, and absolutely no mother fucking lightning here in this so-called mother fucking LIGHTNING CAPITOL AREA OF THE UNITED MOTHERFUCKING STATES, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!! Scylla is behind all of my misery. I get checks back from my bank, actually Photostatted front sides, the new age crappy thing now, which show the checks R deposited 2 an account called MAR-JOE. My parafuckingnoia is through the roof and who the fuck can blame me. I also come 2 learn that April herself owns this company; she had given me the impression originally that she was one of the employees, not the hot shot owner of this thing all by herself, along with daddy.

Giant pussies R all over, there R no small girls anywhere around me, not at libraries, not on streets, not in fucking stores, not on beaches, and definitely not at the Orange Avenue Whorehouse Outreach Center!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The average girl around here is about 6 feet 3 inches high, and is muscular and heavy; and they think nothing of picking up 50 pound boxes in each arm and throwing them around like fucking paper. It is just like living with Paula King and Dawn King, and the monsters of Frankenstein after a group of sex change operations. They R frightening me 2 death, they R aggressive, some will not seem 2 take no 4 a fucking answer. This is 1967, 1968, 1969, and 1998, ALL FUCKING OVER AGAIN, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The man who I told about in previous blogs who is my age and has Alzheimer’s disease and never remembers dreams had another doozie on Thursday night. I was with him, along with most of the volunteer coworkers doing community service, as well as some bosses and regular actual workers not volunteering or through any federally funded programs like the AARP, and so was a strange large house with a strange large stove. The devil was there and so was SSJK. I had been drinking water and after I grabbed a large goblet of water 4 another drink, it suddenly turned into bright cherry red wine. Then the devil tried wrestling this away from me, and SSJK grabbed me and told me I can win, I can hold on and drink it B4 he can pull it out of my hands. Then SSJK handed me a heavy hammer or some similar such device, and I began striking the devil hard on his head over and over again, and he eventually fell onto the floor and lost his grip of me. The biggest part that this dude told me was that when he did hit the floor, it sounded like thunder, or like a shot of a cannon. The stove began spinning around faster and faster and got hotter and hotter, and SSJK told me 2 hurry up and drink down the rest of the water-wine, and I did so. When I did, the room stropped shaking and the oven cooled down and also no longer was spinning around. Suddenly at this point, this wild dream ended, and this man awakened. Is this fucking totally fucking whack peeps or WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will predict that the fucking DOW JONES STOCK MARKET T-O-T-A-L-L-Y———-F-L-E-W this week, and was up 500-1500 points, probably closing somewhere between 15 and 25 fucking thousand points, as things just don’t get this fucked up, NOT EVEN 4 FUCKING ME, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Despite all of this, even today, instead of coming straight over 2 this library 2 write and post a blog, I went first 2 my house and played the ULTIMATE ROULETTE, and made another 22 units. Since this hell broke loose on Wednesday morning, all total, the units I’ve won included with today’s 22 units, is 58 and a half units, HA-HA-HA-HA-FREAKING—-HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U GO SKY!!!!!!!!!!!

I am tired and exhausted and beside myself. I told 3 people about this ‘giants thing’, and all 3 of them told me just today, that I am not a nut, they now notice it as well, and 2 basically quote all of them, “Its fucking nuts”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ll get this shit noticed, and EXPOSED, CALLIOTAMM WOMOTAWF SCUMBAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Most likely tomorrow, Saturday, I will B blogging and telling huge ass secrets that’ll really piss off my enemies, so back it off or else, bitches, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



July 20, 2010








This blog will tell a lot of heavy shit, get off of it right now if U don’t wanna get a belly full of both Eddie Farrel’s RPL, and this following stuff that much of it all resulted from indeed mi time at this freaking studio, YO!!!!!!!

So far today, I have had small air incidents, as well as 2 major ones, real super freaking ‘CRASH-LEVEL’ low aerial assaults, first one by helicopter, and then one just now as I parked here at this freaking library 2 do chapter seven on this freaking blog, a small private piece of junk airplane. The chopper got me loud and zenith and low at work, and shook the entire building around shortly past this noon, and then at 3:37 PM, here with the plane. This is only serving 2 cause me something that this fucking disease hates and detests me having, and that is an absurd and unexplainable abundance of all the scale ridiculous pussy command. I mean young children girls from 10 through 20 even R just approaching me all over the place, smiling, saying hi, and just beginning conversations, and I am old enough 2 recognize females, at any age, in heat and hot 2 trot. It is so far beyond the wall it just cannot B intelligently discussed. Nor can the rash of giant and tall and powerful and muscular girls and women of all ages, literally swarming around me at every turn no matter where I must go, or no matter where I am and happen 2B, minute 2 minute, day after day after freaking day, this is no joke, or as Captain Kirkwhales may recognize the, following quotation a bit better, believe me peeps, “this is no drill”. But if U think peeps, that U have even heard 1 fucking diseased percent of today’s blog, U really had better reexamine your belief system, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have 3 girls madly in love with me, one is age 16, one is about 22, and another one is somewhere in the middle. Also, I have a worker who was SENT 2 me, resulting from a person that I paid 20 dollars to, 2 come and observe the run of continuous giants at my job site, and this man is from the island of TRINIDAD, not the old HOTEL near Misses Bassler’s shop on 10-SC Avenue, in Atlantic City, New Jersey, USAESMWG, YO!!!!!! They R all giant beauty queens, powerful as hell, able 2 press 4 boxes of bottled waters over their head in one single shot 2 a top shelf where they R stored, and I can go on and on and on and on and on. The giant African-American one told me she is never gonna let me go, and has given me something very special. Yes dude, I did not catch what U meant today right B4I left the job 2 come in here and freaking blog, but now I do, guess U will C my ugly old puss on the net, B4ICU in Donna Summer’s next presentation of her great and mighty (MORNING {‘DAWNIE’ TERRA} LIGHT), BRO!!!!!!!!! I know U indeed R on my side in all of this, and know in a way, UR looking after me, almost in a protective way, and I thank U4 this, but as we both know, Scylla forces things 2B subtle here in her lovely dream-creation of W/P on this material realm, huh, Harold Klemp.

LSS, this will not B my longest blog text in history, but it will make Mister Tolstoy belch perhaps just a little bit, and lots of shit is gonna fucking get covered in the following words and stories, if U like it, super, Jenny Johnson and Clark, and if U do not like it, then just simply change the ‘BLANNEL’ (blogging-channel), thank-U, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beginning with it all today, will B a little story of the mind, and also, MY MIND. B4I do get into things, it has been about 100 degrees every day in Fort Pierce between the heat and the humidity 4 somewhere now between 50 and 70 days, and the worst is coming over the next 60 days says the know-all old timers and Floridians, BRAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then after around September 15-25, the nights cool down a little, back 2 maybe where they R now, an all ready miserable hot oven, and maybe a month later around October 20th range in time, the days will stop being in the damn fucking nineties every single damn ass day Miss Whale Hicks Humpback!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am used 2 it, all Floridians get used 2 it, or they move away or die off. Dave Roth was not meant 2 live in this 21st century, I always made that claim, it is simply the honest 2 the fucking gods truth, and so, he did not remain in it 4 very long, and gave up the ol’ ghost me friends on the 5th of March in oh-Marola-2, if my memory is anywhere near accurately serving me here today, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now back 2 my opening topic, from which the entire rest of the majority of these blogged words will indeed B springing forth from. This topic is major, it is mind in general, and also, MY MIND, and then it is the further exploration of a power or force or any words or way that any reader may wish 2 translate these terms into in order 2 more fit into their own personal cozy and comfort zones, and it will make any non totally stupid or simply not caring and very surface minded individuals, really look at this and take stock and notice of the entire thing in various ways and degrees, and really wonder huge hyper time about lots of things, not only discussed in my own story and blogs over nearly 5 years now, but in your own damn ass lives every bit as much, and THAT, sir ROCK, is indeed the Kirk-Crushing-Equation, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!! By the way, U look utterly fantastic in that episode, Misses Roddenberry, YO. Try not 2 merge yourself with computers 2 much, you’re just way 2 pretty, YO!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me begin with a subject that I know many may indeed, and rightfully so, B plain good and sick and tired of hearing about, but the problem is that none of U have heard it all, and the best is yet 2 come, just as the famous literary saying goes mi friends and me fiends out there in the land of cyberspace!!!!!!!!

Let me remind my readers of the more recent event of me suddenly come 2 a realization, that the reason 4 the enemy interfering in my life in the tail end of the spring of the year of Oh-Marola-8, was because I was coming 2 dangerously near 2 breaking out of the HUNTINGTON CURSE that totally forbids me any pleasure in this wordly life, WHATSOEVER, BRO!!!!!!!!!! Being a normal healthy red blooded male, this translates into only 2 real things, from which, another hundred give or take can then all subdivide further down into and all throughout. I speak of the equation 4 the normal and heterosexual male as follows, P=M+W. This will now B spelled out, and it is not funny, and Albert Einstein and his equations have absolutely nothing 2 do with this. P=M+W, means PLEASURE equals MONEY plus WOMEN. As I said in another previous blog very recently, it is damn hard 2 have women in your life or meaningful relationships of any kind, if someone is being intentionally blocked and prevented from ever having ANY MONEY AT ALL, and thus being extremely ‘lucky’ if they R even able 2 scratch and claw their way into a meager and bare continual survival, in other freaking words, YO!!!! Now, a child with a runny nose if they R not trying 2 tune out powerful realities, is perfectly able and totally capable of seeing all of the things that the Mountainpen is saying here, and has been making these claims of injustices about now 4 nearly 5 full years during his nightmare blogging-career, a subpart and section of his more than 556 deci-annums of life on this diseased and sickening horrendous planet!!!!!!!!!!!! So I was mentioning how I was JUST NOW, and THAT WEEK, being a week back now in time, becoming totally lucid and aware that the reason and diabolical plan of having this rotten family ruin my entire life at just this perfectly ‘William Harner’ timing time, is not only NO COINCIDENCE, but is as blatantly obvious as an entire row of sore and infected teeth that R being magnified through an extra powerful electron microscope, YO!!!!!!!! Just like the ones I saw U use at the Cancer Institute, huh, Doctor Margaret, in 19-Diva-82, open reels and RS-1500-US Panasonic Technique models and all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Back on point now with my recent realization and discovery in MY OWN MIND AND AWARENESS, that my life was interfered with and totally maliciously wrecked and annihilated by Dawn-Marie and Ann King, the New Jersey Branch of the incredible and unfathomable monstrous Vasco Da Gama family, I was about 2 soon embark on a fantastic money-making business plan 2B used on the internet, a totally legitimate and legal way of securing a small fortune by employing 100 and even 1000 people eventually, and having them all do certain things and half the money is theirs and half is yours, the only growth potential and limit 2 this is the desire 2 stop being like the Donald and live 4 the powerful unknown money-goddess by the name of Greedala, who totally has most peeps, once they get their first taste of some real power and or money, here in this material realm, in their mortal human waking world life and bodies, or what U may refer 2 simply as, the “here and the now”. On top of that, I had joined a dating club where I could meet many of the kind of women I would B looking 4 in a lasting relationship. Let us all B honest, we all R products of our past. That sleep walking entity Nurockey Bassler Krassle, forced me against my will, on 4 separate occasions 2 have sex with her, first in the summer time of 1967 at the ‘TRINIDAD’ MOTEL, in ACNJUSAESMWG, on 10-SC Avenue, directly across the street from the 100 year old building, the Pittsburg Hotel, owned by the MCGUIRE FAMILY, and back then, by Bobby Magee’s daddy, YO peeps!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 year later on the great Long Island, in the town of Babylon at my uncle Nebuchadnezzar’s mansion at 175 Peninsula Drive, then 1 year after this, on the night of the July 4th fireworks in Atlantic City, when she threw me under the boardwalk, it was dark, I was sitting on the beach not 2 close 2 anyone else, and near the area where she had it all planned, where she had made a small opening there, as though she all ready had knew and planned all of this B4 hand, as no other possible explanation exists 4 all of this. The final rape of me by her, caused her 2 almost give birth, and she miscarried instead. In a parallel universe, in fact in many of them, in the huge hyperspace, she did not miscarry, and delivered a large and healthy beautiful baby girl, and named her Paula, after her human somnambulism identity of Paula King as one of the many doppelgangers in all transdimensional hyperspace, of the mighty greatest VIQUEEM, MINI-GREAT JEWELLY WHITE NUROCKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She was born on the 29th day of September in the year of 1998, resulting from her raping me in the John Fitzgerald Kennedy Hospital elevator the day I was there visiting my poor mother, after SHE PUT HER there in that hospital 2 begin with as a result of some major supernatural and ultra-powerful sleep-attack, and when my mother awoke from this diabolical hellishness, she never was ever the same again, and went onto live in misery along with mother fucking me, for another 26 month, dying from this horrific murder finally, on March the fucking 4th in the year of Misses Marola, Roman Numeral MM, or 2000, have it any freaking way U want it peeps, as when U sort it all out, it all comes up the very same way, and that is that I am telling powerful and vicious truths, U can all believe some or parts or all of it, or none of it, that is entirely YOUR DAMN FUCKING BUSINESS, BRAHHHHHH!!!!! Donald Trump married a woman by the name of Marla Maples some time back in the nineteen-0nineties. Add the letter (O) in-between the letters of (R) and (L) almost signifying the symbolism of magnetic lock, as the force of left and right spin in velocitronics, a future and yet unknown technology and science, indeed acts 2 neutralize atomic force pulls and pushes. Misses Marola, as I never knew her first Christian name, was one of my special-education teachers in Haddonfield New Jersey’s special education school, known as Bancroft School, on Hopkins Lane. It stands there still today as the Bancroft Pnuro-Health System. She was the only person that knew how the years past 2000, or MM, would B pronounced, as when she discussed things, she would say 4 an example, people in the year ‘two thousand seven’ would most likely not agree with us today or do things as we do them, and so on and so forth. All the greatest sci-fi minds and story writers except 4 one, all pronounced these years as twenty-oh-seven, not the way we in fact came 2 do so up here in this now FUTURE, and this one writer-exception in fact being, the movie called, ‘2001, A Space Odyssey’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Back now on point, between Larry, the owner of the tall and large women dating club, and me making friends and even going out 2 dinner on one particular social occasion right there in downtown HAMMONTON, NJUSAESMWG, B4I came 2B kidnapped,. And live with Dawn-0Marie and Ann King, (New Jersey, United States of America, Earth, Sol, Milky Way Galaxy), and also my networking on the internet business plan, despite being screwed by that filthy dude who learned of my blogs and turned on me, I would have eventually either interested others or just as I plan now on fucking doing this, ALL BY ME WHITTLE ASS HOLE SELF, as I do not need a single soul, then later, I will hire other ‘clickers’ and we can split the money, I will have a software system that lets me know just how much work they do, and I will pay them 50% of their actual revenues that they generate me by clicking on many created websites and blogs, all ordinary in nature and not far out such out Mountainpen Blogs, with plenty of advertisers on board. Once I get 50 peeps working 4 me, and have 100 sites with 10 ads or 1000 ads being clicked on by 50 peeps, 300 times or so daily, 7 days a week, at anywhere from 5 cents to 80 cents per click, money will not B an issue any longer in my life, and neither will giant beauty queens, as I’ll have every fucking one of them I want, and when I don’t need them any longer in a day or an hour, they can all fucking feel my shoe, hay, JAYJAY, its 1986 all over again, Lenny Briscoe said it all on the LAW and ORDER television show, “What’s old is new again”, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t fucking need anybody, this world has totally fucking screwed me, fuck all of U’s, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But back now onto the point again, of the mind, and of MY MIND, and how I simply JUST came 2 recently remember and realize all of this can all B in fact refucking done, YO, just as soon as I save some money up in a few months give or freaking take. On top of that, 4 whatever strange reason, Pee’s hyperspace sister sure showed me a dynamite roulette system back late last Saturday night. It has earned me 82 units in 3 games since then, new games played on worst possible times of freaking disaster, and also when matched against numerous super off the scale poor ‘BOTBAR’ top 50 bad days of the past year or so, won a total of 1,410 units, after losing 503, and another 227 and a half on green house edge losses. ULTIMATE ROULETTE will not do me a whole lot of good here however in Fort Pierce, Florida. The networking shit however is an entire different freaking ass ballgame at the speed of light squared, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me move this topic still a lot farther along, with my remembering this suddenly, only I never really had forgotten anything. Try and grasp that little idea and concept, take a break B4u read on, think about it in your own mind, digest it in your own thoughts and within your own constitution that makes each and every one of U out here so totally unique and individual, whether U wanna believe this fact and truth, or not, then go on reading, but please, just think about this thing first, cogitate and meditate on it 4 maybe 3-6 lousy little minutes, PLEASE, then when U move on, it will really start getting quite powerful monster ass. So breathe and think, then start reading the next paragraph.

So, just as with ‘remembering’ Sarah Krassle in my middle life out of the blue, or any other thing along these lines, it is not that anything was really forgotten, it merely was placed in a permanent past memory and proper location in anyone’s normal brain 4 a much later time in a persons’ life. But just as with this thing with the networking, and Larry the dating club owner, I never had forgotten either of these things. So Y then did I choose 2 ignore them in my ‘soul’ and or ‘higher existence’, the part of me while physically alive that sort of calls these type of shots as so far as where 2 exactly place the barriers and separation points with all the events and or memories that R retained in both the conscious as well as the more lower levels and layers within the deeper and more buried parts of the mind’s subconscious??????????? Now, Y did I do this with Larry and the networking business plan, Y did I do this with Sarah, and Y did I do this with the night of the visitation 2 the city of New York with my pal David Roth when he wanted 2 go into some nightclub and talk 2 some obscure musical group called “NEW SHOES, and then ran into MI, on the streets outside while I was relaxing and laying back in the passenger side of my vehicle? Y did I go through all these years and all these things, and still, not really remember, even though, I NEVER DID REALLY FORGET ANYTHING whatsoever, so then YYYYYYYYYY, JIMMIE KNOW-IT-ALL-BURR??????????????, and what then is REALLY going on with this mysterious deal known as CONSCIOUS, SUB-CONSCIOUS, UN-CONSCIOUS, MIND AND BRAIN ACTIVITY, as this entire business absolutely 4 crissake, obviously effects the lives of both ourselves, as well as so many of those anywhere around us or near us, and in indeed can B very powerful people, as well as just some poor kid whistling Dixie and running down an alley street???????  The gods know all these dirty little secrets, and since they as U all know by now if U know the teachings of MORIANITY, LOVE PLAYING ENDLESS FREAKING GAMES, with themselves, as the physical counterparts of their truer and higher realities, with pre-chosen limited degrees and amounts of memories, taking place, ON, these varying mental levels, then as the 6th dimensional signal sends their energies or “THOUGHTS” down into the 5th dimensional hyperspace of all of the unfathomable many parallel universes, not that they all parallel by any means, some close in localized ones may in fact do this, but by no means do many others, but still, these games R all part of DISTRACTION from the horrific hellishness of KNOWING totally and 4 absolute freaking certain that there is no way ever 2 reach OBLIVION or NIRVANA, or stop existing, since existence does not start nor stop, as in order 2 in fact start or stop, TIME needs 2B real in a truer higher reality, and simply put, folks, it is not. It is only a reality in these dreaming’s here in the hyperspace, so 2 stop thinking and DWELLING on HELL, these higher parts of our own self now and here, must DISTRACT, by using us, their lower part or doppelganger, and play these endless games with us. The more anything is ever attempted 2B really truly figured out, the more they can just adjust and readjust a knob or a dial, cosmically, and change all the rules around, endlessly tricking this dreaming part of them, US, and make them, and us of course, not come 2 C and know and dwell on this hell, 4 a short time here and there, in these various interdreams, and interactive lifetimes on tangible and material realms.

So the simplicity 2 all of ‘reality’ is in front of the face of any true seeker out here on this internet and on this blogger website reading these words right here and now, BRO. I myself make a huge deal out of lots of bullshit, even though I totally know 100%++++ that it is all silly nonsense. It is as meaningless in the bigger picture grand scheme of 2 magic sentences, as a floating rag would B2 a drowning man miles out at C!!!!!!!!!!! All the stories taught and told of how one time, the great Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Krassle, the ‘GOD OF THE BIBLE, came here 2 this world, with all its memories and power, is pure hooey. There is a powerful truth 2 Christianity, but in it is a pile of stench and garbage that would blow back a hurricane. I am not saying that Hydraglacia City on the Astral Plane did not lead many mortals 2 a magic baby, I saw the power and ‘magic’ of Hydraglacia, when I worked in Folsom, New Jersey, a number of summer times back, at the Cifaloglio Trash company, YO. There is way 2 much story 2 get into here with all of this, we R speaking about a myth that has grown out of proportion 4 between 2 and 5 thousand godsdamn years, so trying 2 clear it all up now today would B totally Mack Kaiter ridiculous. The Mormon Church in Utah knows some of the power of this magical family, so it is time 2 come clean and tell their biggest secret, look, let it out peeps in charge, U will feel better about it in the freaking long run. They want 2 do the same thing that I wanna do, and that is 2 FIND JEHOVAH in one of its dreams, and ask HER 2 stop this game. In order 2 do this, super hyper time accurate records of families and genealogies need 2B meticulously kept and endlessly recorded and forever updated. Maybe now, they will soon find its kid. In any event, SHE did not want me 2 remember on a fully conscious level about that night that led 2 me writing that not so nice little jingle called, “Real Good Girl”, but still, she never made me forget it, just cleverly got me 2 sort of ‘MISPLACE THE IMPORTANCE OF IT”, and THAT IS THE EQ, ROCK SHATNERCRUSHTREK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What I know about the late 2200’s, the World Laboratories, and the All Mighty Scylla Goddess, is limited 2 one powerful thing peeps, SHE can change the rules anytime on anything, with one switch of a cosmic knob. She wants me 2 do this silly apology song 4 something that SHE engineered Herself, and I have no choice but 2 obey this ALL MIGHTY WILD TEEN QUEEN, all grown up or not, that is merely the illusion process of Her being 4 decades inside of this ‘TIME-WORLD’. She did not come 2 me Saturday morning around 10 or 11 somewhere, but she made me get sleepy 3 days ago, and I suddenly was here at the library, and again as in the other interaction where this was my house, and not the town library, it was again my personal home. Long story short, her voice is unmistakable. She told me SHE is the GREAT STACEY, SHE IS, just as she sang it on the LOVE IS 4 CARPENTERS SONG, and SHE said that, word 4 word, I could hear HER as plain as day. She said that my dog is coming out of my house, and behold, I turned and looked at the doors 2 what here is this library, and sure enough, this lovely Red Setter Dog was coming out, a small just larger than a puppy, yet not a fully grown dog, and it was leaping over at me all playful. Suddenly it keeled over stone dead and I cried like a baby, while she began singing lines of a song that I had written back in the year of 1983, called Ernie, a remake actually from its original in 1981, and she kept singing the lyrics of how this is the end of gold fate, and it is 2 late. Then she whispered in my ear, still being totally invisible, “Get my apology song up on the U-Tube, dead dog”. When SHE commands, U obey, and I will do all I can 2 get this up there real darn soon, please work with me here my beautiful TEEN-QUEEN-SCYLLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let us face some facts lads and lassies. If this shit in 1986 was not so powerful, changing my life overnight, even B4 this girl was anything but a regular high school kid, Y did the mighty Military of the United States of America get so involved with all of this right then at this perfectly timed-time, YYY???? A child can C this if he or she is really looking 2 and not looking 2 bullshit themselves into not seeing the truth in this.

How anyone can doubt so much when MORIANITY tells so much. B4 Eddie and I back in Hammonton, New Jersey, had the fateful nightmare experience that October day on Tennessee Avenue in Atlantic City with Robert Magicmananniewilson McGuire, BLOWS MY MIND A MILLION TIMES FROM HERE STRAIGHT 2 THE FREAKING MILLIONTH COUNCIL. The power is all here now. My guardhouse was given and taken away, just as the BIBLE says that the SAR does, and the reason 4 this was obvious 2 a mentally challenged corpse. It was only there 4 a purpose. This was 4 me 2 do my 2007 musical project that I sent down on Boo-Day in 2K7 2 the United States Office of the Copyrights, Library of the Congress. How the entire family and the kidnapping all happened, cannot B ignored or explained away with psychiatric bullshit. U can, but deep down, U all know UR just selling me short. I want no more than the Mormon Church wants. I hope someday that SSJK comes clean and tells me just Y SHE did all of this 2 me since the middle nine-teen-sixties. OYR, explain away the powerful dream interaction of December 1969 with the chain and the BOB, and what happened after mi awakening from it. Go ahead, explain it, I dare one rotten soul 2 even waste time trying. One of the most spurious things that went down all during my blogging career was when I went totally offline 4 roughly 70 days and 70 nights, and then bought my own computer and blogged from home in Mullica Township in my mobile home, just 2 or 3 miles east of the neighboring town of Hammonton, in New Jersey, USAESMWG. All the stuff with the mysterious and awesome MILLIONTH COUNCIL, it can never B rationally explained. When U do explain it, explain April Lee my social worker, and then press on with the 1987 Pharmaceutical company and explain the music project of 2008 that the greatest female recording artist on this planet ever, did, and explain the website with the message of the 2 late thing, along with how she had just sung the song LOIS FOCA, and the lyric that went, 2 me directly from HER, “Then one day 2 late, he’ll come looking 4 me, he’ll no longer know who I am, remembering a girl from his little boy world, and doing his best 2 forget who I AM. Oh I AM your STACEY, the great SARAH-STACEY, I’M more than a girl from the shore, I sent HER 2U, so that U’d love Me 2, but instead U forgot even more”, and on and on and on. Then press still on and explain the movie SHE made last autumn. All I know is that I do not know anything about this elusive all powerful Goddess, and I had more of her than U ever will, Donald and dude with the AT&T advertisement, YO. SHE can never B explained, SHE is the great SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KRASSLE, and Archie said it best at this pernt, CASE CLOSED, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I got home from posting up back last Saturday, I had a plane greet me from the mighty MILI-2-FORCE, what else is new. This was not the first fucking chopper I have heard at work since I started there about 7 weeks or so ago, I hear that dirt bag there a lot, BRO, LOW AND FREAKING LOUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Monday, yesterday, late in the morning, the place went on a GIANT GIRLOGRAM ATTACK ROLL, and dozens of giant women and young females were suddenly all over, the smallest girl in the place was maybe, 5 foot 11, some were definitely close 2 being a foot more than this, Fort Pierce, Florida, really is the land of the GIRL-GIANTS, BRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

These enemies will not allow any pleasure, any normalcy, I do not dare clean my teeth, and shave, on the same day, I have not been able 2 do this 4 more than a solid fucking dozen years without getting a super disaster day occurring as a fucking result, also known 2 MORIANITY as a super B-O-T-B-A-R day, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When my mom and I used 2 shop or do laundry when we had no private facilities and needed 2 use a Laundromat, we always took a rash of powerful aerial fucking assaults; they cannot stand anything that resembles normalcy, being done by me. They want only death and fucking destruction 4 me, and this is called, THE HUNTINGTON FUCKING CURSE!!!!

Hopefully, I can survive my hellish fucking workplace until I can get my networking operations up and running, that takes money 4 internet service, a computer, and many things. I am not gonna ask anyone 4 help, I have all the books and all the information available at my house, and can perform this task BRO, and do this entire thing, all by me whittle ass mother fucking self, YO!!!!! Screw everyfuckingbody, BRAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

Finishing out today’s discussions and lessons, and journal, pertaining 2 the mind, first, there is a hyperspace where many of the collective and total we’s and us’s all live and interact and coexist within. Above this, as a child can count and add the number one to the number 5, is the 6th freaking dimension, and this indeed, is the MIND DIMENSION, the mental realm, as the mighty religion called ‘ECKANKAR’ sees it. Google this group up, they do not C things exactly as I do, but they R enlightened open minded peeps with powerful wisdom, just Google them up. Not all things R thought energies sent down as directness. Indirectness is part of a more powerful event in all of this, and this indirectness of sent thought energies is the rational human explanation of the sub-conscious mind and its many layers and inner-realms, so 2 speak. Do I think and believe that the gods playing their mighty game called DISTRACTION is ALL that is behind everything, in all of its many countless intricacies? YES I DO!!!!!!!!!!! Some things may translate into this just not possibly being the truth, but then remember, how terrified would UB 1000 years ago, taking a sailboat out into the ocean and sailing off of the edge of the Earth? All things, from knowledge 2 mental attitudes, and also sociological behaviors around the globe, R quite indeed relative 2 the times and era that we appear in the time-illusion, 2B in fact living inside of. It may B an illusion, IT IS AN ILLUSION, but this illusion tricks us very powerfully. Just as with the Tallos-4 episode, the pilot and opening episode that began the entire STAR TREK show and all of its later following spin off shows, if someone has the power 2 make your mind C and believe illusion, UR in their power 100%, and my advice is not 2 get back in school, 4 those still in it, my advice, 2 real good or even real bad girls, boys, or anyone out here is simple. Find a copy somewhere of this show called, “THE CAGE”, the original 2 hour STAR TREK episode. Watch it 3 times, study it, and then reread this blog, and perhaps all of MORIANITY. But B ready 2 shit yourselves 4 a solid year. It is more than another strange weird symbolic thing within my own life, how my father knew future STAR TREK movies, yet believed they were the opening of the show and not its original show aftermath. It tells me that the future and illusion has some powerful symbolic connection, if NOTHING ELSE, BRO!!! Quite obviously there is so much 2 tell here with this and all of things close 2 this, the entire point talked about today. This has just been opened 4 now, and we will move further along later with all of this, that Kimba Mister White Lion, U CAN B SURE OF, ol’ buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Jane Sleazedisease Fondaones clock attacks R horrible, I bust my living prick 2 avoid seeing this fucking shit; and POW, it just won’t quit, I believe this shit has a built in Coppertop Battery, it just keeps right on fucking going and going and going, YO!!!!!!!! In many long-back blogging texts, I talk about the license plate attacks, the symbolic-ness of so many 2-letter combinations, one being ‘JB’, and how seeing this on the road after middle 1986, on somebody’s mother pucking license, brought me a hellish day beyond runt slapping words. Well, it sure stands 4 enough shit, but it was only a week or so ago that I was thinking how I could have ended up if caught that night, being sent 2 Rikers Island. Yeah, JB, how about freaking JAIL BAIT???????????????????????????????

I need 2 post up and go home and shower and eat. I am one worn out fucked up dude. Yesterday early in the evening right around this time about 24 hours back, at a quarter shy of freaking five, I took a super ass monster fucking health attack from the WOMO SCUMBAG CLUB. These filthy diseased cock sucking bastards were not through with me however at bedtime around quarter shy of eleven. At quarter past midnight, I awakened 2 horrific cramping fucking pains, and had 2 really shit out my guts again. After I took care of bizz, and right B4I returned 2 my bed, POW, another fucking clock attack, the clock got me at one-eleven. I had it not turned around, as I did not expect 2B back up until mother fucking morning. Someday, Agnesoni will do its job and not permit that diseased dirt bag MILLIONTH-COUNCIL 2 keep hurting me so badly endlessly, with no payback or retribution, no vengeance, no justice. It is only just a matter of time, B4 half this planet is whacked by a fucking giant meteorite if this shit doesn’t fucking stop, THAT IS A TOTAL FUCKING PROMISE MY PEEPS, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!



July 16, 2010





Beginning Transmission;

Knowing that all of this is no more than a bunch of particles and waves, and that my conscious awake mind is nothing more than some sort of a cosmic radio scanner-tuner that divides this reality somehow by the speed of light times the speed of light, changes nothing about how going through this life makes one feel, or suffer, or whatever, NOT ONE MOTHER FUCKING CHRISTLESS GODSDAMN MIKE SOTTAS THING, YO, powerful arm breaking punches and all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not one person alive on this world of pure solidified hurl would believe me if I told U all that is going on since I posted up my blog last Saturday afternoon, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

B4I start, the foundation here that absolutely must B built in order 4 all the rest of today’s blog story 2 make better sense 2 anyone reading, and especially Terry of Egg Harbor in New Jersey, the magic land of gone missing traveling exploratrons that take things 2 the next level, Doctor Bruceberg. U may not understand all or parts of this foundation that now will B constructed here with materials called words, but here goes, as I know it is utterly necessary and of the utmost importance 4 me 2 say all of this B4 beginning bigger shit that believe me folks, all connects and fits together 100%+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First this foundation will open by my telling and reiterating what I know definitely that I did in fact all ready tell, and on repeated occasion on many a past and prior blogging text, and so here goes, BRO. All places that I ever come 2 work in , or come 2 live at, R all ready known about by powerful ASTRAL PLANE GODS, and all ready, infiltrated by what I will full liberties today and term, “PRE-FIXED STRONGHOLDS”. I tend 2 put things into military terms and lingo Captain Kahnkirk, I realize this ol’ buddy, and gee I wonder YI do this, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Funy-funy-funny, huh Sheila Longhair Franklin!!!!! Yeah, we will get a lot fucking funnier as this blog goes on, huh Captain the Game Player and fam??????????????????????? 600 years, 600 love slaves, and the Capitol of my nation in Roman Numeration of DC, wow, if it really does or could in fact get any better than all of this, DreamWorks peeps, U just show me freaking how-so, wouldya?????????  Did any of U ever notice how when U buy a bag of popcorn that most non total pig out eaters never eat the entire thing in one sitting, and then try and reseal the remaining and uneaten popcorn when UR all finished eating what U want at the time, that the bag is always totally made 2 self destruct and got the very idea or maybe the other way around, the show getting the idea from popcorn bags, called “Mission Impossible”, not the modern bull shit shows or movies, I am talking the real talent here, the original sixties and into the early seventies show with Barney and mister Phelps, YO???????????? I decided sometime early this week 2 mention this 4 totally different reasons, yet reasons that pertained 2 a powerful other point that is all wrapped up with the teachings of MOUNTAINPEN and MORIANITY. Then I had just finished the prior evening eating a bag of popcorn where this indeed occurred, and now was going 2 eat some more popcorn and opened up a 2nd bag, as I had bought 2 large popcorn bags back last weekend. In my memory of being a popcorn eater, 4 the very first time, the bag not only did not literally fall apart faster than the contents of the product could even B eaten, but after I had finished the entire bag on the next day, the memories of this powerful shit hit me hard of how I was gonna blog this thing about these popcorn bags, and when the bag was totally empty of even the final and very last crumbs of tiny pieces of the popcorn, I grabbed this bag and pulled at it 4 all it was worth, and nothing, it was as though I was trying 2 tear up solid thin steel. Waves and particles, what do they have 2 do with entities in some Astral Heaven Realm, and the games that I have claimed that they endlessly play, in order 2 avoid thinking and dwelling on a hellish nightmare situation that existence never starts nor does it stops, it simply is, and that is simply because time itself is only real seemingly, in TIME REALMS, such as right here with us and U reading these words, whoever U may B????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, the foundation is gonna start thickening up as I move this right along now, despite not directly responding 2 my very own posed query at this exact point Senator Jacobson White!!!!!!!!!!!!! As some may or may not know, I do not discuss at all, the U-tube thing or the ‘apology song’ that I was supposed 2 write and broadcast 2 the Planet EARTH. Let me remind some that know some of all of this hell in my life, that in the place I am working through the American Association of Retired Persons, or the “AARP”, we have a public address system, and like many places, they tend 2 play radio broadcasts over it. I told my blogging audience and my new life journal now as well, that is hopefully safer from the clutches of peeps like KING, MCGUIRE, and DAGAMA, and “OTHERS POWERFUL SCOTT RANSOMITES”, Mister Car Watergate Bugged Millhouse; how I heard an all ready brand new and just released song out on this station that was put through the PA system at this place where I worked, and so now I figure that there simply is now need 4 me 2 do this stupid thing, as I do not feel I have anything 2 apologize 4 in the first place, things happen, and I did not hear anyone saying the word no, or I would most likely still B on Rikers Island. I was worried that I was gonna go 2 Rikers Island until 1993 ran around, 7 years later. Now of course I know that Rikers Island was never in the possible menu of that night, and things were all preplanned and fixed, long B4 the sun ever burned in space. Still, I really do not think that U-tubing this powerful event would B in my best interest, and was very happy that an all ready existing song about a dude apologizing 2 a girl, was just released and out there, and by an all ready famous recording artist, so I know it has been played all over and heard numerous times by numerous peeps the world or at least the national area over. So I got onto the blog and told all this, and said I am not gonna have any more 2 do with this nonsense. Instantly, beginning with the very next morning that I went 2 work at this place, instead of some average music station, the PA was broadcasting a religious station, one of those hell fire preaching type stations with lots of screaming, and the Lord this and the Lord that, YO!!!!!!!!! Some powerful force where I work, at this pre-fixed location from B4 my birth and long B4 that, instantly, had any and all radio access 2 me, blocked and ‘terminated’, U would have been proud, Governor Schwarzenegger, sir!!!!!! If things were even just a tiny bit less obvious and blatant and continuous over decades of time with me, not years, DECADES, peeps, I could try at least 2 maintain possible objectivity that random things indeed can B occurring, but not with this endless fucking bullshit, but UR merely asking me 2 buy into shit that I totally fucking refuse 2 keep buying into. I don’t give a flying fucking rats Christ eating ass if the Pope, the President, and the top 100 stars in this diseased little world all told me 2, fuck all of these peeps, I KNOW WHAT THE FUCK I KNOW, and that ends the matter, period, Fred Sanford!!!!!!!!!!!!! The other day, back earlier this week, after I left and punched out, I returned back 2 purchase a few grocery items, and guess what, regular music radio was back playing through the public address, wow am I just a paranoid whack job nut case peeps, OYR!!! (OH YEAH, RIGHT).

The foundation is laid 4 much more foundation as well as lots of things yet 2B told lads and lassies and Lab Retriever Dogs, don’t B jealous little Midge, I love U!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow did that break poor Dawn’s heart that day shortly B4 my kidnapping, but let me go on from that point with this, as it further is building more structure and solidity in the larger foundations. I really did love that little bastard. She was one great dog, but when she attacked Ann King’s precious birds, that was the end of poor whittle Midge. Poor Dawn, OYR, poor all of U, all of the Vasco Da Gama descendants, sheeeeiiiiiiit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At the risk of Sarah Jacobson returning 2 me again at 22, as she can any time she so desires, let me just tell the most powerful monster ass tale in the world now, and some few Einstein’s out here all ready R most likely wondering when my light bulb was ever gonna go on, well it went on, so fucking there, YO!!!!!!!!! Right in the short 60 day or so time in 2008, not 2006, a typo on a recent blog when I discussed Dawn Marie King escaping the Secaucus Rehabilitation Clinic legitimately via the cleverest and most cunning plan that ever was hatched or devised on Planet freaking Earth, yet by any criminal, at least in my opinion aniwho, I really have believed in all of this after-time since this hell was given me, in the final third of the oh-Marola-8 year, but yes, it was not oh-6, it was oh-8, and all this time since, I believed totally that one single reason was behind this powerful plan 2 wipe me out and kidnap me into their evil fold and family. This plan being, 2 interfere with my public outcries of personal injustices through and by way of internet blogging. I am not ruling out that some of this is part of things, but it was far from the big picture here. The big picture is that I am totally mother fucking forbidden 2 things in this powerful fucking HUNTINGTON CURSE, really one thing, PLEASURE. Breaking this down into the 2 normal ingredients that bring varying degrees of pleasure 2 peeps living their lives physically in this rotten world, this translates 4 the heterosexual male, as women, and money. U cannot have women without money, nor can U have anything at all, it costs money just 2 exist and B in this fucking evil sin cursed world, and it always has. I had been communicating with a fellow named Larry, President of a Large and Tall Women Dating Club, where men that R small and want a monster ass Queen 4 a girlfriend and perhaps more, join his club, and I had joined it. Also, I had recently come up with a dynamite networking plan 4 use on the internet, and between these 2 things, my enemy, JUST AS THEY MOTHER FUCKING DID 2 ME IN 1986, they wiped me out and totally fucking DESTROYED MY FUCKIJNG ASS, POW, BOOM, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS, and only this, was what really happened in clear hindsight now figured out this very fucking week, in 2008, and when in 1986 I won big money playing roulette professionally in the New Jersey casinos down in fucking Atlantic City, that was the activator button on the monster machine called the HUNTINGTON CURSE. Things just ‘blew right up in my face’, 2 quote the great Law and Order man, JACK MCCOY!!!!!!!!! Hence, I AM NOT ALLOWED NORMACY OR ANY HAPPINESS, AS I AM UNDER A VICIOUS FUCKING HORIFFIC MONSTROUS CURSE; AND I AM THE ONE THAT’S CARRYING THIS FUCKING CURSE IN THIS FUCKING GENERATION 4 MY FILTHY ROTTEN FUCKING DISEASED DIRT BAG SNOOTY FAMILY!!!!!!!!! Anyone that does not believe in “FAMILY CURSES”, and YO, I am learning how the fucking internet works, huh Paul Evans Pedersen of STUDIO PARK RECORDS, SIR, but 4 those that scoff and make fun of things running in families, U need 2 get some books on genetics and biology, as behavior and psychiatric traits as well as many physical characteristics that indeed makes all of us exactly who and what we R here in the material worlds, RUNS THROUGH OUR FAMILIES, through the magical CHAIN of chemical magic known 2 the scientific community as DNA. If all of this can run through our genes and make us what we all R, do not tell me 2 doubt any fucking “FAMILY CURSE”, OR CROOKED BUSINESS PARTNERS, OR HOW THE Google Engine and the internet systems all work, well U taught me all this big boy Paul, remember pal, U said that “I need 2 learn that it all is a system, and that I better learn 2 play the game or else I’d B in lots of trouble”, well, buddy, U were no fucking liar, not ON THAT ONE, BRO!!!!!!!!! I am learning more every mother fucking rotten stinking diseased day ladies and gentlemen!!!!!!!!!!!!! I remember a lot, and plan 2 do this networking thing, fuck the girls, I have no need 4 any of that shit, nor one tiny bit of interest. I am an old man and couldn’t fucking care less about women, so let us use the hands we have O’Jay Simpson, and try and remain out of the Bennett Hotel, as well as Rikers, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The enemy has placed physically powerful and giant sluts all around me, they make me look like a tiny frail piece of onion paper, and can do shit with one hand that I cannot do in my wildest imagination with both hands. I literally am in a nightmare hell. I have aggressive girls all around me, as well as those that hate me, and some of these aggressive peeps R not anywhere near legal age. In fact, strange things R happening with children around me, and not just in one gender, but both with girls and boys. But I obviously can say no more about any of this, again, Florida has their ‘Riker’s Islands just as does New freaking York. Spurious shit happens on a minute 2 minute fucking basis, and if it all suddenly stopped, I would simply not know what 2 do or even how 2 fucking properly react. I would most likely fall down in a full drunken stupor, without so much as one drop of alcohol entering into my body. I am no Da Gama descendant, and I do not abuse any substances. No really peeps, I would B so shocked and surprises with or without any Donna summer’s or radios or songs, and wow, does that round robin right back into the point and issue of this days’ freaking ass bwog, Elmer ass hole Fwudd, whaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The powers and forces around me have totally interfered with the weather of the United States and especially the weather here in Florida. Especially with all this heat, and never any real decent electrical storms happening. Just last night, Diana woke me up and flashed a couple of times, and was around me a short while the other day, but no more 6 days in a row with powerful lovely bolts so close that I could feel my blond love doll literally tingle me just by stepping outside on the wet grass, how I love my beautiful electron, I always have, and I always will. Clock attacks with Jane Shitscumdisease R off the scale, the bitch nailed me just B4 coming here 2 the library, and I have been so fucking careful 2 avoid seeing her miserable fucking rotten ones.

Everything I say is being monitored by some group where I work, I have come 2 know this, it is undeniable, there is no mistake about it, I do not think the person who tried 2 call my bluff and bet me the ten fucking grand is part of this, this is separate, IMHO. If by any chance, U or someone that is in with U, BIG BILL, is reading this, I know about the random car crash hospital experiments, and that both U and Dennis Snyder, my fake cuzz, were used as ‘subjects’. I know ALL about this shit, and I know a lot more than all of the authorities and powers and regulators and law makes on this diseased planet, think  that I know, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U can take that straight 2 your ‘Chemical National Bank’, Uncle Heinz Gottwald of Long Island, U old snoot bag U!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another vicious attack came on me back on Tuesday, but since where I work is the scene of all of this now most of the time and with most of these events, and since as I have told U, I know I am being closely monitored as far as what I am saying publicly online, I must B very careful and joint the WAYV-NJ Radio Club, huh big deadly dangerous Paula???? I despise public displays of affection, the scum bag cauk dude on the machine across from me and his not so cauk girlfriend R playing kissy-nasty, this is revolting and disgusting 2 me, this is a fucking library, not a fucking whorehouse, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

As soon as I posted up last Saturday and drove over 2 South Beach, 4 a quick whittle swim in the damn ocean, the same MILITUFORCE ugly skinny long plane came right over me and then veered off after passing me low above me in the ocean, and in addition, a chopper was also making several passes over me, I saluted him, but was thinking, wow, your moms were sure terrific as Christless hellfire in bed the night B4, YO!!!!!!!!!!

Now 4 the wild ass monster power dream-interaction from several nights back, YO players: I fell into a quiet and peaceful sleep, and suddenly found me’ ol’ self in a large rectangle shaped room where a big banquet was taking place. The peeps that would B attending this event had not yet arrived and I was the worker who was fixing the places at each table setting, the numerous dishes and utensils, etcetera. In addition 2 all of this, there was a weird looking thin and extra tall glass that seemed 2B in sections, divided in 3 or 4 parts, and these were not empty, but filled up, and I was 2 place these around this huge table, all persons were 2 get one of them. There were some complex instructions and my boss, told me exactly what she wanted done with them, and it took me a while 2 totally catch on 2 what she wanted. My boss was none other than the greatest female recording artist of all time, here in the waking world, Mariah Carey. After I finally managed 2 complete this task, and as I speak, a super nasty left side death angel attack is striking me at just shy of 6 past 3 this afternoon. That was a major one, very intense as well as long lasting, but back 2 this wild interaction now. She told me 2 walk through the small door next 2 the main doors, and that ‘I would find myself in a small hallway that would lead me into a casino where many peeps were all playing the game of roulette that I fancied so much’, 2 quote here exactly. I did what she said and sure enough, this hallway bent around and seemed 2 slowly B leading me higher up as well, in elevation. Eventually it led me into an opening in a large wall, and dead ahead in front of me were endless roulette tables, thousands of them, I never saw anything like this here in this part of the hyperspace or any other one, so far, that my waking memory has recall of aniwho. Long Story Short, or (LSS), I went up 2 one of these tables, and noticed that at all of them, about 5-7 players were all seated, and 2 or 3 had shirts on that were identical, and read on their backs, “ULTIMATE ROULETTE PLAYER”. MC told me that I could learn how 2 play ULTIMATE ROULETTE, and that no one would tell me, but that I needed 2 carefully just observe the players that wore these shirts, and C what they do as the numbers keep popping in. Suddenly after what felt like about an hour’s worth of time in this powerful ‘dream’, I GOT IT. This was back last Saturday night around 11:30 or so, I was laying down on my bed and just dropped quietly away from this world. Suddenly I was in this banquet room with Mariah Carey, and she was my boss, and I had somehow known that she was not a recording artist or even had any interest at all in music, in this other universe in the hyperspace. As 4 the Ultimate roulette, it is mind boggling. Never ever, have I seen a system like this!!! It just gobbles up chips and never seems 2 fucking give them back 2 the house, all week I have been so busy surviving at my job and going home and playing this system in new games as well as applying many old game books that I brought down and managed 2 take with me out of the house that night on my escape trip here 2 Florida back last December twelfth.

But it is not the system that has me mind bent peeps, it is remembering all the shit that was taken away from me, not only all my worldly fucking possessions, but all the shit I could have maybe done 2 possibly help me finally escape this horrendous despicable Huntington Curse, the club run by Larry, and my networking plan on the internet. I intend 2 make all of this a reality, and I no longer need anybody’s fucking help. All of my enemies can burn up in hot fucking DOGTOWN; mortals use the word, HELL!!!!!!

End Transmission:


July 10, 2010






Beginning Transmission:

Well, some strange force keeps wanting me 2 say that this chapter and also the past two chapters in this book called, “SAFE JOURNAL”, is chapter ‘SEVEN’, I typed it again now and fixed my stupid screw up.

As always on stinking Saturdays here in this town here in hot-ass Floridovens, I could not park right at the library, always some crowded festival going on, YO, at least it could B much worse, what if it really was the “RASPBERRY FESTIVAL”, and then Captain Da Gama started firing shots at me from a ship out in the Indian River, yes peeps, 4 me aniwho, things always can and most likely will always continue 2 progress, much worse and more negatively. I will tell a few things and not harp super hyper time on any one thing, if that is indeed ever really possible 4 the Mountainpen 2 really do, saying and doing is always 2 different things as all of us certainly come 2 realize by adolescence or early adulthood somewhere in that range.

Not all that much will B left out today, reach 4 the nitrogliss Don and others, U2 my new foe on the cast. U know peeps in general, this all proves one mighty thing 2 me, and if all of U let it totally go by U, then that further proves what I’m now about 2 tell y’all, BRO!! Instead of a more human and humane reaction 2 my words that tell of my horrific suffering and hardships and hell without let up nor ceasing, most if not all readers only have mean nasty feelings, attitudes, and retorts 2 come back at me with, but I hope the ‘STREET” survives this whittle tell-all thing today, it did not seem 2 appreciate my being all that exactly specific with the 2 letters from some of the mighty cousin-descendants of Captain Da Gama, the mighty women of New Jersey who basically planned 2 forever kidnap me and control my movements in an entirety, with a mother fucking agenda that if I can ever prove, lots of powerful peeps may have 2 go down, and if innocent, cool, but if not, well, Sigmund Malyska, and Brad Messenger, sirs, that is just the freaking way that it all goes and was meant 2 unfold, mommy’s cards and all, YO!!!!!!! U know Wall Street, it is REALLY FUNNY, is it not, always with the ‘2-letters’, like YO!!!!!!!! I do not want your stock prices down, nor do I give a rats Christless fucking dirty shit ass if they shoot up 2 the stinking rotting moon, I only care that something is persecuting me, and I know that a direct parallel event between your mighty financial system and all of this is real no matter what anyone ever says or does, huh Erica Kane on AMC, John and Photeus on 10-SC Avenue in 1997, like DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so scarrrred Cal, so maybe U better watch out and B-Paula-Waves real ass Christ hole careful of those new girl friends and broken Kiesha arm thunder cracking punches, YO, Walter Cowards!!!!!!! Like I’m fucking imagining any of this shit, Jesus Christ All Plighty!!!!!!! Yes, when U want some privacy, U get just the opposite, when U want a little pussy action, it is always when none is anywhere. Maybe I should not say ‘U’, as I only know that this all happens 2 me, constantly and fucking continuously in the name of Mike Sottas Christ, and his arm crunchers from 1972, and followers in the next Piccard generation of hellishness, Dirty-Ugly-Hell!!!!!!!!!!!! So, Mike ol’ pal from the Jacobson days, RU following me around exploratronically BRAHHHHHH????????? Yeah, Cal, R we both supposed 2B all scarrrred??????????????????????? POW, Captain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m real impressed Aunt Geraldine Shaw Snow Mason, like freaking YO!!!!!!!!!! My ‘pernt’ Archie and all others interested here, is that I do not want 2B off 2 far on a freaking tangent, and is that instead of ‘awe, poor baby’ kind of responses 2 what I tell on me ol’ whittle bwogs, whaaa, I get anger and hatred responses, and then the real ‘miracle’ is that peeps wonder YI wanna fucking die and forever remain in fucking godless oblivion 4 the sake of all of the Jesus Waterwalkers. The Missourians R one thing, but the haters R on level 2. I only know that if my life was within more normal parameters, I would read blogs like mine with pity, being skeptical of the blogger’s sanity, yet I know that I’d remain open minded should said blogger speak rationally, and prove and offer enough fact-check verifications online, over and over with repeated claim and freaking authority. Anyone can fact check the United States Copyright Office, Studio Park Records, see how partners screw me over after telling me they would never act the way that former peeps did with me, and then go fucking cunt onto rip me off 50 fold worse than all the past ones all put the fuck together, YO. There R millions of things said on my blogs just in the past year, let alone 3 or 4 or more years, that can indeed all B checked out and verified, showing that all though the shit that is being claimed is far out and about as totally outlandish as it gets, it still cannot B proven out 2B a lie, and 4 a very good reason, it is NOT A FREAKING LIE, not any of it. I admit the one lie, and if U wanna hate me 4 it, tough shit. I admitted the July 12 night back in 1970 when I said how Sarah came 2 my aid. This was powerful shit, some force got me 2 do this 4 many reasons, and hindsight is every bit as great as the regular vision of the great goddess Sarah Jacobson via closet machines and AE’s, not U Bert, another freaking Al, dude!!!!!!!!!! Watch those powerful punches Mike Goddamn Sottas. Look, as Miss Press On said 2 me the other night about a week back or so, do U hear what UR saying? Yeah I do, but the problem is that I also heard a fantastic fucking statement made by a man accused of murdering another Julie, not White Viqueens, on the greatest law television show ever on the air, L & O, and that statement made by him on the witness stand while Jack DA McCoy was drilling him, was meant 4 me if anything in this Christ-ass world ever was, and it went, “It isn’t paranoia if somebody is really out 2 get U”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My point again and remaining right on it if possible, is that peeps will never cease 2 amaze me, and I really do hope that the STREET survives the Gloria Gainer must tell today, better than that other Saturday of 2 weeks ago, YO, with the magical always, “2 LETTERS”!!!!!!!!!!!! I will B telling how somebody bet me ten fucking thousand dollars that no such song was written or copyrighted by me in 1986, called, “REAL GOOD GIRL” If I am proven wrong, my blogs R2 terminate for the rest of my natural present me lifetime, and if right, I am supposed 2 open up a pay-pal account and will get this money from this nut case fucking Christ crucified whack job. WO is life getting wackier 4 me by the day, or am I the king of endless sike studies????

Here is the song, or the lyrics written in the early part of August somewhere in the year of 1986, hold onto your stocks, they will recover, but I expect that ten grand butt wipe!!!! Of course I know all ready that U will not pay up, dude or duddess, whatever the case is, but I do know that somebody wants me off of the fucking diseased internet, YO!!!!! B4I do this, let me quickly tell U all that I left the library, and some dirt bag bikers club was having a huge party right up the way, causing me 2 alter my usual route out of here, and making me change and go out of my way, as police cruisers were blocking the streets, and horrific loud ass shitty music was blaring all over their stinking area, does it get a lot worse 4 me old pal of the KALI Bureau of Investigation, ‘Mister’ Patrick Jane?????? Now as one persons wallet should legitimately B ready 2 lighted up 2 the ‘tune’ of ten grand, others may want 2B non Fort Pierce residents, and B ‘short’, my Christ in hot hell R giants living here in this miserable town. I am the tiniest jerk off in Saint Fucking Lucie County, Botbarida. Let me break up these walls of text, and stop wearing women’s Bra’s, oh well, Mizz Umwell, here R the lyrics, sorry if this hurt anyone, but I am only telling what was, and have no power 2 change things, that is up 2 forces far greater than me, huh Doctor Goldberg, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Am I doubting that some power and force can indeed remove me out of the records of even the mighty LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, OFFICE OF THE COPYRIGHTS, no I do not put any kind of transdimensional activities beyond the capabilities of these monster ass Randle Candle mall working firebug shit heads, at warp ten, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is what I wrote after mi encounter on that fateful night, it was all in fun and was never meant 2 hurt any feelings, I am very sorry, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If U say you’ll B a real good girl, and put up your hair in pretty curls, 4 me…I might even let U stay, 4 an hour, or a day with me. But if U say that U will not go, as the sun starts creeping up so slow…baby I’ve got news 4U, U can cry and scream as U feel my shoe. As U feel my shoe, tears colored in blue, I don’t care about U, I don’t care about U. ———— Friends all say, I am mean, my heart is cold as an ice machine, they do—But I don’t care at all what they say, I wish 4 all of U2 go away. They tell U baby that I am cruel, and ask UYU continue being my fool…but all U do is smile and say, he is the greatest fish in the whole damn bay. Greatest fish in the bay, that’s what U say, then U beg me 2 stay, but I just throw U away. ———- People tell me I am cold, they just don’t seem 2 know I’m simply 2 old. 2 me you’re just a pretty joy tool, my advice 2U is get back in school. I know I look 19, 2U, it’s in my genes but baby I’m far from new. I’ve been around such a long-long time; you’re like a flash of light that’s seen from behind. That’s seen from behind, I know I’m unkind, you’re sun never shined, cause we’re both lost in time.

The Copyright Office is right there in 600-ville, check it out, Y would I make up shit like this, uh-oh, that can have a powerful side connotation, did not mean the song, as all peeps with an IQ over their shoe size know the reason 4 that, DUH at all colors, and am I impressed yet Lenny Briscoe?????????????? I have reasons now 2B a little more impressed with many things. My disc ran out of space and I had 2 save things 2 another disc, at first things seemed hopeless, I now know these little square things R not forever, and only so many words can B saved on them, I mean naturally I knew this, it is just that I had always believed that they could contain more than this amount, not being video in nature, as Eddie told me that only video and music take up the great amount of memory spaces. Still, the jigsaw puzzle equation hits, where did the entire thing almost go swirling down the drain, right after I did, what, again, “REAL GOOD GIRL”, come on peeps, how am I not supposed 2 wonder about shit like this, BRO???????  There always was a powerful magic about this song, but U must remember, I did not really ever know MC, I knew a high school kid 4 about 55 minutes in the city. I am no traveler, I am not a dominant type three Exploratron nor am I on some mission. This is what makes me angry about those that love my ancestor so much. They will not believe that HE was on a mission. If someone is in a military service, they R under authority and carry out missions, they do what they R told 2 do; HE admitted 2 all of this, READ YOUR BIBLES B4U all get so angry at me, BRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am telling forbidden shit here, and I will pay 4 it, FOREVER AND FUCKING FOREVER. Also I suppose U have been all informed that it is far better 2B pissed off than pissed on, I know I agree with this seemingly simple philosophy, so chill out dude/ess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gawky Gaukauk is a powerful and mind blowing Astral Plane entity that had many lives humanly right here in this ‘very localized area’ in the unfathomably gargantuan sized hyperspace. One of these dudes was a Roman named what else, “Pilot”, spelled perhaps differently, but it amazes me how powerful symbolic-ness really remains all throughout both time and hyperspace. Paul Pedersen never believed that defying gravitation forces was anything short of a magical parlor trick and always cited the bumblebee example. He also did not believe that time ran at the speed of light and that the universe is not moving, but instead produces illusions 2 this effect. Antimatter is nothing more than the reverse of polarity in the charges of the electron and the proton. In worlds made up of one direction in polarity, time runs at 186,282 statute miles per second in one direction, while in the reverse polarity it runs in reverse, this is mathematical and proven, so Paul needs 2 reexamine his compressed seawater brain. If U run at this velocity, U will orbit the hypersphere every 60 trillion years give or take, and things never moved at all, it appears frozen. Is the Planet Earth really out there in the distance at various points? Of course not, but the principal operates as though it really is, because should someone field travel 2 a fixed point asteroid 5 light years out and then round trip back 2 Earth, they would indeed B 10 years backward in time. Since atoms cannot alter, this is Y doing this would alter the frequency or atomic signature, and now being on another material vibration, or in another localized part of hyperspace, if U should alter something such as find yourself and cut off your leg, U would not suddenly have a missing leg in your new atomic reality. This is where the sci-fi has not caught up with the known reality of the 22 hundreds. Maybe these truths R forbidden, I do not have the facts 2 this, so I cannot make a legitimate comment here. When I do not know, I do not know, and I tell U that I don’t, YO!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t die on me Mister Fox, but nice try BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My real point on this day’s entire blog is that MIND CONTROL, through and via the PAWM PIE tools of the ETTOS of the Astral Plane’s mighty MILLIONTH COUNCIL, is real, and the reactions from the world 2 the words on my blogs, if NOTHING ELSE, verifies its veracity and true authority of reality, YO!!!!!!!!!!

Last night, a powerful interaction struck me, the Millionth Council had taken me somewhere, and in this small room, was a wall made totally of some viewing screen, and extremely bright colored lights were shining and when my eyes finally were able 2 focus and C anything that made sense, I saw the Space Shuttlecraft Challenger lift off again, and blow up. Then a bunch of basketball players from those days all appeared in my room there. One of them gave me an incredible shove, and I was floating in the air, defying the gravity in the room, as peeps like 2 put it. No laws in physics R ever defied, technology merely acts in ways that permit a more efficient and better interaction with these existing physical laws. This is Y the bumblebee in fact flies. Just because the engineers of this time period do not have the bugs all worked out, does not mean that the insect falls suddenly 2 the ground, am I correct here peeps? What human arrogance, huh Captain spok????????????? Just as in all of this, there R other laws involving me and the powers/forces that R in charge and control of this entire 60 terra light year hypersphere, or the expansion, (SPACE). Just because I do not know Y they work as they do and insist on wiping my life out, does not remove this reality. Still, I must not only suffer through the bull fucking shit and hell of the problem, nut must also endure simultaneously, the crap from others, rebuking me 4 so much, disbelieving it all, and when I bring absolute proof of shit 2 peeps in charge, things only go from bad 2 worse, proving again, that THIS ENTIRE MOTHER FUCKING CHRISTLESS SHIT ASS THING IS TOTALLY AND 100% FIXED AND UNDER ‘THEIR’ CONTROL!!!!!!!!!!!! Speaking of Captain Da Gama a while back, his Private-Cosmicoded Number or (PCN) is (264). This number is not one of the more popular numbers out of the 81 PCN possibilities from 110-990, in the math base number nine. Out of the few, that I have written down, stuff that pertains 2 my life and my present and past experiences, that also is PCN-264, R the following items, oh the gods, where will it end, YO?????: FAMILY CURSE, GOOD GIRL BUM, PARLOR TRICK, PRETTY CURLS, NEW YORK CITY, LOVE IS FOR CARPENTERS DREAM, and QUEEN OF BLUE. “Queen of Blue” was a song also written by me a number of months, perhaps a full year B4I had written the life altering song, “REAL GOOD GIRL”. I talked about the gravestone at my last job back in Jersey, Cifaloglio Trash Company in Folsom, Y would any company have a grave stone brought 2 a garage, right outside a door where the time clock in the garage was located, and had absolutely no reason 4 being there, the little girl that had died had no connections whatsoever with any of the bosses or workers or owners of this firm, YO??????? Get real, or in mi case, do not a get an open reel, not the RS1500US machine aniwho, YO back in 1980, just days B4 the powerful interaction in my life, where this awesome teenager sang LOVE is 4 CARPENTERS 2 me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another powerful PCN is number 862, it includes things such as DOW JONES, SARAH KRASSLE’S GAME, AND if I may press on with one more, APRIL LEE, WO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I do not travel, but this family indeed may B doing it, and playing the wildest and weirdest game imaginable, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Lee Pharmaceutical Company of 1987m knows precisely what is going on, but maybe they will tell U about it over coffee some day, Donald Trump, on your PRINCESS YACHT, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Copyright Office, beware, YO, this internet version is kicking ass out of the pre-online EPITOME OF PERSECUTION AND HARASSMENT, YO, and Goosebumps Donna all notwithstanding, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I gave the mighty Lee a tremendous idea, her and her dad, and they shoved it right up my ass. It would have helped the entire poor peeps of the world that need 2 buy some temporary furniture while down on their luck. Quite naturally, I thought of it myself, when I first came here 2 Florida, and when I could not purchase the things in this idea, it hit me, and April’s dad is into shit like this, but they refuse 2 do a thing with it. I would have shared bigger shit with them, but screw me on small things, and Y the fuck would I want 2 trust U with bigger things, a major Biblical principle, am I correct, defenders of my ancestor? Can U do this good with your ‘made up shit, SKG? No not U Sarah Karge!! Yeah, OYR, dream the puck on guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of the things in these laws with me and these forces, is that whenever they get a heads up on anything that has 2 do with me being anyplace, such as listening in on private conversations, and violating peeps civil and constitutional rights, such as with me back on Friday afternoon. I got off work and right B4I had punched out at one PM, an announcement was made over the public address system 4 me 2 come up 2 the front, and I was coming up anyway 2 punch out, and April was on the phone and told me 2 stop over next door at Wendy’s place 2 pick up my paycheck, as she has it safely in her place and out of the mailbox. 26th Street is not the greatest place on Earth 2 let a paycheck just sit in a box outside, YO. LSS, as I stopped my car and got out, a scum bag MILITUFORCE aerial assault struck me fairly low and loud. Oh Christ, these fucking bumblebees, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I better BBBBBBBB careful, huh giant PAULA???????????

It strikes me so incredibly and almost dumbfounded how Ed Himacane used 2 tell me that he would also enjoy being a blogger, but could not, as he did not want peeps 2 think he was a bragger, and he did have a story that was somewhat enviable, at least 2 star-struck type peeps, working once with the all mighty musical group GREATFUL DEAD, mentioned in ‘HAIR’, huh Sampson ‘DS’ Delilah, and was very close and tight with the recording artist Janice Joplin. He had a lot of his hearing blown out from being 2 close 2 loud stage monitors (powerful audio speakers). He had quite a past, I checked it out with my peeps, and it was not bullshit. Still, Y can’t peeps tell true tales without peeps thinking they R mirror kissing? He was there with me in the autumn of 2006 when the true beginning of my terra-hell all started, after Robert McGuire pulled off that ‘magical’ stunt while we were on “HIS STREET’, OYR, this fucking happened 4 crissake, YO!!!!!! The man was in our faces and we had not seen it, nothing, but the camera we were filming our website on, sure had managed 2 capture his evil energy. I often wonder what this big bully man would do if HIS partner in the Atlantic City Irish Pub, ever tried doing 2 him, what my faggot partner Paul Pedersen did 2 me. U know that dastardly diseased mother fucking shit head, incorporated HIS new thing, SPR, INC, as far as the web information is concerned. In the coming weeks, I will get 2 a local attorney and C if I have any rights under the law on any of this, and just what I should do.

Yeah, as shown on the television show called ‘Dragnet’ in the 1960’s, the police show with Joe Friday and Officer Gannon, Friday’s partner said it 2 Friday at the station house so well and correctly, “try falling asleep and U will remain awake, and try remaining awake and U will fall asleep”. Yes, 2 perfectly quote old Gannon, “It’s a paradox”. When I come 2 realize that Vasco Da Game Player destroyed my entire life journal, and wanted 2 protect it from this point forward starting on Google Engine’s first and fantastic website, from about 4 or 5 years ago as Chapter number ONE in MORIANITY BIBLE, continuing with these very words that R now being typed, I suddenly pick up more and more readers that will not just fade away into the sunset. Oh well, that’s show-bizz, YO!!!!!!!! Yes sir, life indeed is a major paradox. The few times I really wanted sex in my life, girls acted as though I was carrying Bubonic Plague around with me in my freaking pocket. Most of the time when all I want is 4 them all 2 go away and leave me alone, they R all over me. IT’S A PARADOX GANNON, SHEEEEIIIIIT!!

The problem with Robert McGuire who is sometimes thought of by the few, who know this evil dude as Bobby McG, is that he believes this world of waves and particles is real and in some way meaningful. He has been fooled and bull crapped into believing that he is covering up huge family secrets and that there really is power ass monster shit 2B in fact covered up, when all the time and all along, it is a gama, also known as a game, SIR PRINCE, watch those bomb parties in ‘99 YO!!!!!!

I can honestly say that this hypersphere of about 400 septillion miles in circumference, and 5000 times that or about 2 nonillion feet is a lot of nothing, sort of like the void itself, but there is a big difference peeps. In the void, no one needs 2 ever B concerned with any new shoes, as no one is planning 2 walk around this thing. Still, a nonillion pair of NEW SHOES is what it would take, I guess, or a great space ship and lots of patience, or just the freezer in your kitchen, as what really would B the diff, YO!!!!!!!!!!!! It took me so long 2 really get the message here, MC, and yes, it was 2 tell me that my swim club was indeed the gate and the connection 2 all of this, I was unaware in those days of your dad’s occupation so the initials meant nothing 2 me in oh-seven. In any event, congratulations 2U and Nicky boy, let me sign off and go home and relax, I need a nice shower and some food, Florida is baking, but I hear New York and Philly is on fire as well, oh well, say levee, and deja voo and Ernie Merker and Jamay-voo, huh Sherry “LEE” POTE, where is the shoe box now, and 4 that matter, who is driving my old Saturn, YO???????????? Wow, does it get better than this, girl?????????????

End Transmission, one great fish 2 another, don’t hurt me Paula K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


July 8, 2010




Chapter 7 now begins its transmission:

It did not wait long today, I get here 2 the library and both the word processors R down and not because of something done by them, but some butt wipe patron. It is all up and running now, some cunt eating enemy shut the entire system off and down and unplugged stuff. I have a very powerful deluded mind and fantastic imagination do I not, it is always something, am I correct peeps?

Giant powerful muscular pussy is everywhere, I have never seen anything like this, it is literally 1979 all over again, and then times about 5, and all over again, without the usual 60 terra year wait cycle, hyperspherically. We R not gonna go private, this blog stays in public domain, they would love me 2 go into a private website where I alone can access what is happening 2 me, away from the light and the witnesses, huh mailmen of Manhattan, and Mister Jack McCoy??????????  

This was another bad day, no major crises, but still, quite bad. They attacked at work where they keep right on using butt wipe bosses 2 tell me 2 do certain jobs that my mind cannot perform them well, and they know and have been repeatedly told by the big boss of the entire place who I answer 2 and only 2, yet they still fuck with me, and today again was another one of those days. I knew when I did the shaving and teeth cleaning on the same day this morning, a no-no if indeed I do not want a fucking guaranteed BOTBAR DAY, and sure enough loads of trouble was ahead, as I am sure my readers R quite aware of, I am not allowed 2 fucking breathe my Morians, not without major hyper time ass hassles. An airplane persecuted me low and loud when I got home, as I did not drive straight home, but rather, went 2 the freaking Wal-Mart 2 pick up the remainder of my prescription medications. I and I alone straightened out the entire mess, April my SW was of no help 2 me on this whatsoever. This is their way of saying, U win 4 now, but we’ve got your fucking number U little fucking diseased piecea shit. I have been dealing with this mother fucking nightmare since the middle of fucking August in the year of 1986, BRAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!  Since this endless game called “LET US ENDLESSLY MAKE MOUNTAINPEN’S LIFE A LIVING FUCKING HELL” is going straight off 2 the moon and then the stars, let me say a few things and basically keep my journal going, as well as do a definite counterstrike in the weaponry arsenals of the 2007 RATS-TATS-FOOTBALLS, without any help from recent peeps indigenous 2 the area of Fort Pierce and also connected 2 that lovely pastime of Americans, I speak of course of FOOTBALL, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the scummertime of 1982, while employed at the INSTITUTE 4 MEDICAL RESEARCH, now called, the Coryell Institute, on Ferry Avenue, in Camden, New Jersey, USAESMWG, employed as a custodian, the very same bizz Donna Summer’s daddy was in, building maintenance; and run by a totally non-related dude by the name of Bernard Derakowski, sort of like Chester, ending in that famous KOWSKI, like John Savich Deer Hunting-ton, BOO-Kowski, wow do things get better with every passing day, YO!!!!!!!!!  While at this institute, I collected the trash 4 this large medical establishment, and what I am about 2 say most likely was past blogged somewhere, but here it will B again told, I have nothing 2 hide, nor do I have any shame in being a human being with human needs. This is almost illegal now in the new PC world peeps, having human feelings or needs and daring 2 speak of them publicly, is what I mean, not smaller sizes Miss Lee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me press on with the point here. B4 buffing the floors or cleaning the shit houses or any other job that I shared with 2 coworkers, Jimmy and Anna, my job was 2 collect all trash and get it out of the building and into the huge out doors dumpsters. Down in the lower level of this large building, was a library, numerous rooms, and one fairly sizable laboratory, where after my shift began around 4 or so in the afternoon, there were always 2 incredibly lovely young dishes, (girls) 18-21 somewhere, in this lab and working as slide culture lab assistant techs. Now B4I press on even further, let me go 2 a topic that will fit perfectly into this as U all will C. There was a television show that most of U out here knows of, staring Toni Danza and Alicia Malano, by the name of “Who’s The Boss”? There was an episode where a 12 year old little beauty queen had moved next door 2 the family, and Toni Danza played the part of a father of 2 children, a boy and a girl, and this particular episode was about the boy and his romance with the girl next door. It seemed that these youngsters were doing some extremely passionate and somewhat inappropriate 4 their ages, kissing. The girl by the name of Judith Light, played Toni’s boss, and sort of lover as the show went on, and she used the term while speaking 2 these overly enlightened newcomer parents 2 their block and neighborhood, that while they were kissing, gum was exchanged. This is only being discussed, because, I have been taunted and messed with all my life 4 saying that sex 2 me without the exchange of plentiful supplies of saliva, is not enjoyable. Many peeps agree, but 4 reasons I will never B able 2 really fathom and understand fully, it seems 2 many peeps 2B so taboo and shameful a thing. So B4I tell what happened at this laboratory back in July give or take a month in the year of 1982, I felt the freaking need 2 bring this famous television show into the story, and it’s all verifiable, so check it the hell out anybody. These 2 girls were gum chewers, and would spit their gum out into the lab trash can right B4 it was time 4 them 2 quit their work 4 the day. I was the lucky janitor, who came prepared with a nice pill container, and was able 2 retrieve this yummy juice 4 later private jack offs 2 my TV or magazines. Again, these fucking girls were amazingly gorgeous, and young as hell. This is most likely Y the stock market had bottomed out in those days around this time, B4I even came 2B in any way aware of this parallel event between it and myself, this was just a tad over 4 years out into the freaking future. The part that is important in all of this wild tale is not the sex nor is it the parallel event, a totally unimportant thing that had not then caught up with my present-time-reality in the time world’s illusion. One day one of these girls came back just as I had retrieved the gum out of the can and was putting it into the pill container, and she saw that along with me licking my sopping wet fingers, loaded with these luscious girl’s fresh warm spit. She told me she had done prostitute work in the past B4 while in school 4 nurse training 2 help her pay the way, and had a client who paid her just 2 sit there an hour with her and spit into a small container. She told me if I promise not 2 take gum from the trash, she will along with her coworker, leave it 4 me in an ash tray on their desk, and they did. But here comes the real powerful part of the story. She said that hopefully, nothing will happen 2 me, but that that particular trash can was used 4 things that really should have been thrown into what now would B considered hazardous waste, I forget how she worded this exactly, this is my paraphrasing of what she said 2 me that early evening at the lab. I went on 2 ask her what things could B in there, and she said powerful and even secret experiments were being conducted, and that even if she knew more about it, she would not B of liberty 2 do so. I totally forgot about all of this, and a few months later quit because Bernie came in at the end of my shift, ran his hand across a silly place that I had forgot 2 dust that week in one of the bath rooms, and gave me attitude up the ass. Months and months of time passed, and I had left there, and left the Robin Hill Apartment #1802. But on the 4th night of June in 1983 at precisely 10:31 PM, I suddenly could not clear my throat. I became very ill 4 a very long time, and no doctor anywhere had a clue what was wrong with me. The medication I take as a result of this shit, 2 this very day, Ativan, or its generic, Lorazepam, neither med recognized by good old dummy spell checker, magically works 2 allow my life 2 continue, without it I cannot swallow or breathe hardly at all, I cannot eat, or drink, or sleep, my limbs go dead and icy cold if I do sleep 4 a few hours, my voice is hoarse and speaking is a problem, it is as if I am being attacked just like in that mother fucking television famous paranormal oriented soap show of the sixties, “Dark Shadows” with the witch Angelique, and the handkerchief, and the time she was angry at Barnabas Collins and chocked him with his own handkerchief and a sympathetic magic image object, a toy soldier that he had played with as a young boy. This brought all kinds of fucking monstrous memories back 2 me in the scummertime in 1983, of things in my childhood, and this plot on this show being one of them. It most likely was responsible 4 many of my then, copyrighted song lyrics. I was convinced that I was dying soon, and it was only a matter of a short time. But I learned with the passing months and years, that as long as I have 4 milligrams of Ativan or its generic drug daily, the symptoms of this powerful unknown medical condition of mine, is R all under control and I can live a relatively normal life. When I also tie in some powerful other things, U will CYI am scared 2 death of my new life, and what it may hold 4 me in the ‘future’.

Just yesterday at work, an entire gang of girls just out of their teens, were literally all over me and could not believe that I possibly could B more than half my age. Then I went into the lunch break room and took my 10 minute break, and all ready in this room were 2 other worker- volunteers. They were absolutely insisting that I could not really B coming up on age 56. They began saying that I should check into exactly when and where I was born, maybe somebody is playing a joke on me, and things along these lines. Finally, the dude, after the girl had said that, said 2 me that he is hoping 2 someday become a police officer, and is telling me right now that if he was stopping me 4 an ID check, he would not buy that I am really the age that I claim. Now things R really major-ass beginning 2 start becoming just a tad bit scary. Naturally, I know exactly who I am, and when and where my birth humanly all took place at the Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania Hospital, on the 4th Paul Stoddard Due-Date day of December, in the year of 1954. When I first met Ed, I was all crippling up with some type of condition, and thought that I was gonna need 2B using a walker soon. But after less than a year of nearly being incapacitated, I healed totally up. There R many wild things that indeed may B going on with me ever since that fateful time where I worked at the Now Coryell Institute. I know also that Bob Cheatley Patterson, who went onto take my job when I left this building maintenance job with Bernie D, became a part of my life, and also somehow led me in clever and cunning ways 2 my pal David Charles Roth from 5133 Oakland Street, in Philadelphia, PAUSAESMWG. Patterson had a lot of wild friends and relatives, and one of them was connected 2 the owner of my swim and health club, Haddonwood. I cannot prove it, but way 2 much bullshit all went down after meeting this dude that as Ed Himacane would put it so perfectly, simply cannot B rationally explained. This normally was the real king of skeptics, or the leader of the Missourian Club.

Now when we connect up Zvonko the inventor 2 Bob Patterson and his powerful friend friend, the KING, not one of the king family, I said, THEE KING, Elvis Presley. I think Hope Kernan was told 2 turn against me and was threatened. These diseased mother fucking monsters have no limits or depth max outs in shame and resources, they have the mother pucking power and ability 2 pull off anything that they so choose, and as the great movie, Conspiracy Theory puts it when Mel Gibson says 2 Julia Roberts, it makes my point 100 freaking ass percent, “It wouldn’t B a good conspiracy if there was a hole in it”. Everyone got the strange idea about Presley faking his death 4 a great reason, and peeps like Robert McGuire were key players in on this hellishness, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Him and his freaking threats and bullying and intimidations, U make me so sick 2 my guts I wanna hurl at light speed, YO!!!!!! 

The Huntington Curse is a powerful truth, and is no Amityville fiction story, DreamWorks!!!!!! U only wish U3 dudes could come up with stuff like my REAL LIFE, YO!!!!!! Not in a mega years dudes, dream on. Anything that I ever do, always returns 2 me wickedly 20,000 or more fold. The 5 dollar find and throwing the drunkard bastards wallet down the sewer, and BOOM, the next day I lose a pair of 7 dollar shades, in those days in 1976, that would B 30 bucks or more, YO, and almost cut off my left mother fucking foot in a murky pond in my attempt 2 locate the mother puckers, 2 no avail. Brad Messenger and I made a few prank calls on the telephone from my house when we were 13 and 14 years old, and now, the telephone is used constantly as a harassment against me, ever since the fucking Cherry Hill High School teacher deal, the fucking Mertsock’s, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was in 19 fucking 82, YO. This led 2 my fascination with IMM’s famous PRIVECODE telephone screening machine. This went on 2 lead me into a million pathways way 2 fucking outlandish 2 even begin listing on today’s blog. U always wanted 2 know whether or not I placed a broken glass bottle under one of your tires that day in the park, John Henningsen, well I did, player. That was 4 that monstrous punch in my left arm when it was your fault, not mine in the car butt wipe. Y my arm did not break like it did when just-14 year old giant luscious Kiesha blasted my right arm, I will never know, as I was skinny as a rail with the arm muscle of a 2 year old, and U hit me with all your mother fucking might or damn close, dude!!!!!!! But how many flat tires have I been given since that time that I flattened just one of yours, BRO!!!!! Maybe 400 or so, mother pucker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I do anything at all, I AM LAMBASTED AND PUMMELED 2 MY DEATH, SQUARED, CUBED, QUADED, AND QUINTED, YO!!!!!!! I am the one thrown down on the island in 1968 at my uncle’s house, and then Dawn says that “I am responsible 4 the C’s marital problem and eventual break up. OYR!!!!!!!!!!!! That was the last straw that sent me on this trip 2 Florida, but there was another trip 2 Florida, and if anyone thinks this information was ever told and completed and that I did not just piecemeal the story so far on all total combined blogging work, then think pucking again sweet folks!!!!!!!!! I have no memory of going 2 the Patent Office after watching the ENY— license plate car run that wild light beam on MC, but I know I did now, as someone told me recently something huge monster time!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh the gods choke and die, my life was better back in the RV, and better still back at Ann and Dawn’s houses of fucking total bizarre horror and woe and torment!!!!!!! Bill Gates, U want 2 know your ultimate game that UR in and do not know it, YO? A situation is created where U then proceed 2 go and interact in it within a wide selection of various menu options, and then go onto along with other created things, crate other and newer additional things 2 all interact inside of and with. I said this once B4 and feel the need now 2 reiterate this. Imagine if I could go into a reality some place, where all is the exact same as it is right here, only there is no televisions show called “LAW AND ORDER”. The reason is that it is not a fiction show, but is part of this other reality’s reality. It really is going on in New York City, the exact shows and episodes, and all of it. Now imagine taking a videotape of say 6 of these taped shows from this reality, and walking into the Manhattan County or NY County or whatever, DA’s office, and handing this tape 2 someone there? Now this is a small inkling of what I am discussing with all of this. I am inside their show and they can do the normal and regular thing, or break the normal everyday pattern, and hand me or someone I know, a magic tape. Wow, RU feeling the goose bumps yet Donna Gaines?????????? When I discuss things such as the biggest secret being covered up, did U ever wonder just how long this human group that knows all of it, really has known and been in fact aware all along of this entire shit? The answer is not in the wind friends and foes, but is quite simple, as long as this particular present humankind experiment has been running, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So how does Sarah Jacobson fit into so much, and also a dude named John Zane? Let me try and just squeak open this nasty little door enough 2 whet your appetites peeps. This goddess is no different than the old Star Trek Apollo episode where the god Apollo tried 2 trap the crew of the Starship Enterprise, and make them all worship HIM as their god on this distant planet. In the end, the trick that everything is indeed ENERGY helped them escape their fate and defeat this powerful entity. Things R obviously never as simple as the Hollywood scripts write them 2B, but this again presents an illustration. The powerful symbolism in the word ENErgy verses ENEmy, include words also connected with me such as this enemy’s desire 2 give me one long ENEma, and a close enough look says more. But without sounds on tapes and fucking all of this shit, let me just close in the loop and make a quick point here. There is a machine that is hardwired into vehicles, it was invented by Patterson, and the girl he was with and had a blond child by, is also connected with very dangerous relatives not that distant out from Robert McGuire, who totally broke the heart of a very good friend of Eddie Himacane’s, back in the nineteen-sixties. U can add this crime 2 so many other ones, Janice was no paranoid case, nor am I, when he wants nothing 2 do with U and U bother him, UR in big monster ass hyper time trouble, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U should B so fucking ashamed of your self there MICKEY SHOWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The machine that allowed Sarah 2 come 2 me as a 22 year old knock out super girl at Haddonfield, New Jersey’s special education school, as a New Jersey Rehab Student, is the same one inside vehicles, and somehow runs on either one or 2 batteries, how 12-24 volts can do all this may boggle my mind in 2010, but then, a big screen TV, and the internet and jet air travel would just as much boggle the mind of Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, King George, and Patrick Henry. It really is all relative, just as Mister Einstein said it was. U think I have told it all about Sarah Jacobson, think again lads and lassies and Lab Dogs not living in the Camden Thrill-juice Institute. When she told Steve he was dead meat 4 asking HER if she kisses girls, after SHE had told him just B4 that, and I quote, “I don’t kiss boys”, and he got knocked totally unconscious and maybe permanently, as they both vanished that very day, so this is the final thing, but many things besides the Watergate and the reporter class project that I told about 3 years or more ago on past blogs, is part of the past, and the many mansions biblically or non-biblically, of the GUTHRIE FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!! About 4 weeks B4 the reporter deal, maybe a week after SHE had asked my pal Jerry Heitzmann 2 introduce his friend, me, 2 HER, a power ass thing happened, involving real bravery on my part, 4 a change. She told me that she had better than 20-10 vision, and that the eye doctor chart could not measure her true visual acuity, as that is 2 lines below the normal vision line of 20-20. I was telling her that I am blind without my eyeglasses, and have about 20-200, today it is probably 20-1000. I asked her if I could take a pen and sheet of paper that I had and print something neatly and small, about the size of these typed words on a blog website on an averaged sized computer monitor screen, and place it about 60 yards away on the other end of the school field, sand she agreed, and I totally believed she could never read what I wrote in a million years, and I wrote the words, “DON’T EVER LEAVE ME, SARAH”. I held it up and in 3 seconds, she walked rapidly across the field, and I instantly folded up the note and placed it into my pocket. She came right 2 me and took my hand in her large powerful hand, but very gently, and she spoke slowly and softly 2 me and said these words that I will not forget in a million years so help me the Astral Plane Gods, allofem. She smiled, made eye contact looking 20 inches down at me, SHE was so very tall, and then SHE said, “I won’t B here much longer, U need 2 know this”. Then she bent way down, and gave me my very first kiss. I was not sure I was gonna B able 2 keep standing upright under my own power. I almost could not, but somehow had managed 2 do so. 4 a 22 year old that did not kiss boys, I felt very incredibly special times a quadrillion, but was very saddened by her telling me that. She seemed 2 all ready know that things were all gonna go down a certain way, and that she would B leaving after that, and it was all written in stone somehow. I cannot hand U any tapes Jack McCoy, but I sure have had a powerful machine hand me quite a few. After the incredible kiss with kids all around jeering and making silly sounds just like they ‘came 2 do on TV in the future’ she went onto tell me a major thing that it is time now 2 tell the blogging world, after all, it almost never got told, but that was not written in stone 4 me 2 have a private and safe life journal, just one that Da Gama cannot get at!!!!!!!!!!!!! She said that our paths would cross not once, but twice, in the next decade, in the 80’s of the Orwell. I do not believe this great book had been put out at this time, I could B wrong, as this was happening in middle September in the year of 1972. She also went on in the very near future, 2 accurately tell me about Washington’s Watergate Building, in the following June on the 17th day. Indeed, this was the day that the Democratic Office Building, Watergate, under direct orders of 37th President, Richard Millhouse Nixon, was broken into and secretly bugged.

Alan Wolf, Mark Minor, Peter Hurley, and Wilson Jessup, were also key players in this powerful incredible game, with or without anyone as of yet in 1966, handing me the magical show-tape, Mister Gates-Games!!!!!!!!!!!! The name of BASSLER and KRASSLE if U place one beneath the other R also, very similar, and I came 2 know these names as follows: In early middle December of the year of 1969, I had fallen 2 sleep, and had a powerful dream interaction with a girl who identified herself as SARAH KRASSLE. It was in 2 parts. The first part was when we both were about age 10 and it took place on the beach where she grabbed a large and heavy motorcycle chain from me and told me that SHE needed this chain 4 her “great city”.  The 2nd part of this bizarre and wild interaction was when suddenly, it was just 4 years later, and we were in HER shop on 10-SC Avenue in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG; and she was showing me how she was placing this chain in the middle of a 3 dresser drawer system. This dresser matched the one and appeared exactly as did the one in my bedroom where my physical body lay asleep while this dreaming took place. The next morning, the chain was gone, and was no longer locked away in my closet strongbox, along with the “BOOK OF BEACH”, and only the BOB was left there, just as SHE said would B the case, as I remember HER telling me that when I come out of this experience, 2 check the place where I keep this chain, and I will not find it. All through scripture, SSJK has been playing these games with me, and others, they just do not have any waking world memory of any of it. There R times when parts of this as well as events. 2 of them, in the year of 1974, makes me believe that my dad was staying with the Guthrie family down in New Orleans, Louisiana, right B4 returning back on the scene after deserting his wife and son 4 a solid decade while on his treasure hunting quests with his pals Kip Wagner and Mel Fisher, and William Kirtland. The ocean is powerfully connected in all of this as well, but we would need a year of me here typing and blogging 2 start putting a chip or a dent into all of this.

I know that my guardhouse was erected and placed in position at my previous job back in New Jersey, just at the precise time needed, 4 me 2 use it 2 do my 2007 music project that was soon afterwards, sent down 2 the United States, not Stats, Copyright Office, sorry 4 the typo error there, Mister Bruce Pennock, I am only a mere mortal as U know sir!!!!!!!! Put the freaking Monopoly board away, I created Shorty MacInvondi Trump, remember???!!!!!!!!!! Letty lives in Egg Harbor, don’t die on me Donald, right there on the same street my hyperspace daughter is serving time in, YO!!!!!! Could U really do this well, Steve, Dave, and Steve, of Cali-Kali-CALLIO??????????????????????? This guardhouse was given, and this guard house was taken away. Nice move, LORDESS, (SARAH)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have watched the Bible come literally 2 life in just over 55.6 years as the me that I am right now, YO, TOTALLY 2 life, I have no faith, and I need no faith, I HAVE SEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As 4 Misses Ormond Beach Florida Bassler, the young girl staying with her is a fascinating case of its own, the one named Nurockey. Without the Star Trek Apollo machine, none of this could B done, and Roger told me this and admitted it 2 me. Now this wild dude is trying 2 do what has never been done, until my family came along with its great future thing called, the WORLD LABS of Westmont, New Jersey, yeah, that place called New Jersey, huh Mister Rotten Berry???? All things R leading up 2 powerful shit, I am no dummy. The things that R happening around me R totally beyond anything that is either rational or explainable with any kind of human reason and sense that I am aware of. My dad knew all about the Star Trek movies, yet thought of them as done in the 60’s as the opening 2 the show, instead of the pilot episode, ‘THE MENAGERIE’, later called, ‘THE CAGE’-part one and two.  Florida played a much bigger part in all of this than I ever could have imagined. Get a book by a man named Roy Carl Weiler Senior, called, “The Secrets of the Museum”, and read in-between many line, and get the mind blow of your twisted sick existence, peeps, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep breathing Donald, U old crooked thief U, the gods love U more than they do me or they never would have permitted the tricks done on the open reel, am I making sense, or do U want 2 do a “OYR” on me, BRO???????????????? I do not need B a rocket scientist 2 figure out that NUROCKEY, the name given my mom on the telephone by Estelle Andersen Bassler in 1997, when I was killing myself attempting 2 get 2 the bottom of finding this elusive GODDESS JEHOVAH here on this planet, and did, is no lack of symbolic truth. I know the machine took HER memories of the first trip, I knew that 2 and a half years later. It got me as well, but not as badly, I was at a greater distance. But then the VIQUEENS still R involved and can straighten out the entire thing right now tonight, but choose not 2. This proves 2 me, they all R just enjoying this huge game, and that Scylla knew she was gonna get zapped by this ENY— car that day. So did I remember anything in 1986? NO. But I remember now, so it was just that I was so busy trying 2 beat the freaking Atlantic City Casino world back then, that I had things just 2 jumbled up 2 clearly remember squat. Now, if I am wrong and nobody is handing tapes 2 McCoy and the gang just 4 the sake of starting by their way of seeing shit maybe, the coolest game ever played Mister Gordon William Gates, then what? Gods love games, and they love 2 come here with bits and pieces of memories just 2C which ones can do the most with the jumble. I know this as sure as I know the back of my hand, BRO. I know that all these negative nasty Amityville toaster oven miracles could not just all B randomly occurring. I am also somehow in a universe today where spell checker has decided 2 respell the word occur and occurring, sorry, no I am not, it is normal, it is spelled with 2R’s when adding ING, and one R when not, my mistake Bruce Nobody’s freaking perfect Pennock!!!!!!!!! Watch those dice, how I hated the way U would always end up legitimately on the LUXURY TAX SQUARE, and place your play-man either on the square ahead or the square behind this, on Boardwalk or on Park Place. What does cheating prove, OYR, I forgot, that we R all only human!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still, I never felt any need 2 cheat, it is what it is, and Dawn King is totally right about that, this is her mighty quotation. I doubt either U or me Bruce will B doing a lot of worrying about paying any luxury taxes in any case, kind friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No Howard, maybe the entire RIAA loved U, but I thought U were pretty fucking mean down here in Florida in late 1983, but I kept my word, and both my mom and I went forever with a secret kept, I am no punky child Mister Solomon, YO, my word is not the word of ol’ partner Pedersen of STUDIO PARK RECORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE-BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This greatest fish is signing off, and wow, am I psychic, as much as I hate that fucking term!!!!!!!!!

End Transmission:


July 6, 2010



DATE AND TIME FILE: C0003-070610.650

“SAFE JOURNAL” Blog Chapter 0007-subtitled,


Beginning Transmission:

Giant powerful pussy is all over, there R no little females any around Fort Pierce, Florida. But if they all were 10 times bigger and stronger and taller and more aggressive, it would B the least of my woes and issues lads and lassies. It never fails, it just never fucking fails. After I left the library and after posting up the last blog, chapter #0002, I headed 2 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 2 pick up my meds, and was told that I had been cancelled. This was middle late Saturday afternoon, and on a holiday, the 4th of mother fucking Christ-less-ass July weekend, no less. There was a boy by the name of Bruce Walter who nearly cut off my left hand on the 4th of Jufreakingly back in 1966, or more accurately said, he was chasing me with a horrendous potion or concoction he had made in my kitchen, and I ran practically right through a glass door in attempting 2 escape my fate of drinking that horrible shit. We can always get back 2 this Jim Looseteeth Rockford, let me 4 right now just move on with 44 years henceforth from that day when my hand was dangling practically off of the fucking bone, YO!!!!!! The entire thing was a glitch, and no one meant any harm, the full explanation is monotonous and complex, no need 4 me therefore 2 really detail it all on the blog, only 2 say that as usual, I can no longer it seems, post up as blog and not have a major CANNON SHOT fired at me from Captain Da Gama. Wow, am I just a fucking lunatic major nut case. The truth is so clear 2 a child with a runny nose, that it is literally biting the fleas on his damn dog. It is the stubborn jit bags that refuse 2C what is happening 2 and around me all of this time since the freaking days of my human world birth as the ‘me’ that I currently am, YO. I straightened the mess out all by myself after getting back from work. My worthless social worker is supposed 2B so great, oh yeah, right. I will tell U another ‘oh yeah, right’ thing here peeps. This entire trip 2 Florida was all PREPLANNED AND FIGURED OUT MILLIONS OF FREAKING YEARS AGO. That much I know 4 total mother fucking certain. Since this is not a private and safe journal yet, I cannot really spill my guts, but oh the gods if I could, YO!!!!!! I do not care who says what, I know Senator, that this is PAYBACK, and I know U freaking know it 2, bud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Marguerite Sampson is only one deal, there is way 2 many other things on the great all mighty L&O and all taken together I figured out mathematically that the odds of pure happenstance 2 all of this where I have nothing whatsoever 2 do with any of it would B a staggering 57 and a third octillion 2 one against, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!! As 4 the private and safe journal, I do in fact need a safe journal, but I have carefully reexamined the private idea and here is freaking what I have come the shit up with here lads and lassies and Lab Dogs, YO!!!!!!! If they did not care about my blogs and what they tell and preach 2 the public, being in fact PUBLICLY POSTED, then YYYYYY JIMMY, is it that every cunt eating muff diving time I post up and walk through the Christ shit door of this library 2 exit out the fuck of here, that ALL GODSDAMN HELL SHIT BREAKS FUCKING COCK SUCKING LOOSE AT C-SQUARED, AE???????????????????? Yeah, the picture of the jetty and the caption reading, “GONE FISHING, HAVE A NICE LIFE SARAH”, was not meant ever 2B in the cards, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yes, it is getting time 2 tell how I have recently asked some major ass hyper time questions of one magical ‘quantum-carddeck’ now, and have gotten some wild responses, then I checked around, and holy giants of the future world, came 2 learn just how power-ass accurate that this deck of ordinary appearing playing cards really is. The range after outcomes of basically 50/50 queries posed and responded 2 is now holding between 12.084 and 17.402% rounded. Hence, if a ‘YES’ answer is spoken by these cards in this antimatter space, I reverse the answer into a ‘NO’, and vice-versa. But this is little comfort when life has reached a point of daily major fucking crises. THAT sir ROCK on “STAR TREK”, U may indeed take straight 2 the mighty Heinz Gottwald Nebuchadnezzar Bank of Manhattan, New freaking York, USAESMWG at light speed cubed, BRAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, THAT IS THE EQUATION all right, but please big dude, do not crush William Shatner, he has the ego of Donald Trump, but we all still love this great Hollywood dude, YO!!!!! Tell spellchecker 2 recognize your name, BRO!!!!!! If only when things were not this bad yet, I was not so dumb and ‘FOOLISH’ 2 know about reversing the low percentage carddeck responses, what a pathetic fucking sin.

Here R some more power house facts and tell tale rats and tattle tails. The giant girl that paid me the compliment as well as her entire group, vanished today, usually on Tuesdays, they religiously meet in the outreach center life center area on 25th Street late in the morning, and this morning, nobody showed up, that is 0 out of the normal crowd of 2 dozen beautiful girls. Also, ‘THEY’ got me 2 forget 2 tell a powerful truth about the insect attack told on my last blog, via the what else, the ETTOS (Electromagnetic Thought Transmission and Omission System), a major powerful tool used and that is part of the PAWM-PIE, tools all used and never left home without, by the mighty Earth based, counterparts of the great ASTRAL PLANE’S, {{{MILLIONTH COUNCIL}}}!!!! This bug that flew into my fucking face causing me 2 spill an entire bowl filled with mother fucking cereal all over the place and making a monster-ass fucking mess, remember, it was in a home that had just been major exterminated, and I was in a motel 4 a period of 2 days and 2 nights. Just because I have not told the blog world shit yet about the experiences I had there, do not think that this did not happen, if I told everything that happened 2 me, we would B he all day and all night 4 a very monster-fucking-ass long freaking time peeps, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now this message is 4 the exploratrons that know who they R indeed, and that R not from this universe in the hyperspace, quite obviously. I do not like being sent back 2 the year 1997, and if I tell U that I am working as a federal agent 4 the United States Government, U need 2 know YI did this. The father of the girl that said she would telephone the police on me, is the very man who sent me 2 the boardwalk home. Then, later, the wild cramped office nearby Tennessee Avenue, was where he admitted that it was his daughter who he had sent me 2 in order 2 test my ability 2 misrepresent myself, but it was all done legally, we were all licensed by the authorities over there in that other parallel fucking universe. As 4 going back up 2 the year 1999, that was my own business, and does not concern any of U, however, the powerful 5th dimensional connections R so major. I am getting real sick and tired of being the pawn broker in this hyperspace family of lung cutters and explorers. I may not B a saint, Abbey, but let me tell all of U a thing or 55. The 2 things done 2 me were off the scale rotten, and that is not the criminal part. The criminal part was done B4 these other things, and this allowed the great morning light 2 shine away from Secaucus, New Jersey. What I know and what I can prove, sheeeeiit, as 2 prosecutors both told me this exact thing, one directly in Camden County in New Jersey, and the other through the greatest law television show in Hollywood’s history.

I dare one mother fucker on Planet Earth 2 read and go 2 “THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN, and begin around middle May in 2008, and then read right through until U get 2 my Florida residency and up 2 this very present ass moment in freaking time. U will know beyond a doubt, that Scylla is a powerful vicious jealous and unforgiving goddess, and gets whatever SHE wants in ALL LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4 an endless teenager, SHE is the cleverest and most awesome goddess on the entire ASTRAL PLANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I should know, as I have dealt with her FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The hugest cover up in the entire multiverse is that the ‘devil’ or SATAN, is an opposing force 2 this stupendous and awesome Jehovah entity. In reality, HE loves HER so much; he would wipe out whatever HE needs 2 in order 2 secure her love. But the powerful truth 2 how a lot of the system works is not even started 2B figured out until the middle twenty-two hundreds, I AM, (20) and (22), 22-HUNDREDS, yeah, DUH, when UR as close as I am in all of fucking this, it is impossible at all times 2 recognize clearly, the forest from the trees. No one really ate of that tree U know, if they had, they would know these blogs R totally power-ass real and true. Soon, I will tell the rest of the unbloggable tales, and it has nothing 2 do with Da Gama and his descendants or the Astral Plane or any family. A lot of it is pure math, and a lot of it, let’s just say, Y spoil it, when I tell it, U will know.

Saturday, I did not leave the house 2 come 2 the library, without that one thing happening that always lets me know ahead of time that major trouble is looming on the near-ass horizon 4 me. I go 2 tie a shoelace, and POW, it breaks. Then when I went 2 replace it, I observed that the new one has all ready been eaten into a ways, and is ready 2 break, do not tell me this was done by some innocent and benign force or thing, this is all way 2 fucking personal, and I should know, I have suffered through these patterns of disaster 4 a very long-ass time now.

It is very important when using the wisdom of GAWKY GAUKAUK 2 always use locations. If U omit locations, answers will not make a lot of sense. Still, there R times when real skill is needed when Gawnuming things. Rarely is it necessary 2 use highest compatibility numbers, of either 0-25-50-75-100%. I will not say ever, I will say it is very rare, usually; it is a matter of rewording and choices of language in the querying. Real smart peeps out here, know that this engineer was highly intelligent, I underestimated him and his family in the days of Sarah Jacobson. I do not underestimate him any longer. Just how does this great Teck Bay Mystery School professor of the ASTRAL PLANE fit into SARAH JACOBSON, and so many things that pertain 2 Mountainpen and Morianity?, as so many R indeed wondering and scratching a few white hairs remaining on ancient scalps. Well, Sarah Jacobson had many attributes of the All Mighty Scylla Goddess, the ability 2 come into my ‘night-life’ without any help from Alicia Bridges or other disco artists, the physical strength of a combined group of large grown men, beauty that could knock the wind out of any red blooded normal healthy male, mysteriousness and subtlety, and fascination with me, that was of a supernatural origin. Some have told me that my obsession with one powerful DREAM in early June of the year of 1980 is just plain ridiculous and stupid. My answer back is that as Michelle at the RPL Sound Studios would say it so well, UR entitled 2 your opinion, screwed up as it might B. My opinion that day in the argument that I had with her, also in the autumn of 1980, was based on powerful real shit that happened up in LINY 8 years earlier, and the greatest female recording artist on this planet knows 100% that this is all totally true, as she suffered greatly as a result of it, as a youngster, and I remembered stuff deep down, even then at RPL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have had one person tell me that perhaps this caused the interaction. No, but nice try dude!!!!!!!! A song like “Love Is 4 Carpenters” coming 2 a dude in his dreams out of nowhere cannot B explained in any kind of rational way, so believe whatever turns U on, BRO.

I could blog endlessly, and no one could ever know just what this experience was really like. In fact, the entire sequence of events, moving into the Robin Hill Apartments complex, on May first in 1980, the interaction the first week in June, the lottery number 495 dream in early middle autumn, and B4 that, the young dude who told me that he would destroy my vehicle, and sure enough, on the ride home from the recording studio that very night, his word proved out 2B as Marilyn McCoo might say 8 years further out into then, negative space, ‘SOLID GOLD’.

Let me get into Sarah Jacobson and a few things that were not yet blogged nor ever mentioned online not in any of my earlier blogging work, and I know I told about the Watergate deal that Misses Bassler was spellbound and fixated over, and we will tie all of this in but not today, as it is way 2 Tolstoy long BRAHHH!!!!!!!!!! Sarah was a giant beautiful 22 year old long dark haired goddess who wore absolutely zero make up. With no make up on at all, she looked better than all of the Disney kid stars and young adult stars or New York City fashion models, practically all put together, and hands down. When any boy would make eye contact with this giant goddess, he would fall all over himself. She talked slowly sort of like John Wayne in those western movies when he would act real tough, as in the movie where he told the man 2 climb down off of his high horse, all fans of the Duke know this and what I mean. She talked with authority and yet never raised her voice. She had a commanding presence, which even if she had been ugly as a hedge fence, would still have done the same job with equal effect. I witnessed her give a boy by the name of Steve, a powerful way over 6 foot tall in shape muscular teenager, and knock him literally into the air and right on his ass and totally unconscious. He had said something 23 this powerful goddess that if U know what is good 4 your physical life and health, U just did not say 2 this great queen. She liked me in a very special way; I was naturally frightened 2 death of this giant girl. We R gonna freaking leave this here 4 right now, it is incredible, as I began typing the first 2 words of this very sentence, SHE knocked off the blog, I managed 2 pull it up again by hitting the bar on the bottom-screen, and if the bar is not there, I would go into the file and just fucking pull up the title of SAFE JOURNAL, CHAPTER 0003. Still, this is SCYLLA’S way of letting me know she is watching me and not 2 say any more about HER SARAH JACOBSON personality, at least 4 now, SHE was reading my mind, as I was just then typing that this is all I was gonna say today on this topic aniwho, MCMCAAONMC!!!!!!!!!!!

I am however gonna now touch on some other stuff, touch, no time 2 harp, I am tired and merely am now about 2 open up some doors that will lead 2 some fantastic new corridors, that I will explore online later on at a different day and time, BRRR!!!!!!!! I told U how I was able 4 just more than 2 months, 2 have time and my own computer, in the later half of the springtime in 2008. The enemy is very predictable. When they do not like me having something, it is fucking taken from me every mother fucking time without fail. How anyone can say this is imagined really does in fact blow me away. The evidence is so clear and in the face of anyone reading these fucking words over any extended period of time. Y would I even want 2 attempt 2 make up a story like all of this, U have 2 honestly B willing 2 ask yourselves this questions B4U just openly and blatantly doubt me and say I am either a nut or a liar. Otherwise, the biggest fool and idiot, is U. Hay, I do not know Y giants have come into my life, well, let me not begin lying just after saying this is a true story. Let me back up and rephrase this just a bit. I did not until a week or 2 ago know this. But I did not doubt this, nor did I attempt 2 rationalize it all away and say I must B nuts or seeing things. Quantum physics has an equation that fits this, and if it is correct, it fits perfectly, all of this fits like a smooth and terrific glove on a cold winters day. That of course being a real memory, as this area may in fact experience a winter, but nothing like those winters up north, YO. The bible tells me certain things, QM tells me others, and put it all together, and Michael J. Fox and his silly Ed Norton Jiggawatts, begins 2 make some sense, this boy was in 1996, and is here, the same kid, the same age, only 14 years later, how did U say that Missourian statement, OYR?????

As 4 the entire pattern of me being messed with by invisible forces, let me tell U something. I can verify that the movie, Amityville Horror was inspired by my uncle’s first house on Long Island B4 the ‘toaster-oven’ fire, supposedly did a McGuire and burned things down. As 4 the other famous family atrocity in Massachusetts in the suburb of Boston known as Braintree, the internet does not tell the gruesome horror details, only that certain peeps related 2 me did what they did or died as a result. Uncle Arthur Huntington murdered his wife and his mother in law in their sleep with an ax, and then proceeded 2 go into the basement of the home and then he hung himself. Want 2 hang around this family anybody? Nobody wants 2 once I tell it BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hyperspace or the any individual universe existing inside of it is no different in one powerful way than the VOID itself, or the ASTRAL PLANE where thought energies find their way down from the 6th dimension and all of this and more, has one thing in common, it is very natural. Nothing really is complicated, in that, nobody is out there somewhere trying 2 use smoke and mirrors and parlor and magic tricks 2 fake us humans out. This is not what is real or is happening. This is not what BLUEBOOK is covering up. They R aware and do not want the rest of us 2B, that a powerful reason exists Y us humans feel the need 2 rest and recharge, and fall asleep, and have REM-sleep, and dream. Even those who do not remember dreams, do have REM SLEEP, this is fact and is all verifiable. LSS, the major intense cover up is real and there, and not 2 protect any ‘thing’, not aliens in space, not time travel, not paranormal activity, not the Bermuda Triangle, not secret research or experiments, NOT REALLY. Some lower level peeps in the chain may indeed believe otherwise, they R being bullshitted by their own upper classmen of the club. What is held so dear and secret and THEY WILL kill over it and ruin and wreck lives, is that there is a connective-ness 2 both this reality and all it contains, and other realities. This gateway is not some TV fantasy STARGATE, or any sci-fi other such silly fiction. It is all through the dream world, and has been named officially in the MORIANITY preaching’s, as EXPLORATRONICS. There may B 10 or 20 or 30 peeps on this planet, in charge of the rest of us via sheer ultimate governmental and other POWER, that totally know the power of the words of MORIANITY. This is Y every time I leave the library now, it is 2008 all over again, they R cleverly and subtlety telling me if I keep talking on a public terminal, they will covertly make my life hellish more and more, and they will not fucking stop me, in fact, now thanks 2 them pulling this shit, I have reexamined all things, and no longer plan 2 do the jetty fishing, nor telling SARAH 2 have a nice life!!!!!!!! This is how fucking low these crumb bag toilet water lappers really R, let me tell U what they did last Saturday. First they put a glitch into my medical system and stopped me from getting my needed medications. Then when I was trying 2 get my social worker, April Worthless Lee, 2 help me on this matter, they struck Wendy next door with some death beam, and an ambulance came rushing over and she was rushed over 2 the fort Pierce Hospital, where she remained until her release this Tuesday morning. They know that by doing this 2 her, she would B2 busy 2 help me with my problem, and sure enough, the plan was perfectly executed, and it worked 100%+!!!!! When I finally rectified matters myself this afternoon, I heard illegal taping on my line, and when the peeps from the medical plan had me on hold, I heard a voice laughing at me very softly, and then I was disconnected. I did not panic, I felt positive that if I remain calm and not tie up the phone, the lady would call me back, as if I had try 2 call her back, there is not one agent on the line, and I had not learned her name, and it would have only served 2 really screw things up. Sure enough 6 or 7 minutes later, after she had finished talking 2 Wal-Mart, where I get my meds refilled at here in town, she did call me back. I had the fucking last laugh on these diseased power mongers 4 a fucking change, HA-HA-HA-HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did I say WHO, Copyright Office of the great United States of America????????????? I do not think so, Mizz Discovery Zone, as this was 1982 or so, not 18 years out past that into negatively charged atomic space, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If I were 2 really get into some shit, I would keel over, I had a long miserable hot day, and want 2 go home and fucking relax now, so let me post up, Shakespeare knows we R players in a very special game that did not begin in ’83, nor did it 2 a Randle-Candle McGuire and burst the fuck into flame, huh Diana. U sure fucking know how 2 break your little boy’s heart DZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Horrific natural disasters R all coming, that is a FUCKING PROMISE, my entire existence was known about by the biblical fucking prophets a very long time freaking ago, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Estelle Bassler had a girl staying with her at the shop on Tennessee Avenue by the name, if my mom heard it correctly over the phone in 1997, of Nurockey, and if this is a correct spelling. There is a huge story 2 all of this, and Chester Perkowski and his forever altered life that is a part of it, YO, so just freaking wait. It will really get told now that I am good and fucking pissed off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL OF IT, whether any boys get kissed or not!!!!

8 lonely years, huh Governor Schwarzenegger? Sheeeeiiiit, sadness, tears, and earthquakes, get ready 2 freaking rock and roll everybody as it is coming, and THAT U can all know and depend on, BOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

End Transmish, all ye ol’ greatest fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PS, Y not check this out peeps?  BYE-BYE, y’all, whaaaa!!!!!!


July 3, 2010



“SAFE JOURNAL” blog chapter 0002

World Labs SBT DATFILE: 070310.530

Beginning Transmission:

Ever since the Mayor of Atlantic City, New Jersey, Robert Levy Senior, was no longer the mayor of this wonderful and lovely world renown town, I believe that I have in some way or ways been blamed 4 a series of things that all led up 2 all of this, and the eventual collapse of the life of this fine gentleman, and mayor. This is total bull crap, and one huge and gargantuan fantasy. I did nothing 2 this person, and have no reason 2 have ever done anything, despite family connections with a nearly 600 year old family that is recognized by history, in numerous and varying ways, some as a result even of little old nobody me, imagine that, world. Not all ordinary researchers and even fantastic computer-Googlers, will B able 2 verify many things, as only one powerful organization, religious in nature and based in Utah, has the ultimate records, as I will take liberties now in labeling and terming these files. This includes even, and this is the truth, the great Federal Bureau of Investigation. If however the powers 2B in this great nation, the USA, believed as does this Utah based organization, that powerful needed and necessary truths relating 2 present times, as well as out further into mankind’s negatively polarized spaces in the expansion, or (THE FUTURE), believed, and ‘knew’ what they believe and know in Utah, they would have at least the same or even better files, as they indeed have far greater resources, manpower, and monetary backing, still the world’s greatest system, and none other than the government of the United States of America, here in the USAESMWG. As this is not the case however, let us move on and deal with what is reality and keep it real as well as right here and right now, 2 quote the mighty Lieutenant Van Buren on the greatest law show of all times, “Law & Order”. My point with all of this being only that should even some peeps worth 7-11 digits in net worth, attempt 2 learn as much about their peeps as I may know, they may indeed find it useful 2 contact my sources, and not give my name, but they know who I am referring 2 and 4 a specific last name, U might ask the greatest disco diva if a certain name has a meaning 2 her, and then apply that name, DUH!!!!!!!!

I have a few things 2 say B4 moving on with anything further that goes along with things being talked about recently, allow and permit me Unk-Neb 2 just mention this brief newsflash 2 those that it may concern, and that is that this now is a journal 2 myself, and if others R reading, that is there right and privilege 2 do, as well as make comments or anything else, but at this point forward, this really is not meant 4 anyone, hence I do not give a toilet tissue end result what U say or think, and wish 2 remind some out here, that this is no different than radio or television or anything, in that if U do not like something, no one is forcing U2 go one second past what U do not like, U can just switch right away from anything, no one has any freaking gun 2 your head, am I correct, blog site controller, whoever these may B????? This is YI am now on 3 blogger’s websites that have no censoring, just the way that any REAL Americans want things, and also, we R presumably all over 21 or at least 18 here, and if not, U have no bizz complaining in the smallest bit, as U should not even B here, DUH. Still and all the Mountainpen is aware of many things going on around him and some think I am mentally challenged and a moron, and that again is totally your right and privilege 2 believe whatever the hell U wish, BRO and I would not ever ‘dream’ of taking that away from anyone, in fact I would gladly fight and die a million times over on any battlefield, and B laser retraced each time just 2 do it all over again without waiting 60 trillion years Ernie Merker, 2 do it again, 2 let all of us have these wonderful freedoms, PRAISE THE SAR (LORD), 4 those not knowing anything about the ancient tongue of the Aramaic. I put words inside single quotations because many peeps need 2 know that I know what I know, despite the entire population trying 2 tell me 2 join the Butt-Wipers Club of the World Club, even my own Social-Worker, Miss April Lee, and that is fine, again, the dying on the battlefield thing, like DUH!!!!!!!! UC peeps, U all have your lives and R no more than a product of all the seconds and days and years of them, and I do not need hour glasses or McDonalds 2 inform me of this reality, or old rerunning soap operas as well. I know what I know, on cold cloudy snowy days or hot Florida ones, Copyright Office of 2007!!!!!!!!!! I have gone through things that none of U would have survived a week or a month, let alone years and decades of this torture and monstrous hellish crap. U have your lives and stories as well peeps and this makes all of U exactly who and what all of UR, and that I can perfectly understand and totally dig, it is just a shame that most peeps cannot meet me close 2 half way on this issue, but guess what, I am not losing one minute’s worth of sleep as a result of this.

I told Brad, YI was glad, but no one on this planet has been told YI wrote these words in 1983. I can look anyone right in the eye and say this even though in my own mind, I am merely telling a life journal these facts now and I almost hope that everyone else is the hell off of it. I have had a man’s descendants wipe out an entire life journal kept on cassette tapes 4 about 26 years, and no ordinary journal, one that I had fucking hoped that I would get around 2 examining parts of much more closely someday such as the summer time in 1986, and learn some power house answers 2YI am going through so much hell with these horrible monster-ass people. Even the days when it started in the winter time in 1983, and right B4 the lightning Goddess Diana first contacted me in human form, my human form, not hers, all though ‘she’ did as well, no how-no nothing, right Copyright Office? When this monster who destroyed this journal through his biological DNA, out into negative space, did what he did just by being fucking born, and being himself, I speak of none other than the great explorer, Vasco Da Gama, who needs 2B recognized on spellchecker systems as this entire world would still B in the dark ages with no real technology without him and 2 other persons, but when he did this just by being born, and what he biologically produced, U all know he had women all over the globe, literally had thousands of them, knew them all in the biblical sense and had them as in not being a mutual consenting deal every time, but all this being freaking said, I now need a journal that he and his family never again can injure and wipe out and destroy, this family DESTROYS, and then have the freaking audacity 2 call me the “family destroyer”, actually the fiancé’ of one Joe King, one of VDG’s distant descendants called me this just over 13 months ago 2 this very mother pucking day!!!!!!!!! It is all right up there on the world’s first and greatest website that is owned by the mighty Google Engines, so just type in in the very last days of May in the doggie year, also sir Prince known as K9. If this was all genetically planned half a freaking millennium ago, think how important this journal REALLY was, huh MINI-GREAT JEWELLS???????????? Oh yeah, like U don’t know, maybe U even warned the truck dude how I was gonna kick him in his doo-doo-doo-doo-doo—doo-doo-doo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Call me weird and sick and crazy and delusional and totally fucked up but it is not all that easy 4 me 2 buy into all of these continual coincidences. I always knew that garage was bugged. Da Gama is angry at me, influencing me 2 look at the bottom of the compuker screen at the wrong time this early afterfreakingnoon, so let me freaking compensate 4 this latest attack, without cannon shots and daggers and cutting and washcloth lungs and fascinating crew numbers and years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5555555555555555 and 55555555555555555555 and 5555555555555555555 and 5555555555555555555555 times 555555555555555 is how many times U can go straight 2 the devil, U and your friend Jane, I will bet U and her had a fantastic time ashore a long time ago, in one of her freaking past lives!!!!!!!!! This attack is nothing, the one at 9:44 this morning beat the hell out of any old ones-clock-attack of Jane Fonda and Vasco!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We’ll get 2 this later on, so hold onto your loose teeth there Jimmy Rockford!!!!!!!!!! Right now, I need 2 start with shit that is really pissing me off, and if it does not stop, I am gonna B stopping into the fucking Fort Pierce Police Station 2 make a formal complaint. It may not do a lot of good, but I will feel avenged and a bit safer 4 a short time. In this war with Calliotamm and the gang, this is just how shit works, huh Dawn Goodfoodtotes King??????????? I will not stop my text talk, so green line my words all U want ass hole spellchecker. U tell it 2 ignore, and it goes right back on again. What a pile of pig shit BRAHHH!!!!!!!!! R my walls of text broken up enough 4U, BRO?????? The more U complain about the shit, the more the machine knows it and fucks with U, or at least me, better shut the shit up as mom’s old 1969 boyfriend would say 2 me on Haddon Avenue near Harner’s future barber shop, isn’t time powerful, it6 seems 2 level us all. Am I saying the truth Sally? Back now 2 1969 and maybe this is Y this all happened so I would not forget me ol’ point here lattés, whaaaaaa, so Y was I glad, and what really was I telling me ol’ pal Brad the Angel (messenger). I told him that Rodney warned me on the phone, about 2 weeks after he did and after I had written my song as a result, called, “That’s The Way It Goes”. I told him I am glad it is not the future yet, can U imagine a 14 freaking year old kid saying that shit 2 his pal? Far out BRRR!!!!!!!! I knew after this great comedian of the past now, told me that then, and all he said was “Stay away from the shore son”, but somehow his warning resounded inside the core of my being in a monstrous way, foreboding and frightening. I was never the same person after that quick few works of telephone exchange, YO!!!!!!! Yeah, so all of U had childhoods like mine huh, any of U, rock stars, fortune 500 execs, Washington Senators, anybody?????????????? This is YI suppose I identify with any child who I come 2 learn has indeed known what suffering is at a young age, I know what I am talking about, and so do many others. Yes I knew from that day forward, that my entire life was on some cosmic roadmap leading 2 only the powerful Astral Plane gods knew where. I was glad it was 1969, but I sure was not happy about the future and what a dude born exactly 500 years earlier 2 the very year, would do 2 me, just by being born, the great Vasco Da Gama. So now Copyright Examiners, U know just a little bit more about both me and the mysterious song lyrics that have been making their way down 2U over the past 23 years now, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now let me tell what has really started getting on my nerves and it better stop or it is off 2 the freaking police 2 file freaking ass charges.

Every single time I leave this library, EVERY MOTHER FUCKING TIME NOW SINCE THE START OF JUNE MORE THAN A MOTHER FUCKING MONTH AGO NOW, something happens 2 me, and it BETTER FUCKING STOP!!!!!!!!!! I left after posting up the first chapter of this newest book, called “SAFE JOURNAL”, and here is what followed instantly upon my merely walking 2 me ol’ vehicle that I had just had repaired after someone wiped out and killed my battery, costing me just over 114 dollars after taxes, we all pay taxes, even President Obama. It is mind bending that our President is not spell checker recognized, what world am I ‘dreaming into’ hurt feels and all here?? In continuing on with me pernt Archibald Bunk, and anyone else reading this, and really 4 me as this is my journal that the mighty VDG cannot destroy, nor can age and time as the old 1980 song lyrics go, DUH, but aniwho, all though eventually the sun will blow up and long B4 that, humanity will B gone, or said better, will B where it truly belongs, as it never really was here and ‘here’ is nothing but illusion aniwho. First, remember 2008. Remember how only 2 months in full were there 4 me 2 blog on MY OWN COMPUTER and also B free and have the entire week 2 do ANYTHING I WANTED AND SAY WHAT I WANTED WITHOUT TIME LIMITATIONS other than 24 hours in the day never being really sufficient 2 ever record my entire power packed fantastic and monster-ass evil wicked and horrendous life. Now let us compare these 2 things, just as ol’ Henry Fonda said with those 2 pieces of testimony in that great movie called “12 Angry Men”, only without any angry man saying “FUCK THIS SHIT” in high-G, huh dad in ’75!!!!!! It is all on there, when I started blogging back in the oh-six year me friends and me foes, whaaaaaa!!!!!!!! Only the year oh-six was not when ‘FUCK THIS SHIT’ was placed onto the movie master. This was done when it was made, no parlor tricks, just an ex-sound engineer happened 2B on the ball, that is all that is going on with this, ‘mi friend’!!!!!!!!!! Now exploratronic realities may or may not have played varying parts in MI, and lyrics 2 quite a few of me ol’ 1983 songs, and by the away, I pucked up and said late 1983 and early into 1984, I meant 2 say on a recent blog, I think it was the final blog chapter in the prior book with bloody shoes and Estelle Bassler taxicabs, but the time frame involved in songs sent 2 the USLOC from my Cinnaminson, New Jersey address, was a year later, my error Bruce Pennock. It was late 1984 into early 1985, so sahwee there Mister Japanese Ambassador, and watch the volume on the playback, YO. I was using noise and not signal, there is no max out distortion factor, I could have busted your entire sound system if I had so desired!!!!!!! C, I’m not such a bad guy!!!!!!!! Poor me and poor David Roth, YO!!!!! Now back 2 comparing 2 parts of ‘blogger’ testimony, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY DO NOT LIKE ME BLOGGING AND TELLING ALL OF THESE THINGS, and they have proven that THEY DO NOT LIKE ME DOING IT NOW FROM THIS FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA LIBRARY!!!!! Am I really so freaking pucking full of dog shit, BRO????????????  So do U really think I am a total dope there psychics and dream experts, like YO?????? Even DA GAMA blew the place away, and Y, because I am exposing and hollering out major hyper time ass monster truths and doing it publicly!!!!! What was struck first in the pucking interaction, but my home? Where was my home in this interaction? It was none other than, DUHH, this very place, the waking world Fort Pierce Library. How dumb do U think I am Astral Plane Game Players? Like I do not understand the lingo, DUHH, “PLAYERS” of DA GAMES, wow, does it really get a lot ‘pucking’ neck biting better than this, Barnabas Briggers Collins???????????????? Remember, it is YOUR sworn duty 2 protect me FORT PIERCE POLICE DEPARTMENT from crime, UR paid 4 doing this by taxes, and should I in fact become a victim of crime when I have told the authorities my problems and been laughed at all over fucking America, then so B it, but should I turn up in an ER or a morgue, then the real dance begins and the fat lady is only starting her song, BRAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I get 2 my vehicle and as I am walking over 2 it after leaving the library and posting up my last blog, when a van in blacked out windows is parked just a few feet away and blaring their offensive horrible music, right away I knew this spelled trouble with a capital freaking tee. A man was hovering around, tall and about my age, and did not look all that wonderful, in fact a savory character at best would describe him if I was forced 2 in a legal description. He also looked as though he did not want 2 do what he was about 2 do, the entire thing stunk 2 high hell and low heaven, YO. As I got closer 2 my car, he approached me and remember, I had just had the worst day of my life and just had my car hit big time. He said something and I replied that “I do not live in Florida”, I lied, so sue me. Her then persisted and got almost in my face, so I stared back at him, and up, he was no little dude. Then he said 2 me and I will quote, “I need some help” only it was the way he said this. A huge giant woman said this very same thing 2 me in late February in 1977 while I was near my apartment at Carriage Lamp in Clementon, New Jersey, USAESMWG, and my mom who was having that problem at the time, actually she had finished with it, the romance with that evil boss man of hers from the Chicago mob, actually the mob threatened him all the time, so he would not cooperate with some big mob boss, aniwho, this was shortly after all of this horse shit and she was staying with me and dad had just been sort of shoved out and we set him up with Frank Lombardo, a friend of the old music group friend of mine from northeast Philadelphia, Russ DeFlavia. He was borrowing money and stealing, and had made unwanted sexual advances 2 some of my friends who were married, and not contributing financially, and was just freeloading, and stealing objects and books, and on and on, and much more story exists here but time is not gonna permit it today. My mom saw this go down and I was busy trying 2 start up my moped, my license 2 drive was taken away from me at the time 4 a six month period, the judge had thrown the book at me recently 4 doing something wrong and I deserved it, no I was not using, I never in my life did these type of things, I am not one of ‘THEM’, U know, the DD’s. No not the birds that have flown the Millionth-Council coop, but the Da Gama Descendants. The entire story of how I lost my Jersey driver privileges at age 22 is all on earlier 2006 blogs on so if interested, it is there dudes!!!!!!!!!!! In any event, my mom threw a coat on and approached this humongous giant woman, and she left and I rode off 2 work 2 my print shop, the Mars Graphic Services in West Deptford, New Jersey, owned by Stephen Marcus. Long story short, I was innocent, my mom later told me the girl who said in the same tone of voice that this man used on me Thursday afternoon or early evening right outside in this very parking lot, saying and I quote, “I need some help”, admitted she had a car parked in the large mini-mall lot just behind a clump of bushes, and that she was gonna ask me 2 come over and that was gonna force me 2 have sex with her in it and even take me home with her. This is YI hate giants so much, they R pure evil, all women R!!!!!!!!! All they ever want is 2 target me, they R vicious. I told U that there R2 sides even 2 the 1986 story of my conquest phase with teenaged girls. When my journal goes on my own website shortly, and peeps go up there, there will B a sign caption saying, “Gone fishing, have a nice life SARAH”. Next 2 the sign will B a lovely picture of a jetty somewhere with lots of persons on it with poles, fishing!!!!!!!!!!! Only I will B able 2 access the blogs on this SAFE & PRIVATE JOURNAL. Then, I will tell how Julia White and this monster gang of frightening peeps, have created along with SSJK more than 32 experiments right here on this ball of vomit called Earth, each one separated by more than 100,000 years, and spanning 50 million years. One of these experiments, she had a huge place right here and lived here as the giant fish she was then, and all of us were big fish as well. She always takes on the shape and form of her dreams, we all do, only she as some of U know, is quite special, she is the most powerful ASTRAL PLANE GOD in the system, many religious persons of the present time call this entity by the name of JEHOVAH, her full name is SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KRASSLE, and this is all that is safely publicly bloggable. I am no match whatsoever 4 this powerful and totally awesome ASTRAL PLANE GOD/DESS and I admit that I will always fear HER and LOVE her forever and forever and for freaking ass ever peeps!!!!! That is simply put; Ziggy Pigpollutionads is just the way that it goes, BRO!!!!!! But my point is that every time that I leave here now, indeed, the cannon shots get fired, and I am getting very sick and tired of this lack of protection by the police and other authorities when I merely am totally and legally exercising my rights of free speech protected me under the United Stats Constitution. People that do not take their freaking ‘DREAMS’ seriously, NEED 2 BRO!!!!!

4 the past 2 days, my nose is running, or else I am stuffed up and cannot breathe out of it, cycling back and forth. Other flu-like symptoms also R accompanying all of this recent vicious chemtrailing attack that this area has experienced. Here R2 good websites, U can also Google up the subject, I am not making up squat, CHEMTRAIL/CONTRAIL/JET VAPOR TRAIL, there R tons of these sites, they R worth looking at, YO!!!! This morning at 9:44 Ante’ Meridian, I was in my own legally paid 4 residence and space on north 26th Street here in Fort Pierce, Florida, and was talking on the tape recorder about Mister Donald Bigfakehair Trump. I was saying how a certain commercial on television no longer was shown, right after Dawn pulled off a monster power house trick that Einstein would never have thought of that got here released very early from the Secaucus, New Jersey Rehab Clinic. It all fits and ties together, it is not provable, and this is not yet a non-public site, and thus I know when 2 shut the puck up and what not 2 say and do. I was saying however, that if I could ever prove all of this was done just 2 interfere with my blogging, and those 2 compared pieces of Henry Fonda Blogger Testimony, how the Donald would not B in 10 digit net worth, I would never go after the other party no matter what she may or may not do 2 me, as I totally know that she is SSJK, and I fear HER with all my soul. As I mentioned on the recording device that the great man would need 2 take good care of the hair with his new reduced net worth upon a successful suit, a total impossibility but I can joke around on my own taped journal if I like 2 when Da Game is not there 2 cut me up and all apart, washcloths and bloody lungs and all, but here is what mother fucking happened all of a sudden. I put the recorder down 2 pick up a bowl of cereal I was eating, very tiny pieces of cereal like Rice Crispies and a tiny flying insect came out of nowhere and flew right into my face, causing me 2 drop the cereal all over myself and the floor, and totally mother fucking cunt lapping botbaring my day, as every fucking diseased day here in this diseased fucking state of Florida now appears 2B BOTBAR 4 me!!!!!!!!! This stands 4 ‘BOTTOM OF THE BARREL ALLREADY RATED’ 4 THOSE INTERESTED, YO!!!! This was a powerful MINI-DROID ATTACK from the MILITUFORCE, that R literally behind all things that fly and have the power 2 by overcoming gravity, this parlor trick is also called, and yet not recognized by many skeptics like Paul Evans Pedersen of Studio Park Records and his ripped off partner Mark Wayne Mohr, back in Clementon, New Jersey, near those lovely Carriage Lamp Apartments, in 1998, 21 years after a close call rape and kidnapping by one of Paula King’s many doppelgangers of the pucking world of somnambulism, aerodynamics. Interesting parallels, U cannot escape them no matter how U try, and yet April Lee just laughs, or does she, and is this all part of some absolute diabolical plan of Scylla’s, yet unrevealed 2 me, DUH???????????????? Oh well, anyone doubting who really invented SPR, can check the United States Copyright Office and my ol’ whittle book from 1994, 4 years earlier than good-ol’ 1998, called “THE PERMISSION BARRIER, in which my name of the soon 2 arrive on the soon record company, SPR, is right there, and the examiners all freaking ass know it, monster ass fires and all, Randle Candle MC-GUIRE!!!!!!!!  All my life, one rip off after another, and when it is not a rip off or a fucking set up, it is some huge giant cunt trying 2 rape me, or in the case of (1998) I was raped, again, just as B4, by the mighty lovely giant 7 foot monster, PAULA!!!!!! B CAREFUL, like what, say what player? IT IS ME THAT NEEDS PROTECTION FROM U and your WAVES, not the other freaking way around, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go do it 2 yourself, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

END TRANNY, ROTTEN LOUSY MISERABLE OLD GRANNY!!!!!!!!!!! And without INTEG, U will ALL B OLD GRANNIES, HA-HA-HA, and I will PEE on your graves, and LOVE IT MAXWELL MAXFIELD!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go get’em stock-broker Jan.


July 1, 2010


“SAFE JOURNAL” Blog Chapter # 0001

WORLD LABS DATFILE: C0001-070110.682

Beginning Transmission:

This was the most horrible monster ass mother fucking attack of my entire life, and I knew that the moment I awoke this mother fucking cunt eating miserable cock sucking bastard ass filth-bag morning, that indeed it would freaking B, BRO!!!!!!

The sky is off the scale, chemtrailing all day, super ass fucking bad. The crash level zenithing planes and choppers and military shit garbage from the MILITUFORCE and the WOMOTAMMITES after they all ready wiped me out and cost me an eighth of a thousand hard earned cock sucking dollars, was off every meter and ever dial. They wiped out my fucking automobile and caused me serious mother fucking property damage, just as Ann King Silva threatened would B the case in her mother fucking sick diseased AIDS letter, BOOM, it all is happening. She SAID, “THINGS MAY GET WORSE 4 ME IN FLORIDA”, and they R off the charts worse, OFF THE MOTHER FUCKING CHARTS MOTHER FUCKING WORSE, MY FRIENDS AND FUCKING FOES. All I can say is that their fucking stock market must have fucking flown today, and I have had the most POWERFUL DISEASED MONSTER FUCKING ATTACK IN MY ENTIRE MOTHER FUCKING LIFE LADS AND LASSIES AND FUCKING LABRADOR RETRIEVERS, YO!!!!!!!

On top of this, the PUSSY COMMAND IS 4 THE MOST PART, FOLLOWING SUIT WITH THE MAJOR AERIAL PERSECUTION, and is off the m0other fucking dials and meters and charts times ten 2 the mother fucking power of a trillion, YO!!!!!!!! Aerial shit has not been this bad since I FIRST CAME DOWN 2 MOTHER FUCKING DISEASED COCK SUCKING ASS HOLE FREAKING FLORIDA, N-E-V-E-R ——- E-V-E-R, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Something monster ass huge shit time hyper cubed, MUST B FUCKING GOING DOWN, BRAHHHH!!!!!!!!!! U can take all of that bull shit straight into hell, as well as 2 the bank of Uncle Heinz Gottwald of Long Island, New Fucking York, also known sir dick in the mouth PRINCE, as CHEMICAL NATIONAL OF MANHATTAN. !!!!!!! They killed my car, I knew it was hit 3 or 4 days ago after again, LEAVING THIS DISEASED FUCKING LIBRARY, where the pope my end up mother fucki9ng Canonizing me yet, BRO, literally, as when a car made after this century came in, is in the slightest way hard in starting, EVERY FUCKING TIME, IT MEANS FUCKING TROUBLE, EITHER RIGHT THEN OR SHORTLY, “DOWN THE FUCKING ASS ROAD”, YO!!!!!!!!! Sure enough, it remained a tad bit hard 2 start since I posted up the end of the last blogging book, and sure enough, after an all ready super fucking bad day at work, while returning home 2 relax and unwind just a short while and sip on a cold drink, and then head back out, POW, Vascular cutting Vasco DG at his worst, and there sure ain’t NO DOUBT ABOUT ANY OF THIS SHIT, HUH MISS CHILLIE ASS MCKINNON, YO!!!!! I am getting real sick of this fucking shit, it has been going on ever since August the fucking fifteenth of the year fucking nineteen-eighty-shit ass six, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not imagining it, but try telling any of this 2 anybody else. Even my social worker April, an appropriate name symbolically in light of the past 26 months of hell thanx 2 three extremely power ass human beings, or maybe human, Chris, Ed, and Sky!!!!!!!!!!!! In any event, would this make a freaking Motley Crew indeed, huh great-great-great—…cramps!!!???????????? Oh sure, and at the freaking ass shore, this is all crazy and nuts, and I have nothing at all better 2 do than make claims of total bullshit, and create unbelievable stories made up of nothing but sickness and fucking delusions.

I will shortly B finding out how 2 have a really-REALLY safe-journal, and a PRIVATE JOURNAL. If I thought that except 4 a few government hackers could read this, I would spill my fucking sick diseased fucking guts, but I know that I do have some readers. Certain things R so totally fucking unbloggable 2 the public, not that I fear ramifications or legal hassles, as I would have many ways 2 win out through this sort of shit and this is Y it is never a pertinent reality with me, but still, I feel that lots more retaliation illegally could indeed B carried out, or away, in the case of 1983, and Ernie Merker’s Blond High Tides, DUH, and we all know what that slants and stands 4 BRAHHHHH!!!! I know that DFORCES OUT THOUGHT ME ERNIE, SIR, and did a lot more than take my life away, cause property damage, and plan exploratronically 2 get me 2 run the mother fucking hell into a strange dude and friend of a friend, named Jim Burr, this person being, a dude named Zvonko, and he spelled it differently and had a last name naturally, but I neither know or ever knew his sir-name, nor the correct spelling of his freaking Christian one, like freaking DUD, or Dirty-Ugly-Hell, describing my horrific off the fucking scale day today, YO!!!!!! Just watch the stock cheated manipulated market shoot up 5000 points over the next few days and weeks now after this fucking brutal assault on me, and it must B 20 thousand points by now after all this fucking bullshit around me at light speed freaking cubed, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOLD U ALL, this week would B HORRENDOUS, told U GINA, it is all on the last blog that ended the previous blogging book, YO!!!!!!!!!

When I left the library 5 days ago 2 go home following my post up and hard 2 start car problem, a dynamite super teenager was checking me out super ass hyper monster fucking time, a delicious Afro-American dish, like WO!!!!!!!! Man, do these forces want 2 carry me off 2 County Jail, huh Ernest Merker, sir!!!!! A child can freaking C all the shit that is going on. But the job is off the scale ridiculous. A real giant over 6 and a half feet and built like a lovely ass tank, jet ass black, young as piss but totally over legal 18 there Senator Marguerite Simpson, paid me quite a compliment, telling me the R in my name MARK stands 4 ‘radiant’. She is a super beauty queen. But that is nothing. People all think I am half my age, and it is so ridiculous the way these girls flirt with me. The dude I told U about is still around, but I am learning 2 cope with him and his games, believe me, he has no idea who is gonna become out there about 50 or so trillion miles in reverse polarity atomic space, the ‘future’. The HUNTINGTON CURSE is so bad, that it does not matter where in ‘space’ or ‘time’ that I would go, I could literally B anywhere in the entire 400 septillion mile expansion and all of its times, positive or negative space, and all of its parallels on varying atomic signatures, and this would all happen, in any event in one way or another. Ernie, U did it, U and big bad Donna, YO!!!!!!!!!! I should write a new song and call it, “SAD BOYS”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I had listened 2 my good sense back in 1975, and every year since, when a voice inside my head told me that I can either kill myself, or B sorry I didn’t do it, more and more with every passing year, and wow, was this power ass house voice on the freaking butt wiping money, YO!!!!

Ever wonder Y my blogs talk about powerful machines and yet here I sit, broke, fucki9ed, in constant trouble and fucking turmoil, and on and on? The answer is so simple it’s biting the fleas on your own freaking dog’s peeps!!!!!! Things may seem simple, but it is like the old syndrome of it looks easy 2 the viewer, but!!!!!!! And no, this is not a computer Stacey Lattisaw job here. Many have watched a person doing a job, and it they should later on attempt 2 tackle the same job, they say something along the lines, “YO, that looks easy but when U try and do it, like shit, this is hard dude”!!!!!!!! U bet it is. If I could ‘just do’ the things that many wonder YI do not just do, I WOULD B DOING IT, and Mizz UMWELL knows exactly what I’m referring 2 here, BRO. Patents on machines R very expensive, and so R parts. Secret formulas R not easy 4 nobody’s like me 2 safely get protected, trademarked, registered and so forth. Even copyrighting songs and music is a joke. The music industry loves 2 do close copies of any real good catchy parts and pieces. When U have no money 2 fight them and they know who has what, even any good Googler knows the pretty close net worth amount that any person on this fucking planet is indeed worth. Look, I have been there/done that, as the expression of the past 2 decades still goes on today, if I could break out of this nightmare situation that I am in, peeps, I WOULD!!!!!!! One of the fucking reasons that I keep me whittle Herman Munster mouth shut about many things is because it is a total and 100% reality, that by not shutting the fuck up, things around me only get far fucking worse, real ass quickly and horribly, YO!!!!!!!!!  No one would believe a thing, so I no longer care. I know Zvonko happened, I know Ernie and the RPL SOUND STUDIO all happened, but worse than that and all the kings and queens and lies of evil men, and lady luck singing her blues songs, but there is a much worse and wilder and weirder darker side 2 so much of all this shit that I have not even started 2 ever really let out, and these things can B proven and fact checked, and 4 doing this, I would have everything destroyed, my vehicle would B in 10 pieces, and I’d most likely B in pieces as well at the bottom of the mother fucking Indian River, floating out with Blondie’s next freaking high ass tide, YO!!!!!!!! I know what powder kegs I am sitting on, and 4 those reading this and thinking, it is just about some peeps with name recognition or other silly nonsense all along these such lines, then U can all totally think again, or just imagine any of that and then multiply what I really know by what U think this is limited 2, by about 500 times, BRO!!!!!!!!!

Since this sick shit out here wants 2 play rough and dirty, here R a few old days ‘ratsantats’ and footballs 4 me new coworker not from the future, I merely totally know his future, YO: Did U ever wonder Y Jimmy told me these things, Copyright Office of the freaking United States? Did U ever wonder how I got my hands on that stuff, I remember U asking me about my junk, or as Dawn might say, “MY SHIT”? OK, so I lied, it really was a CD machine cuing up, and my tape from 1984 proves I travel through time, and this is indeed Y Rog was interested in me, the dude is a LAMBRIGGER, part of a huge cult more than 330 thousand strong, and source based on the ASTRAL PLANE of existence. Did U ever wonder Y Jimmy’s knife attack over at the Camden High School was not fatal? Did U ever wonder Y presidents of the United States never ever seem 2 catch or get the common cold or the ‘flu’? I could go on and on, so the dirtier that U bastards out here want 2 play, just know please, that I can fucking play your game as well, mother ass fucking jerk off slime suckers!!!! How much more else gets said on this SAFE-JOURNAL while it remains in public domain, and B4 it becomes my SAFE-PRIVATE-JOURNAL, As 4 last week leading all up 2 this incredible week, there is so much 2 say that it is not worth starting on this blog, after-all this is the opening, the first chapter, there will B many others that will follow. Disinformation Strategies, and Operation Bluebook, as well as later on, this entire Political Correctness Movement, R3 things that literally took Planet Earth and altered it not only irrevocably, but hellishly beyond anyone’s wildest ideas, concepts, or maxed out imagination levels, BRR!!!!!!!!!

When Zvonko the inventor friend of Jim Burr’s came over 2 my place with his machine, in 1974, it was not the machine it was years later. At the earlier time it merely was a weird record changer turntable that had a bright beam of light shine down and somehow the recording played with a fantastic sound 2 awesome 2 really describe. Later on, he had made a powerful bunch of alterations 2 this device, and then there came the ultimate 2 separate devices that were compatible and connectable 2 each other. A few months after he came over with the earliest version of this device, my dad popped up out of nowhere after being ‘away’ 4 nearly a solid 10 years. My dad knew entire things about the future, yet forgot that it was the future. This gets both hairy and scary. U must get into a book written in the nineties by Doctor Bruce Goldberg, entitled, “TIME TRAVELERS FROM OUR FUTURE”. Then and only then will U really B able 2 start examining things that I say in a new and improved light and with some real enhanced meaning. B4 my dad and Zvonko however, were many unexplainable and totally outlandish things that were also ‘popping’ into my life, and then later on after these 2 events, more and continued wild shit just kept right on happening. Peeps that have the ability 2 defy odds 2 astronomical 2B real in any real world, such as repeat mega jackpot lottery winners, R very much as my father was. Objects as simple as hole punchers would always go missing if U let them sit there in plain view of my dad. There is a lot 2 this story. Gene Roddenberry and his great writing staff know the New Jersey secrets, this was not one of those unintentional and coincidental deals no matter how much they will naturally insist that indeed they R. I mean really, I just murder a man, then a cop asks me was I there at the scene, and there is a great chance 2 get away with this if I just deny being there, like I am gonna fucking say, “duh, yeah, I was there, and I killed him officer. I would really do that, huh Gene Platforms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Both the GAWNUM and the GAS tell fantastic tales, yet I only told about the gas one time, when the wind was blowing, and the stars were not doing a lot of kissing, nor were a lot of rivers doing a lot of flowing nor mind running, still, coming and walking through the Finnesterre Apartment Complex after getting the fucking Christ-ass shit kicked out of me by a couple of Callio-McGuire-King sent ruffians and same-name clueless antique dealers, as David Roth said so perfectly 2 me B4 they bumped him the fuck off peeps, First, “THEY” get U isolated Mark, then they attack U” Sort of like Jack McCoy and the New York City Veteran Mailman, how he was making closing arguments in the television show called, “L&O”, and how he said, that he made sure 2 get his victim out away from the light and away from any witnesses. Great show, it makes me know more every year, that all my belief systems of the cosmos working out its own cosmic equations, R indeed the only possible explanations 4 what is going on around me and in my own life on a day by day basis. None of U, not U Mister President, no rock star out here, not the POPE, none of U have the knowledge or the awareness of what I have, and can literally know that if U were 2 get onto a blogging website and say just the right or maybe the ‘wrong’ thing, that the entire world would literally all but blow up in 12 hours, U think this is a joke, I have 2 contend with this 24/7 and carry this ball and chain around like a Huntington fucking noose. On top of that, some think they have figured out a lot of shit because of what I said in my past blog back on Saturday, and R still clueless, I can totally assure U all of that.

Local forces, not 2 my area now here in Florida, but in the past back in Jersey, blame me 4 Levy and his fucked up life. My life was literally attacked right after he went swirling down the drain. They think this is a show of power and force 2 warn me in a covert way not 2 fuck with them. I never fucked with U, Mister Mayer, it was Dick Wolf who seemed 2 know the entire story long B4 it made its way into the present time illusions, so go figure, butt wipes!!!!!!!! Jennifer Washburn, I feel UR there, one of Blogaudians, when U get a spare moment, U really did believe in me. I made a huge error in coming down here. I should have let Dawn Marie King kill me back in New fucking Jersey.

As 4 inventors and inventions and secrets told by the Jim’s of this planet, may the gods B merciful, I know how 2 build a tekiputer. I also know how 2 turn old people into young and vibrant adults. I also know how 2 put thick full hair back on even a bald persons head, in one treatment, but these things will remain my secrets. If 4 no other reason, just 2 gall the few who hate me and wish they had the fucking guts 2 call my bluff, publicly, I will tell U that many other great formulas and machines on teck-drawing, could B made by me today, if I had the backing. Still, not one person on this planet could ever get me now 2 build anything, or share one single formula. 4 the atrocities committed on me, this world can go straight into mother fucking fiery ass monster shit hell!!!!!!!

Keep this sit up bastards, and wildfires and storms and floods and quakes will wreak super time havoc on this wicked weevil planet of yours, bank on that one there late King Neb. I will say so much more later on, this day was very bad, I need some food and rest, or I will totally give up the mother fucking ghost, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As usual with a day this bad, the library machine is printing the work of another patron and wasting my paper, I am getting some help now, this is an inserted line.

End Transmission: