02/06/2013, just shy of one AM-EST


Friday, August 31, 2007

Thank U Sarah Stacey Jehovah my teen queen

The Dow shot up yesterday telling me that a recent thing that I thought would work out 4 my good, will naturally NOT. The criminal justice system in this country is a total joke, and I will amend my comments, if thing today work out differently than it appears right now that they will go. Giant Paula’s second cousin once removed, or some similar type of family mumbo jumbo, lost her baby on Wednesday, and a few hours later, she snapped out and hit and spit on half of the Hammonton Police force, and was taken to county lock up. She all ready is on parole and probation for numerous violent acts, yet never gets violated nor sent back 2 jail. There R those that can away with anything, and those of course that know beyond a doubt that if they get caught spitting out a stick of gum on the street, would B locked up 4 months, and back sass an officer, and make that years in the hotel. It really is not fair at all Jack McCoy, and this is YI am glued 2 this great show, “L&O”, Jack my ol’bud says it all, coincidences R bull shit, and laws R in duplicate, ones 4 the super rich, and others 4 all the other ‘poories’. I really feel 4 Paula’s younger 2nd cuz, but she is a dominatrix that uses men day and night and really basically hates us and has no respect 4 us as human beings. I can B sick as a dog, and she will insist that I take her here and there, and her mom who is sick with a terrible medical problem takes even more of the brunt of all of this than me and others around her, and she gets spit on and pushed and hit on a regular basis, and the probation officers of this crummy county won’t violate her. She plans to leave jail today, ROR and yet she originally was on a cash only bail bond of 15 grand and all of her friends and family together would not b able 2 raise this sum, yet it all gets changed, and out of jail she comes, the entire system is absurd. Right now her mom is here with Ed Himacane, her ex-neighbor from Judge Rasu’s rental house, that if INS ever knew what was going on, they’d B over with warrants, salivating, and there goes judgie wudgies reputation. This whole area and county is so crooked it disgusts me. Have seen private photographs from Ann with Levy’s buddy the ex mayor, and B4 I go on Ed’s computer got hacked, even he cannot fix the printing font back 2 where it was, notice the tiny asterisk, not the full sized one like 8888*******, sorry, too much hacking, they will not allow me to print anything except tiny asterisks, remember in the last blog when 2 asterisks appeared, look at what I said during the hack, connecting what else but these wicked evil diseased GODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Back to Mayor Whaelon and Mayor Levy, and all of their bar pals, including McGuire, Callio, and lots of other toughies. These evil people are dangerous and all of them love sexual misconduct with under aged people. Loud planes, major death beam diarrhea attacks every night, hacking, and on and on, is ongoing, and of course the Dow Jones goes UP UP UP UP AND UP!!!!!!
I am so naïve and innocent. Thought several people were on my side, but must now C the good possibility that I misread some things, and should not propel my thoughts so quickly into positive modality. The movies recently made, and lots of things, oh well, it all started 40 years ago, and I believe the Lamist Brigger Cult or the [LBC] 4 short, just like the fictional character of Wall Street King Skylar Rumson, on the great soap of the sixties called DARK SHADOWS, has an entire covert army of those who look around 4 ideas that they can make small legal alterations with and sell the idea for a few hundred bucks a pop, while crooked recording and film industries make the lions grab share of the loot. No prob Rob, and if I misjudged, very sahwee!!!!!!!!!!,
The Phillies took Sarah’s old broom from 1983 and 113 More Shinny Big Moons, © Mountainpen, and swept the scuzzy fucking Mets cleaner than the great Stacey Krassle’s whistle.






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